Amsterdam (1611) (1) 'Anabaptists': Long before the English Baptist movement came into being there had been 'Anabaptists' in England. 'Anabaptists' held that infants were not punishable for sin because they had no awareness of good and evil and thus could not yet exercise free will, repent, and accept baptism. Denying the validity of infant baptism, they accepted adult baptism, which was regarded as a second baptism by those outside the group who identified them as 'Anabaptists'. Although there were many differing factions, they should not generally be confused with the Baptists who were to establish a church in London in 1611. From the earliest of days Dorchester had been a place to which non-conformist religious sects gravatated. Although many of these suffered persecution there were many others that surfed the changing political climate such as the Rev John WHITE (1575-1648) who worked tirlessly to create a more Godly community within the existing church of England. In 1611 the English Baptist movement was founded in Amsterdam by John SMYTH MA (1570?-1612) ![]() This however was the origin of the General Baptist denomination. They gained their name because they believed with the followers of the Dutch theologin Jacobus Arminius, that Christ died for all men. They therefore believed in 'general redemption' from their first beginings. They repudiated infant baptism and Calvinistic predestination, and affirmed the Armenian view of individual responsibility for the salvation of one's soul. In 1633 A church of independents broke away and formed the first Calvinistic or Particular Baptist Church in Southwark. They believed that Christ died only for the elect, but they too rejected infant baptism and shared a very similar position on many aspects of the doctrine of the church to the General Baptists. In 1640 The first local Baptist Association was founded in Bristol. In 1644 A Confession of Faith was published by the Particular Baptists. This was a theological agreement, but not an organisational conjunction, between the General and Particular churches. They adopted baptism by immersion, and most Baptist churches admitted only those who had been so baptised. the Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire churches, influenced by John Bunyan, were the chief exceptions to this rule. 1642-1651 - The English Civil War was essentially a dispute between Parliament and King for ultimate sovereignty over the affairs of the nation. However there was a strong religious undercurrent to the dispute as on the one hand the Crown drew its support from Roman Catholics and the strong Anglo Catholic wing of the Church of England. Whilst, on the other hand, Parliament was greatly influenced by the new Dissenting churches, the Presbyterians, the Baptists and the Independents. Although few in number Baptists were to hold a large number of important posts in Cromwell's new army and Government. ![]() The King believed that Puritans (or Dissenters) encouraged by five vociferous members of the House of Commons, John Pym, John Hampden, Denzil Holles, Arthur Haselrig and William Strode along with Viscount Mandeville (the future Earl of Manchester) who sat in the House of Lords, had encouraged the Scots to invade England in the recent Bishops' Wars and that they were intent on turning the London mob against him. When rumours reached the court that they were also planning to impeach the Queen for alleged involvement in Catholic plots, Charles decided to arrest them for treason. On Tuesday, 4 January 1642, the King entered the House of Commons to seize the five members but forewarned they were absent. After his failure to capture the five members and fearing for his family's lives, Charles left London for Oxford and the Country descended into Civil War. Denzil Holles therefore, although not a Baptist himself, was from the outset at the heart of the Parliamentary cause and later served in the Parliamentary Army having command of a Regiment at Edghill (Oct 1642) and Brentford (Nov 1642). Within his command was an Anabaptist trooper called William ALLEN. William ALLEN was a typical example of the growing influence of Baptists at this time. A mere trooper at the outbreak of war, a feltmaker from Warwickshire, he served in Essex's Army under Denzil HOLLES. They were defeated at Brentford and he was one of 500 prisoners taken that day. After seven days of captivity he was condemned with seventeen others to be hanged, joining others that had been tried. When it came time to carry out execution every tenth man was drawn out to be hanged and William ALLEN was lucky, being dismissed with the remaining survivors. He was wounded at the first battle of Newbury (Sep 1643) , and again at Henley (May 1644) gaining all the time the respect of his comrades and superiors. In Dorchester (1645) (2) In July 1644 Parliamentary Commanders won a decisive victory at the Battle of Marsden Moor in which Cromwell played a prominent part leading to his ascendancy. Simultaneously, Essex pursued his campaign to conquer the West Country coming to Dorchester. The baptist Church in Dorchester has long maintained that William ALLEN is recorded as having preached somewhere in the town and that the church dates its earliest origins to this event. It's easy to see how this would have occurred. Denzil Holles was held in high regard in Dorchester being one of its most prominent citizens and William Allen by now had his own growing reputation and it was standard practice for the Religious amongst the Army to preach wherever they went. As far as I can see William Allen was described as an Annabaptist at this date but this was not a strict term during the war, he clearly converted to become a true Baptist and we are dealing with views often expressed well after the event. There can be no doubt however that the arrival of the Parliamentarian Army in Dorchester stimulated religious fervour and before the Earl of Essex moved on he was arguably at his finest hour. The climate was right, and I have no doubt that this led directly to the formation of a Baptist Church in Dorchester as within a few years we know it was to become strong enough to actually host a convention. Military movement however soon took the Army and William Allen into Devon but before we move on we need to cover another Parliamentarian who was with the Army in the shape of John VERNON. In 1644 the very year they arrived at Dorchester he published a pamphlet called "The young horseman or the honest plain-dealing Cavalier". This was intended to bring 2 years of experience of war in the cavalry as an update to existing Military instructions. The only known cuirassier units to see action in the Civil War were the bodyguard troop of the Earl of Essex and the regiment of Sir Arthur Haslefrigge. Both William Allen and John Vernon moved