Bradford Abbas

Preston's School, Admissions Register 1800 - 1825

From microfilm of original documents at the Dorset Record Office:


"We hereby constitute and appoint John CUSTARD to be Master of the School in Bradford Abbas, originally instituted by the Rev. William PRESTON for the purpose of  meeting(?) and instructing eight poor children, Inhabitants of the said Parish and Clifton Mawbank in Reading, Writing and Arithmetic according to the full intent and meaning of the Deed of Settlement of said School dated this day for which he is to receive a Stipend or Salary of eight pounds per an.

As witness our hands this March 18th 1800

The School to commence from Lady Day next."

Signed Edward Matthew WEST

            John WILLIAMS

            John BARTAR

            Thos. THOMPSON


   Note: Quarter Days - Lady Day 25th March; Midsummer Day 24th June;

                                  Michaelmas 29th September; Christmas Day 25th December

Name of boy or girl Parents Admitted Left
Wm. MILBORNE John/Betty 26.3.1800 4.7.1800
Mattw. PARKER Robt./Martha 26.3.1800 15.4.1805
George KING Robt./Martha 26.3.1800 2.5.1803
John HODGES John/Mary 26.3.1800 22.3.1802
Hannah GARRETT Robt./Mary 26.3.1800 died May 1803
Elizth. STONE Chas./Rebeckah 26.3.1800 Christmas 1804
Elizth. RIDOUT Wm./Jane 26.3.1800 22.9.1800
James ADAMS Rich./Mary 26.3.1800 19.1.1801
John Daniel STEPHENS -/Hannah 22.9.1801 St Michael 1806
Jno. LONG -/Katherine 16.2.1801 23.4.1804
Laza./JILLS (Lazarus?) -/Betty 29.3.1802 24.11.1805
George GARRETT Geo./Mary 9.5.1803 Christmas 1804
John MASTERS Thos./Mary 12.5.1803 St Michael 1807
George READ Thos./Rose 23.4.1804 17.3.1807
Solomon GARRETT Henry/Betty 4.7.1804 10.6.1807
Mercy DUNHAM James/Susannah 7.1.1805 18.1.1808
Mary BISHOP Luke/- ?.?.1805 18.1.1808
Benj. BISHOP Thos./- 15.4.1805 Midsummer 1811
Wm. GARRETT Hen./Betty 2.12.1805 Midsummer 1809
John KING Robt./Charlotte 4.11.1806 Midsummer 1810
Rich. FUDGE James/Mary 19.3.1807 Lady Day 1809
Chas. GARRETT Henry/Betty 10.6.1807 Midsummer 1809
Wm. PEACH Robt./Ann 28.9.1807 January 1810
Matthew HELYAR Wm./Lucy 5.3.1808, age 5 ½ June 1812
Thos. DODGE -/Mary 16.1.1809, age 8 Christmas 1812
Wm. DUNHAM (crossed out)Phil.?/Ruth 12.8.1809 This boy never came to school.  
Robt. SHERRING Mrs SHERRING, widow 12.8.1809 24.5.1813  
David GARRETT Isaac/Mary 12.8.1809 Midsummer 1812
Luke GARRETT Henry/Betty 13.7.1810 14.6.1815
Wm. EDGAR Joel/Ann 9.7.1810 March 1814
John SMITH Philip/- Jan 1810 St Michael 1812
James READ Thos./Rose 16.9.1811 10.10.1816
Robt. HOBBY John/Sarah 8.7.1812 10.10.1816
Wm. PARSONS Geo./Betty 17.12.1812 Christmas 1816
John PAVITT John/- 13.1.1813 1.11.1820
Thos. GARRETT -/Mary 18.1.1813 Christmas 1817
John ABBOTT John/Ann 24.5.1813 20.1.1818
Matthw. BEER Adam/Sarah 1.3.1814 31.5.1819
Mark SMITH Philip/Ann 11.6.1815 1.11.1820
John RIDOUT Thos./Jane 6.7.1818 18.11.1820
Joseph? RIDOUT (not given) 6.7.1818 29.2.1820
Windham WOOLMINGTON Joseph?/Betty 4.12.1817 30.4.1822  
James GARRETT Rich./Sarah October 1816(?) 29.8.1819
John NOTLEY Chas./Betty 2.9.1818 1.7.1821
Benj. WHITE Jno./Martha 1.6.1819 1.9.1821
Geo. NEWMAN Geo./Mary 1.11.1820 1.7.1821
James CHANT Geo./Betty 18.10.1819 April 1824
Geo. BISHOP -/Ruth 12.1.1821 January 1824
Geo. READ Geo./Sarah 2.3.1820 October 1825
John CRIDLAND Wm./Mary 1.5.1822 28.3.1823
Edmd. READ Amos/- 20.9.1819 7.6.1823
Luke LOSCOMB Philip/Sarah 16.9.1821 1.3.1822
Mark LOSCOMB Philip/Sarah 4.3.1822 April 1824
Andr. READ Geo./Sarah 3.12.1821 (not given)
Geo. HELYAR Wm./Lucy 16.7.1821 October 1824
Mark NEWMAN -/Mary 15.4.1822 18.11.1823
Mark KING Peter/Ann 28.3.1823 28.5.1823
John GARRETT Isaac/Mary 28.5.1823 (not given)
Edw. JILLS Sam./Susan 7.6.1823 (not given)
Fredk. MASTERS Wm./- 18.11.1823 (not given)
Geo. RING Joseph?/- October 1824 (not given)
James? CHAINEY (not given) January 1824 (not given)
Esau NOTLEY Charles/- November 1825 (not given)
Jonas RIDOUT Thos./- September 1825 (not given)

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