Hazelbury Bryan

The Last Will & Testament of WILLIAM GAULLER (1597) of Hazelbury Bryan

Transcribed and donated to the Dorset OPC project by Ros Dunning
[Note paragraphs added to improve readability]


In Dei Nomine Amen The Sixe and Twentith daye of October in the yeare of our Lord God One thowsand ffyve hundredth nynetie seaven, I Willyam Gauller of the parrish of Haselbury Bryan being Sicke of bodye but of good and perfect remembrance (thankes be geven to Allmightie god) doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in forme following

ffirst I bequeath my soule into the handes of Allmightie god my maker Savyour and Redeemer and my bodye to be buryed at the Churcheyard of Haselberry aforesayd

Item I geve to the poure people of Hasleberye aforesayd Sixe shiilings eighte pence
Item I geve unto my wife ffortye shillings all my househould stuff unmoveable within dore (except my....) All my corne my blacke hawked Cowe And my interest whiche I have in my father in lawe John Kingdon his Tenement wth it foure poundes by the yeare for and during the terme and space of nyne yeres or so muche as is specefied in a bill Indented betwixt us
Item I geve unto the Childe whiche my wyfe nowe goeth withal the some of Thirty poundes lawfull english money to be presently payd after it shalbe borne And to be used to the best proffytt of the Childe according to the determynation of my Overseers undernamed And further my will is herein that if the sayd Childe shall happen to dye unmarried Then the said Thirtye poundes be devided (viz) Twentie pounds to my wyfe and Tenne pounds to my Sister in lawe Ellner Levett
Item I geve unto my mother Agnes Levett my blacke breynded Cowe
All the rest of my goods moveable and unmoveable I doe geve and bequeath unto my daughter Margarett Gauller whom I doe make and appoint my sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testamt And my will is herein That if my daughter Margarett Gauller shall happen to dye unmarried Then my said goods which I have geven and bequeathed unto her by the determination of my ffower Overseers undernamed I doe appoint to be devided as followeth: Tenne poundes to my wyfe Tenne pounds to my Childe which my wyfe now goeth withal Tenne pounds to my Sister in lawe Ellner Levett ffortye shillings to my brother Roger Gauller fforty shillings to my Sister Gauller and ffortye shillings a peece to Henry Levett's three sonnes John Levett Willm Levett and Thoms Levett

In the presence of William White and John Stickley with others And I do appoint my trusty Overseers Thomas Young Thomas Keate Bishoppe Gauller Henry Levett

30 October 1598 Administration with Will annexed to Johanne Gauller relict of William Gauller on behalf of Margaret Gauller a minor

PCC Prob11/92

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