with the Army and whilst they were in Devon they married two daughters of James HUISH Esq of Sidbury(23). Essex suffered a major defeat at Lostwithial in September 1644 which effectively ended his career and opened the door for Cromwell to establish the New Model Army in 1645. Both William Allen and John Vernon were just the sort of dedicated religious soldiers Cromwell was looking for and they continued to gain influence. In 1651 William ALLEN was appointed Adjutant General of Cromwell's Army in Ireland and John VERNON Quartermaster General. More than once William Allen's name appears in Carlyle's Letters and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell. To Carlyle, Adjutant-General Allen was "a most authentic, earnest man . . . a strenuous Anabaptist . . . a rugged, truehearted, not easily governable man; given to Fifth Monarchy and other notions, though with a strong head to control them." When Cromwell dissolved the Barebones Parliament in Dec 1653 and made himself Lord Protector there is no doubt that it did not go down well with those of firm republican ideals. Even among those who favoured Fifth Monarchy views there were wide differences of approach and it is quite possible that the views of individuals may from time to time have flucuated considerably. There is some evidence to believe that both John Vernon and William Allen who were now powerful army officers in Ireland (Allen had become a Baptist by, at latest January 1652) may have shared Fifth Monarchy views and they were certainly strong republicans. Allen was personally fond of Cromwell but toward the end of 1654 he returned to England for an interview with him at which he seems to have made plain his hostility to the institution of the protectorate and angered Cromwell. Although in the autumn of 1655 he returned to Ireland, in December 1656 he and Vernon resigned their commissions and returned to England. In the meantime events at Dorchester were progressing. In 1655 the celebrated Baptist Henry JESSEY, visited the congregation at Dorchester, together with many others in the West of England.(3 & 6) ![]() His subsequent career and persecution can be found in the Dictionary of National Biography but after finding refuge for a time as Chaplain to Sir Matthew Boynton of Barmston, near Bridlington, Yorkshire he was appointed as an Independent pastor at St George, Southwark, 1645-6. Jessey remained unconvinced of the merits of believers' baptism but came to believe that sprinkling or pouring was a mere modern invention, and that the proper form was immersion. For many months he baptized infants by this means and according to 'The English Baptists of the 17th Century' published by the Baptist Historical Society, his church was predominately Baptist but continued to include members who had only been baptised as infants. By 1650 Jessy's church was in Swan Alley Coleman street a famous centre of radicals and of many conventicles. Here Jessey preached on Sunday afternoons with George Barrett as his assistant, but he was also from 1651 a weekday lecturer at All Hallows-the-Great, Thames Street. In 1650 Jessey visited other open membership Independent churches in the north-east. He was also in touch with churches in the west of England which had been influenced by another open membership Baptist, John Tombes. Jessey became acquainted with the open membership church at Broadmead in Bristol where he seems to have baptized its pastor, Thomas Erwin, and its ruling elder Robert Purnell in 1654, and helped to steady them during the offensive of the Quakers in the city which followed shortly afterwards. In 1655, on the suggestion of the Bristol church, he visited Wells, Cirencester, Somerton, Chard, Taunton, Honiton, Exeter, Dartmouth, Plymouth, Lyme, Weymouth, Dorchester, Southampton, and Chichester. He died September 4th 1663 and was buried in Bunhill Fields. ![]() "I asked them why they were so angry; were they angry with the Bible? But they fell into a discourse about their water-baptism. I asked them whether they could say they were sent of God to baptize people, as John was; and whether they had the same Spirit and power that the apostles had? They said they had not. Then I asked them how many powers there are; whether there are any more than the power of God and the power of the devil? They said there was not any other power than those two. Then I said 'If you have not the power of God that the apostles had, then you act by the power of the devil". Many sober people were present, who said they have thrown themselves on their backs'. Many substantial people were convinced that night; a precious service we had there for the Lord, and his power came over all. Next morning, as we were passing away (on the road to Weymouth), The Baptists, being in a rage, began to shake the dust off their feet after us. "What said I 'in the power of darkness! We who are in the power of God, shake off the dust of our feet against you".
In 1659 George FOX paid a second visit to Dorchester. The entry in his journal records the meeting he had there although he does not appear to have encountered the Baptists on that occasion:-
In 1660 - The Restoration of the Monarchy led to a period of persecution of Dissenters throughout the country and once again Dorchester found itself at the center of political events. In 1662 all the Ministers of the 4 main churches in Dorchester were ejected from their livings. Out went Rev George HAMMOND (1620-1705) the Rector of Holy Trinity and St Peters, out went Joshua CHURCHILL (1627-1693/4) the Vicar of St Georges Church at Fordington as did the Rev William BENN (1600-1680) the Rector of All Saints Church. ![]() The seriousness of the situation however was described by David Underdown in his book 'Fire From Heaven' about Dorchester at this time. He states:- "In September 1665 the King came to Dorchester. He was greeted with loyal enthusiasm: the bells were rung and the Corporation spent freely for his entertainment. The Court was at Salisbury, having been driven out of London by the plague, and Charles took the opportunity to make a leisurely tour through Dorset, which he had not seen since his escape after Worcester. But his visit to Dorchester had a more politically symbolic purpose. While in the town the King ceremonially gave the royal assent to an act recently passed by Parliament. The measure had been carefully chosen as one conveying an important message for Dorchester. It is known to history as the 'Five Mile Act' because it prohibited nonconformist ministers who would not swear the oath on nonresistance from living within five miles of any corporate town, or any place where they had previously held a living. The act was to prove something of a paper tiger, but in the short run it led to a swift clerical exodus from Dorchester and many other places".
He was elected canon of Exeter in 1641 and collated to a prebend in Exeter Cathedral in which he was reinstated at the restoration. A conviction that the church was in urgent need of reform he fell out with his parishioners and after much solicitation accepted in 1653 the less valuable living at Sherborne; Here he remained until the Act of Uniformity forced his ejection in 1662; In September of that year he was arrested at home and compelled to find sureties for his good behaviour. Soon afterwards he was again arrested and detained for nearly nine years in Dorchester Gaol where he continued to preach nearly every day forming a church, but whether that which he had formed in the goal was part of the one of the same faith in the town is now not known. At his discharge in 1675 he traveled through several counties ending up living in London. He preached at his home for a time before in March 1676 forming a Sabbararian Baptist church which met in Pinner Hall. Here he met with the usual disturbances, the congregation being often broken up by the officers of miss-called justice. On February 17th, 1683, while he was preaching, a constable entered and interrupted him. "I have a warrant from the Lord Mayor to disturb your meeting," said the constable. "I have a warrant from Jesus Christ to go on," replied the preacher, and was proceeding with his discourse, when he was seized and taken, with six of his brethren, to the Lord Mayor, who fined them ten pounds each. Nevertheless, they met again in the afternoon, but were compelled to separate, on which they retired to Mr. Bampfield's residence, where he finished the exercises of the day. That day week he was apprehended once more, and committed to Newgate. At the next Quarter Sessions he and several others were placed at the bar, and the oath of allegiance was tendered to them. They declined to take it, because it was understood to comprise an obligation to conform to the Church of England, to which they could not bind themselves; whereupon the Recorder passed sentence to this effect: -- "That they were out of the protection of the King’s majesty; that all their goods and chattels were forfeited; and that they were to remain in jail during their lives, or during the King's pleasure." It was not "the King's pleasure" to release them. Death in jail was a common thing during the reigns of Charles II and James II. Mr. Bampfield died in Newgate, February 16th, 1684, being in the seventieth year of his age. Wood the historian says of him "that he was first a churchman, then a presbyterian afterwards and independent, an anabaptist, and at length almost a complete jew. He died in Newgate prison 16 Feb 1663/64 1665-1670 Throughout this period the Baptists continued to suffer persecution. A baptist conventicle at Fordington for example, some of whose members were Dorchester people, was broken up by soldiers in March 1665. Four years later there were said to be two hundred dissenters in Fordington, that number presumably including members of Benn's and Churchill's congregation as well as Baptists. Governed as it was by Anglican county magistrates, Fordington was a more dangerous place for nonconformists than Dorchester: In 1670 the JP Robert Williams levied fines totaling over sixteen pounds from people caught at a conventicle there. But juries were more inclined to be sympathetic. When Williams brought another charge against members of the Fordington conventicle they were acquitted at Bridport Sessions. (5) ![]() To deal with the immediate aftermath of the rebellion an Assizes were held at Dorchester presided over by the infamous Judge Jeffries (1645-1689). The house he stayed at during the trial still exists today in Dorchester High street. The prisoners were transferred from Salisbury and Winchester gaols and according to John Hutchins in his The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset 30 were tried in 3rd Sep 1685 and 29 found guilty, and on the following day 292 found guilty and 80 ordered for execution. 1689 Under William III the Act of Toleration ends persecution. Desperate as the plight on non-conformists seemed, help was at hand, and from an utterly unexpected source. In the spring of 1686 the new King himself reversed his earlier policy and turned from supporting the Church of England towards easing the lot of dissenters. On 10th March he issued a general pardon freeing from gaol all those of his subjects that had been imprisoned on grounds of religion. Whilst persecution continued from the Church of England and its many supporters the change in the wind was made clear and in November the King's protection was made more generally effective through the establishment of a Licence Office. There for fifty shillings a licence could be purchased to protect a whole family from all legal proceedings for their nonconformity, and as a result open dissent gradually increased. In 1689 the Act of Toleration cemented protection in law allowing Protestant Dissenters other than Unitarians to engage in organised public worship as long as their meeting places were registered and they were organised separately. The Particular Baptists then grew to become more numerous than their General Baptist brethren. From the year 1689 to 1692 Mr Thomas COX was the pastor of the Baptist congregation at Dorchester and represented it in each of the 3 years at the general assembly in London (6). Little is known of its subsequent history as all the papers relating to this congregation were lost; but it is certain that the Baptists had for many years a small chapel here, which was converted into a beer store, and a burial ground, then used for gardens. Long after the Baptist congregation had declined the few remaining members continued to have a sermon preached once a year. 18th Century it is clear from the Will of Caleb BROOKS who died in 1730 that prior to 1709 when his father wrote his Will that baptists had been meeting on a regular basis in the High Street in All Saints Parish and were still doing so in 1730:-
There is also reference in The Baptist Magazine issued in 1829 to "When the Countess of Huntingdon's ministers first visited Dorchester, they were accommodated by the Baptists with the use of their chapel". In consulting their parish register they seem to have only operated in Dorchester between 1822 and 1826.
(See above for earlier history of the Baptist church in Dorchester) ![]() The Old Dorford Baptist Chapel (1830-1915) © Picture Michael Russell FIPD - Jan 2013 Foundation 1830: In the 19th Century membership of the Baptist church recovered to such an extent that they were able to build a new Chapel at Fordington in 1830 which they named 'DORFORD' . It still stands today at the bottom of High East street by the side of the river Frome, adjoining Fordington. It was built in 1830, and opened for divine worship, on 3rd June, on which occasion Mr. Stephen SINCOX was ordained pastor of the congregation (6). The name DORFORD is a combination of the words (Dorchester) and (Fordington) by which name many local people still identify it. The name is derived from the fact that it sits on the old boundary between Fordington and All Saints Parish. in Dorchester. Location:: Because of its location the address over the years seems to have varied between High East Street, Fordington High Street, and Durngate Street or Durngate Lane. We have access to several maps one for 1771 on this site, one for 1890 on the British history website and the 1901 Ordnance Survey Map, again on this site. The 1771 Map shows the layout prior to the construction of the Chapel in 1830 and the 1890 map after it was built from which its fairly clear that it replaced an existing building. It is actually situated just round the corner after the end of High East Street before it becomes the London Road (re-named East Parade on the 1901 map). In 1771 it was a real junction of roads with 'Durn' or Durngate Lane [marked 'E' on the 1771 map]. Although not clear I think at this date that Durngate Lane extended right round the corner to join Fordington High street. Durngate Lane was renamed Durngate Street by 1852 and the turn of the street became Salisbury Street extending past the end of the re-named Durngate Street to join Salisbury Walks. The Chapel actually fronts onto the start of Fordington High Street ( See picture 7 taken in 2012). As such it was never properly in High East Street. There was no accommodation within the Chapel so Ministers lived nearby, some of them in Durngate Street. Later in the 19th century a new roof was built with the eaves at a lower level, small gables being formed over the upper windows. Roberts directory of 1839 and Pigots' of 1844 confirm that apart from Baptists there were also chapels in Dorchester for the Wesleyans, Independents, and Unitarians. Several local Baptist churches were founded during the Victorian era, namely Buckland Newton (1864), Winterbourne Abbas (1872) and Piddletrenthide (1875). Sadly all are now closed. Closure 1915: When they moved to a better and larger church at the top of town in 1915 the building was sold and renamed Kingdom Hall. It was Grade II listed by English Heritage on 8th May 1975 and today (2013) it houses the 'Dorset Teddy Bear Museum' in one part and the 'Terracotta Warriors Museum' in the rest of it. Baptists tended to refer to Pastor but both terms are used frequently throughout historical documentation
He was born at Shaldon in Devon circa 1799 and educated at the Bristol Academy(10) run by the Baptist Education Society. He married Ann Louisa CHASE (1791-1875) at Ross-on-Wye in Hereford on 25th September 1827. She was a native of Maldon in Essex. After arrival as Baptist Minister in Dorchester in 1830 they lived in Back South Street Dorchester and had 2 children born in Dorchester as shown below.
Stephen SINCOX certainly returned to Dorchester as he married Joseph SIMS there in January 1845 and there is reference to him in the 13 June 1846 edition of the Sherborne Mercury preaching at the Dorcford Chapel Sunday school and the 1849 Post Office Directory for example records him as still being "The Baptist Minister of Dorford Chapel" in Dorchester and the 1851 Census shows him still living close to the chapel in Durngate Lane Dorchester. On the 5th June 1852 several newspapers reported "The anniversary of the opening of the Dorchester baptist chapel will be celebrated on Tuesday next by two special services. A tea meeting will take place in a large barn, kindly lent for the occasion, after which several gentlemen are expected to address the company" (13) This seems to have been the handover point to the next Minister Mr George Kerry and by 1861 Stephen is shown as living with his bachelor son at Millbrook South Stoneham in Hampshire. Stephen died in the 1st quarter of 1873 and his wife in the 1st quarter of 1875 at South Stoneham. Mr George KERRY (1826 -1906) (Pastor of Dorford 1852-1856) (14) Mr Josiah MILLER (1832 - 1880) (Pastor of Dorford 1856-1860) (15)
Born in Hackney Middlesex; In 1851 an unmarried Baptist Minister, a lodger at Redruth Cornwall aged 30. Resident in 1861 at All Saints parish St Marylebone London with wife Emily (b1826 Surrey) & 3 children (1) Emma Harding b. Barnstable district 1855, d. Bromley Kent aged 27 ; (2) Henrietta Elizabeth 1857 (3) Lewis Edward (1861-1943) born St Johns Wood London. Lewis married to Helen J Roberts and they had a daughter Marie M born in France. He died at the age of 82 in 1943 in the district of Croydon. there is a nrewspaper report in te Western Gazette for Friday 21st May 1869 saying that the Rev Edward Merriman had resigned his pastorate at Dorford Baptist Church because of ill health. The Rev Edward Merriman died at 2 Morden-villas Russell Street in Reading Berkshire on 13th January 1870 aged 48. I have not however been able to locate anything about his career in the church or his term of office at Dorford.
PRESENTATION - A social tea meeting took place on Wednesday in connection with the Baptist Chapel here, and a goodly number sar down. Later in the evening a large portion of the congregation attended a public meeting in the Chapel. The Rev. W.ALLEN presided and the Rev J.HARRINGTON, Rev. T.NEAVE, Mr W. POUNCY and Mr HICKS (Charminstyer) supported him Hyms were sung at intervals Miss A.POUNCY presiding at the harmonium. The Chairman in his opening remarks expressed he felt at seeing nonconformists so largely respresented . -- The Rev T.NEAVE followed with a few appropriate remarks congratulating the Rev. J.HARRINGTON on his having fulfilled the Apostle's injunction to be the husband of one wife. He recollected his own marriage and had good hopes for Mr HARRINGTONtrusting that he and his bride would enjoy the smiles of God. He likewise hoped they would live to a good old age under the providence of God, and wished them prosperity. The Chairman said he considered their pastor had done a very sensible thing, for all men ought to get married as soon as possible (Laughter). Mr HARRINGTON had been in the town for about four years and they must acknowledge he had been most energitic. He had not gone to another part of the world to get a wife but had taken one from his own church, one who was well known to them, and who he might say, had been brought up amongst them. He (The Chairman) then said he had to address Mr HARRINGTON in the name of the congregation, by presenting him and Mrs Harrington with a timepiece, an ink stand, and a paper knife towards buying which nearly every member of the congregation had contributed. The French clock which was of a neat and elegant appearance bore the following inscription " Presented to Rev. J.HARRINGTON by the congregation meeting at the Baptist Chapel Dorchester June 1879". The article was supplied by Mr M.TILLEY of South Street. The Paper Knife was a silver mounted one. The Chairman in making the presentation read the following address. " Dorford Chapel Dorchester June 18th 1879 - To Rev. J. HARRINGTON - We the undersigned on this occasion of your marriage would ask your acceptance of the accompamying presnt as a small token of our esteem and affection and we sincerely wish you every happiness: and may every blessing from the Master attend your way, not only in the home, but in the sphere of ministry amongst us where we trust you may also have the Divine favour of the Divine Head of the Church and witness success to yor earnest efforts, 'the Lord' (as with his servants of old) working with you confirming the Word with signs following and giving you to realise e'en here a foretaste of the great reward." The Rev J HARRINGTON replied in an appropriate address saying he was a feeling man but did not always express his thanks in tears, or he might do so tonight; his way was to thank them a great many times over. He considered they might call this a recognition service; and he would rather have a recognition service atv the end of four years labour than at its commencement. He was glad his congregation had expressed thir concurrance in the course he had pursued and reiterated his thanks to the subscribers --- Mr Hicks of Charminster gave a brief address of an interesting character -- Mr Walter Pouncy especially spoke in favour of private prayer. -- A few concluding words were offered by the Chairman who after the doxology had been sung closed the meeting with prayer. They had following children (1) Lydia Mary b. Boscombe Hants c1881 (2) William Joseph b.Boscombe Hants c1885 (3 ) Annie Helen b. Boscombe c1887 (4) George Alfred Dorchester Dorset (1887-1960) (5) Susie Beatrice b. 3rd qtr 1889 Manorbier Pembrokeshire Wales, buried there 1st qtr 1891 (6) Mary Amelia born and buried 4th qtr 1892 at Manorbier (7) Reginald Humphrey b. Manorbier Pembrokeshire Wales c1894 (8) Alice Adelaide b. Manorbier 1896 (9) Grace Victoria b. Manorbier 1897 (10) Albert E Startin b. Manorbier 1900 (11) Rhoda May b. Manorbier c.Feb 1901. Kezia died at the age of 63 at the Tudor Lodge at Manorbier in 1921 and Joseph died on 21st June 1927 leaving an estate of £1,276.10s. Photograph by kind permission of © Ruth Roberts: The Harrington Family (apparently this photo and inscription are still on view in the Lodge) Back row L-R - Will Harrington, Lydia Harrington, George Harrington, Lena Harrington, Reg Harrington, Alice Harrington. Front row L-R - Grace Harrington, Mrs Harrington, Rhoda Harrington, Rev'd Joseph Harrington, Bert Harrington.
He was baptised on 27th July 1837 in St Peters Southport Liverpool the son of Leonard & Charlotte ALBIN, originally an Inspector of the Constabulary (1841) and later a wine merchant (1861) by his wife Charlotte. Robert also joined the Police serving as a Constable at Stones End Greenwich. On 13th Oct 1861 he married by Banns to Agnes BOORMAN (born circa 1841 at Harrietsham in Kent the daughter of a wheelwright John BOORMAN) at St George the Martyr church in Southwark. They had a daughter and Agnes Ruth born at Depford, baptised at St James Church Hatcham on 18th May 1862 and another Annie Eliza baptised at Hatcham on 17th July 1863. He retired from the Police Force circa 1874 to become a Baptist Minister & they adopted a young girl Ethel Woodlhouse (born in 1880 in Middlesex) before bringing his wife and 2 children to Fordington to serve as the Minister at Dorford. I have not however been able to locate anything else about him after his arrival until he emigrated to the United States in 1884. In the 1900 US Census he was living at ED 167 Shenandoah, borough ward 3, Schuylkill, Pennsylvania with his wife Agnes and a 20 year old daughter Esthell Alpin. By the time of the 1910 US Census he had moved to live at Woodstown Salem New Jersey where he is shown to be aged 72 with his wife Agnes aged 70. 1889 - Mr Robert Bone CLARE (1828-1914) (Pastor of Dorford circa 1890 until - between 1896 and 1899)(20) 1893 The 70th Annual Meetings of the Western Baptist Association commenced at Dorchester on Monday and continued on Wednesday. Mr TS Penny of Taunton is the president elect; the retiring president the Rev A MacDonald of Chard. The proceedings began with a luncheon given by the Pastor and deacons of the local church to the committee who subsequently met for business in the chapel. In the evening a sermon was preached at the Baptist Chapel by the Rev E Francis of Fivehead. The delegates assembled at the Dorford Baptist Chapel on Wednesday morning when the president was introduced and the usual business of the association transacted. Source:-The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post (Bristol, England), Saturday, June 17, 1893; Issue 14072 1899-1907 - Rev James SEAGER (Pastor of Dorford 1899-1907) referred to in a very long article in the Weymouth Telegram 23rd Jan 1900 when a public meeting (of the congregation of the Dorford Chapel Dorchester) was held to celebrate the anniversary of the pastor of the church (the Rev. J.SEAGER) Other Sources: Western Gazette 19 Feb 1904 Page 8 and 5th July 1907 Page 3:4 . Also an entry in the Southern Times and Dorset County Herald Sat 23rd Feb 1907 refers to the Anniversary of the settlement of the Rev James SEAGER as pastor of the Dorford Baptist Church being celebrated. I would like to display in this section photographs of weddings etc that took place at the Chapel please make contact if you have any photographs or are aware of other marriages baptisms etc russellmike1946[insert the @ symbol here]
21 Mar 1831 - BIRTH: Edward Stephen son of Stephen & Ann Louisa SINCOX Maternal Grandfathers name Edward Chase place of birth Dorchester Dorset Source Dr Williams Library in London and is held in the Dissenting Deputies Registers (1728-1837) [Note:-Birth Certificate on RG5/159.Dated 29th Nov 1837 This is to Certify and declare that Edward Stephen son of Stephen SINCOX of Longfleet near Poole in the County of Dorset Baptist Minister and Louisa his wife who was the daughter of Edward CHASE of Maldon in the County of Essex was born at the house of the said Stephen SINCOX in Back Street Dorchester on the twenty First day of March 1831 15 Dec 1832 - BIRTH: Louisa daughter of Stephen & Ann Louisa SINCOX Maternal Grandfathers name Edward Chase place of birth Dorchester Dorset Source Dr Williams Library in London and is held in the Dissenting Deputies Registers (1728-1837) [Note:-Birth Certificate on RG5/159.This is to Certify and declare that Louisa the daughter of Stephen SINCOX of Longfleet near Poole in the county of Dorset, Baptist Minister and Ann Louisa his wife (who was the daughter of Edward CHASE of Malden in the County of Essex Wine Merchant was born at the house of the said Stephen SINCOX in Back South Street Dorchester in the County of Dorset on the Fofteenth day of December 1832. Both parents signatures + witnesses present at the birth John WALLIS of Dorchester and Mary GREGORY of Dorchester Registered Dr Williams Library 12th Dec 1837. ] Notice is hereby given that a separate building , named Dorford Chapel, situated in the Parish of All Saints in the borough of Dorchester in the County of Dorset, in the district of Dorchester, being a building certified according to law as a place of religious worship, was on the 25th day of August 1837 DULY REGISTERED for SOLEMNISING MARRIAGES therein pursuant to the Act of 6th and 7th William 4, cap 85. Witness my hand this 2nd day of September 1837. Henry LOCK Seputy Superintendent Registrar. ] 27 Jan 1844 - MARRIAGE: At Dorford Chapel Dorchester Mr George ATKINS (brother of Samuel Ralph Atkins see 23 July 1853 below) and Ms Eliza Adria TARZEWELL and GRO 1st qtr 1844 Ref 8/111 29 Jan 1845 - MARRIAGE: At Dorford Chapel Dorchester Mr Joseph SIMS of full age, a Widower, Superintendent of Machinery, resident at Fordington, father Isaac SIMS a Weaver, and Mary WELLS of full age, a spinster, a Servant, resident Milbourne St Andrew, father Henry WELLS a Labourer, were married in the Dorford Chapel according to the rites and Ceremonies of the Baptists by me S Sincox Dissenting Minister, Both their marks, Witnesses John Bennett and James Bridges.
His first marriage was to Lucy SADLER (1793-1851) at All Saints Church in Lullington in Somerset on 29th Oct 1815. They settled after marriage in Joseph's parish of Trowbridge in Wiltshire and on 14th July 1822 Joseph was admitted as a member of the newly formed Bethesda Chapel (est.1821 and still meeting in a converted warehouse on Wicker Hill). Joseph's wife Lucy SIMS also became a Baptist undertaking a profession of faith baptism there on the 6th October 1822. The members bought a site that year in The Courts (later called Court street and now in the Shires shopping Mall) and erected a chapel which was opened in 1823. The Chapel Membership Register also records that Joseph was excluded from their membership on 16th January 1828 and Lucy SIMS has an entry on 4th October 1829 which is particularly helpful stating "Dismissed to join a church about to be formed at Dorchester." Having moved to Fordington circa 1828/1829 Joseph, Lucy and the youngest 7 of their children can be found in the June 1841 Census all living in Fordington with Joseph working at Loud's Factory as a spinner/weaver. It seems likely that he was employed at Loud's Mill as an experienced weaver from his arrival as his home parish of Trowbridge had been a centre for woollen cloth production from the 14th Century. At one point in 1820 Trowbridge's scale of production was such it was described as the "Manchester of the West". It had over 20 woollen cloth producing factories, making it comparable to Northern industrial towns such as Rochdale. As his residence in 1841 is given as Loud's Factory he was almost certainly also granted occupancy of one of the workers cottages situated in the grounds of Loud's Mill. His first wife Lucy SIMS died aged 51. The Baptist Chapel had no burial ground so Lucy was buried in St Georges churchyard at Fordington on 5th September 1844. Children:-
(1.2) Mary Ann Sims (1842- 1910) GRO Births 1842 4th qtr Dorchester district 8/56; born at Fordington and trained as a dressmaker in Dorchester before moving to Lambeth with her widowed mother where she was a Draper's Assistant in 1881 and a mantle cutter (dresses) in 1891. By 1911 still unmarried aged 68 she is living at 21 Alma Square St John's Wood. She died at Lambeth 2nd qtr 1910 when her age was given as 71. (1.3) Emma Eliza Sims (1844-1853) GRO births 1844 4th qtr Dorchester district 8/56; age 6 born Fordington 1851;Buried at FStG 10th March 1853 residence Ansty Street aged 8 years. (1.4) Benjamin Sims (1846-1846) GRO births 1846 4th qtr Dorchester district 8/51 Baptised St Georges Church Fordington 21st Nov 1846 resident in School Lane Fordington, son of Benjamin and Harriet, occupation of father a Hawker - buried FStG 27th Nov 1846 an infant (1.5) Richard Sims (1847- aft 1901) GRO births 1847 4th qtr Dorchester district 8/45; age 3 born Fordington 1851; machinist age 13 1861; Unmarried 1881 Engine Fitter & Turner in Lambeth with his mother Harriet. He married at St Thomas's Church Woolwich in Kent on 25th Dec 1882 to Mary Ann WHEELER a native of Poole in Dorset, who was a 32 years old spinster the daughter of a cordwainer John Wheeler. Ricard and Mary Ann were living at 11 Fermoy Road in Paddington London in 1891 Richard recorded as being 43 and a locomotive engineer and with them is an 8 year old son Arthur G Sims born at Turnham Green. In 1901 they were living in Bournemouth, Richard shown as an invalid . [Note:- Arthur Gordon Sims (GRO births 1886 1st Qtr Brentford Middlesex District Ref 3a/118) was born on 26th Jan 1886 and enlisted into the rifle brigade Soldier S31,183 on 23rd Jan 1917 when he was working as an electricians mate resident at 5 Selfearn Rd Clapton with his mother. He served with the British Expeditionary Force in France 1917/18. He is also in the Sep 1939 War Census living at 110 Acton Place, Acton, Middlesex shown to be still unmarried working as a night-watchman] (1.6) Benjamin Sims (1849-1887) GRO Births 1849 3rd qtr Dorchester district 8/52; age 1 born Fordington 1851; Scholar age 11 1861; Living at Cuckolds Row Fordington age 25? single Tinman with mother Harriet . He met his bride Charlotte BELLINGER (1852-1919) a native of Piddletrenthide Dorset circa 1871 whilst she was living in Fordington at 1 Salisbury Villas and working as a domestic servant, but they married in Lambeth (GRO 3rd qtr 1877 Ref1d/769). In 1881 they were living at 2 Charlotte Terrace in Lewisham but Benjamin died aged 37 2nd qtr 1887.No Issue. (1.7) Martha Lucy Sims (1851-1920) GRO Births 1851 4th qtr 8/55; age 9 born Fordington 1861; By 1871 she was already living in Lewisham working as a general servant. Like her brother she married at Lambeth 2nd qtr 1876 (GRO 1d/785) to Arthur William CRUSHA but he died that same year and was buried at Clayhill Naval Cemetery as Gosport in Hampshire. In 1911 Martha Lucy Crusha recorded as a widow aged 56 was living at Clevehurst Stoke Poges working as a Ladies Maid. Martha of 39 Lemington Road Villas Bayswater died at the Old Rectory Pitsea Essex on 4th April 1920 leaving an estate to Henry Sims an estate manager of £836 (1.8) Emma Sims (1855- aft 1881) GRO births 1855 1st qtr Dorchester district 5a/328; age 6 born Fordington 1861; `There is an Emma SYMS born in Dorset working at St George Hanover Square in Mayfair as a housemaid but she gives her age as 21. In 1881 however Emma SIMS born at Dorchester and unmarried is living in Hamstead Fanfar Road working as a book Keeper for a master butcher aged 26 (1855). (1.9) Sarah Sims (1858- aft 1888) GRO births 1858 4th qtr 5a/318; age 2 1861; age 12 scholar born Fordington 1871; Assistant in a fancy shop in 1881 in Lambeth; Sarah married at St Stephens Church Lambeth in Surrey on 11th Feb 1888 to Henry SIMS a 28 year old bachelor and schoolmaster. Present at her marriage was her siblings William John Sims and Mary Ann Sims who acted as witnesses. (2) Mary Sims (1821- aft 1851) Baptised 11th Feb 1821 at St James with St Stephen's church in Trowbridge Wiltshire - She moved with her parents to Fordington and in June 1841 aged 20 she was still unmarried. By 1851 she had moved to Melcombe Regis, still single and aged 28, was working as a Nurse Maid for the family of James Milledge an auctioneer and wine merchant (Note:- recorded in error as Mary Sins). (3) Benjamin Sims (1823-1898) born at Trowbridge in Wiltshire c1823 by June 1841 he was working in Fordington at Loud’s Mill aged 18 as a Woollen Spinner. By the March 1851 Census however he was recorded as still being single aged 27 and employed at the Asylum at nearby Charminster helping to look after the insane. He married during the 2nd quarter of 1855 to Sarah Newbury STOODLEY a native of Corfe Castle and they lived initially at Portland where they had 2 children. By 1861 he was employed by the Convict Service at Princetown on Dartmoor as a warder in the Barracks at Lydford. By 1871, now a widower, he had transferred to Hampshire living in St Mary Parish Southampton at 85 Grove Street. In the 1881 Census he has retired on a pension and is visiting his married sister Ruth Grainger in Kensington and staying in the house next door. He died aged 71 in Wiltshire during the 3rd qtr 1898. (4) Lucy Sims (1827- 1884?). born at Trowbridge Wiltshire by June 1841 she was aged 13 and still living with her parents at Fordington. By March 1851 she is recorded as Lucy SYMES a 24 year old unmarried Servant working for a grocer George Hawkins in High West Street Dorchester. She appears to have married in Dorchester during the 1st qtr of 1856 under GRO Ref 5a/543 but her spouse is not listed in the transcription. The 'Free BMD marriage transcription for Lucy Sims however lists him as 'John BRIDGES' quoting the same reference. When I checked both original images at GRO John Bridges entry is actually recorded as 5a/542 (but no matching bride for that number that quarter) so I think this was an original clerical error and Free BMD is correct. John BRIDGES was a Seaman and a native of Beaminster in Dorset. In the 1861 Census they are already living in Southampton (St Mary’s Parish) and Lucy gives her and her 2 year old son Walter's birth places as Dorchester. In the 1871 Census she gives her birth place as Warminster? in Wiltshire and her 12 year old son Walter Bridges as being born at Fordington. By 1881 John and Lucy are in Chelsea and she repeats her birth place as Warminster. Lucy seems to have died during the 1st qtr 1884 in London (GRO Ref 1a 227) Clearly verification is needed from the original marriage and death registrations. (5) Job Sims (1830-1902) Born at Fordington he lived with his parents and was a journeyman Confectioner by 1851. He moved to Portsmouth and was employed in the High Street as a Cook for a Confectioner called Henry Ryan by 1861. He married Charlotte PARVIN at St Mary's Church Portsea on 4th Aug 1861 and they settled in Weymouth to start their own confectionery business and had 2 children there, Frederick in 1862 and Eveline 1864. They were living in Wyke Regis in 1871 but back in Hampshire at Portsea by 1881. Job died there on 30th Jan 1902. (6) Ruth Sims (1832-1912) was born in one of the Cottages they occupied at Loud's Mill in Fordington where her father worked as a Weaver. In June 1841 she is with her parents at Loud's Mill aged 9. By the time of the 1851 Census Ruth has left home and the only likely entry I have located in the census is for an E.R.Symes who is correctly aged 19, unmarried and working for as an assistant to a Linen Draper Joseph Thompson in Kensington. Her place of birth however is given as Middle Poplar a particularly vague term. The Census return would have been handed to her employer for completion and she probably would have been relatively new to him and may not have been present leading to error. I think this is likely to be her as she would have been employed at Loud's Mill with her father and learnt to weave and spin wool useful knowledge to a linen draper and after marriage in 1861 was living in Kensington. Ruth married Robert GRAINGER (1833-1904) a native of Paddington and a butcher by trade on 20th June 1859 at St Luke's church in Chelsea London, They lived initially on the Old Kent Road at 3 Victoria Terrace in Camberwell where Ruth gave birth on 18th August 1859 to a son they named Harry Grainger. By 1861 however Robert was operating as a cab driver and they were resident at St James Place in Kensington Town. They went on to have 6 children in London but were both to die in the Willesden Workhouse Infirmary in Acton Lane. Robert on 9th Oct 1904 and Ruth on 5th Sep 1912. (7) Henry Sims (1835-1899) also born at Fordington c1835. He is listed with his parents in the Census returns for Fordington in June 1841 (aged 6) and March 1851 (aged 16) and in the latter described as an 'Errand Boy'. Not located in 1861; He married Julia PRANGLEY (1835-1874) at Dorchester during the 4th qtr 1863. Julia was the daughter of another weaver Jeremiah PRANGLEY (1803-1893) a native of Warminster by his wife Jane (1807-1881) . His bride Julia had also been born in one of the weavers cottages at Loud's Mill and baptised at St Georges Church in Fordington on 24th April 1835. By 1868 they were living in Southampton at Marsh Road 5 Vulcan Terrace in St Mary's Parish where Julia gave birth to 3 children (1) Henry John SIMS (GRO 1868 2nd qtr Southampton Ref 2c/30 with his grandfather Jeremiah Prangley at East St Fordington age 3 (2) Lydia Jane SIMS in the 2nd qtr of 1870. (3) Emily Ann SIMS 3rd qtr 1871, but there were clearly problems as they returned to Fordington where Julia had the support of her family. Lydia died aged 2 and was buried in St Georges Churchyard on 23rd April 1872. She was joined by her sister Emily Ann on 6th August the same year. Julia herself, still only aged 37, also sicked and died being buried there on 2nd Feb 1874. Henry SIMS now a widower remarried on 16th May 1875 at St Mary's church in Merton Surrey. Now described as a Confectioner his bride was Eliza COMBER a spinster and daughter of a shopkeeper William COMBER. By 1881 they were living at Chaldon Road in Caterham Surrey together with his 13 year old son Henry from his first marriage. In 1891 still in Caterham with Eliza he is aged 54 and described as a pensioner. Henry died in 1899 aged 65 (GRO Ref 2a/138) and Eliza is shown as a widow at Caterham aged 67. (8) Joseph Sims (1838-1896) born at Fordington during 2nd qtr 1838 Dorchester District (GRO 8/53) He was living with his widowed father in 1861 aged 22 and working as a Butchers Assistant. He appears to have become a Railway Porter and had a Civil Marriage at Poole in Dorset. The Larbey Family Tree on gives his date of marriage to Ellen Elizabeth CLAPP as the 29th July 1865 suggesting they have the marriage certificate [Need verification his father is Joseph Sims]. They had 4 children at Hamworthy on the peninsula in Poole Harbour before Ellen died aged 47 and was buried there on 4th Jan 1888. Joseph died aged 55 and was buried there on 14th Sep 1896. 2ND MARRIAGE OF: "Joseph SIMS (1793-1873)" now a widower, Joseph marries here to Mary WELLS on 29th Jan 1845 and they have a daughter the following year whom they name Elizabeth. In the March 1851 Census Joseph aged 60 is working as a gardener and living at Grove Buildings in West Fordington with Mary, their daughter Elizabeth and 3 children from his 1st marriage. His 2nd wife Mary SIMS died on 14th Nov 1856 and was buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 18th Nov 1856. By 1861 Joseph is still working as a gardener but now living in Millers Close with his youngest son. Joseph SIMS Senior was buried at St Georges Church on 17th January 1873]. ![]() Death Certificate of Mary SIMS - 1856 © Picture by kind permission Ray Grainger (9) Elizabeth Sims (1846- aft 1901) born at Fordington (not located GRO) and living with parents at Grove Buildings in 1851. By 1861 aged 15 she was working as a servant as a laundress to John Hansford a Cooper Journeyman on Fordington Hill. During the 3rd qtr of 1867 she married at Dorchester to Charles ALLEN a shoemaker and they moved to live in Weymouth raising a large family there. 30 Oct 1848 - MARRIAGE: At Dorford Chapel Dorchester Mr William [HAVTER?] VINCENT to Miss Emma [RAYNOLD] REYNOLD both of that town: Sources Sherborne mercury 11th Nov 1848 and GRO 4th qtr 1848 Ref 8/151 Aug 1849 - MARRIAGE : At Dorford Chapel Mr Richard LOCKETT a Harness maker of Piddlehinton to Louisa 4th daughter of Mr SQUIRE Sources Sherborne Mercury dated 18th Aug 1849 & GRO 3rd qtr 1849 Ref 8/119 also 1851 Census resident at Piddlehinton Richard born at Dorchester aged 31 Louisa aged 37 10 May 1853 - MARRIAGE: At Dorford Chapel, Dorchester, by Rev. George KERRY, Mr Gerard BLACKMAN of Birmingham to Mary only daughter of Mr George ATKINS Charminster 18 July 1853 - MARRIAGE: At Dorford Chapel, Dorchester, by Rev.G Kerry, Mr Samuel R ATKINS, Chemist, Salisbury, to Miss Harriett BUCKLAND, of the same City Source Southern Times and Dorset County Herald Saturday 23rd July 1853 [See also below] 18 July 1853 - MARRIAGE : At Dorford Chapel Mr Samuel Ralph ATKINS, a Chemist, Salisbury (brother of Mr George Atkins see 27 Jan 1844 above) and Miss Harriet BUCKLAND of the same City were married by Rev.G.KERRY. Sources:- Salisbury & Winchester Journal dated 23rd July 1853 & GRO 3rd qtr 1853 Ref 5a/609 and Southern Times and Dorset County Herald 23rd July 1853 10 May 1853 - MARRIAGE: at Dorford Chapel Dorchester by the Rev. George Kerry, Mr Gerald BLAKEMAN, of Birmingham to Mary, only daughter of Mr George ATKINS of Charminster. Source :- Southern Times and Dorset Herald Saturday 14th May 1853. 14 Aug 1853 - MARRIAGE: Joseph SLADE & Amelia RICKETTS (GRO 3rd qtr 1853 Ref 5a/610) [Note:- Josiah Slade (1833-1899) a native of Portisham & Amelia Ricketts (1832-1896) of Stinsford. In Merton Sussex by 1861. 03 Aug 1853 - MARRIAGE August 3 at the Baptist Chapel Dorchester by the Rev G Kerry ; Charles GREENING Senior to Mrs [Sarah] SATCHELL of the same place . The united ages this couple ......Sources: Dorset County Chronicle 4th Aug 1853 Page 4 and GRO 1853 3rd qtr Dorchester district Ref 5a 610 27 Nov 1854: MARRIAGE John BARTER to Elizabeth TAPP Certificate of Marriage located 1854 marriage solemnized at the Dorford Chapel Dorchester Ref 187 27th Nov 1854 between John BARTER aged 25 years a bachelor a dairyman resident at Frome in the Parish of Holy Trinity Dorchester father John BARTER Dairyman married Elizabeth TAPP aged 22 years a spinster resident at Bradford Peverell father William TAPP Grocer were married at the Dorford Chapel according to the rites and ceremonies of the Baptists their signatures in the presence of James and Mary GEALL by Rev George KERRY Minister John Petty ALDRIDGE Registrar Source Marriage Certificate on Barter Family website . [Note:- Links to 1851 Census and 1861 Census. Elizabeth BARTER nee TAPP died at the age of 29 and was buried in her home parish of Bradford Peverell on 16th May 1862] 22 Mar 1858 MARRIAGE: Mr Thomas GOLLOP to Mrs Susan EDWARDS On the 22nd Inst at the Baptist Chapel Dorchester by the Rev. J MILLER; Mr GALLOP builder and Mrs EDWARDS both of Dorchester were married: Source: Hampshire Advertiser & Salisbury Guardian (Southampton, England), Saturday, March 27, 1858; pg. 8; Issue 1804 : [Note:- GRO marriages Mar Qtr 1858 Thomas Gallop married Susan Edwards Dorchester District Ref 5a 539] 28 Jan 1866 MARRIAGE: Jan 28th at the Baptist Chapel Dorchester by the Rev J Allin Mr Robert PORTER to Miss Mary [B] MITCHELL Source Bridport News 3rd Feb 1866 Page 8 and GRO 1866 1st qtr Dorchester District Ref 5a 568 06 Feb 1866 MARRIAGE: Feb 6 at the Baptist Church in Dorchester by the Rev J Allen ; Mr Charles BAKER of Cheselbourne to Miss SMITH of Weymouth Sources: Bridport News 24th Feb 1866 Page 8 and GRO 1866 1st qtr Dorchester district Dorset Ref 5a 569 Charles Baker to Elizabeth SMITH. 24 May 1866 MARRIAGE between Henry ALLISON a bachelor of the Royal Horse Artillery and Elizabeth SMITH a spinster living in Holy Trinity Parish in Dorchester [See image of Army Marriage Register Service by Rev Edward Merriman] 12 Sep 1875 - MARRIAGE John HODDINOTT and Emily BROWNSEA were married in Dorford Chapel by Rev Joseph HARRINGTON.
7.1 John William Thomas Hoddinott (1876-1940) Born 24 Feb 1853 illegitimate, bap FStG 10th May 1876; Enlisted in 3rd Dorset Regiment Soldier 3619 as John Hoddinott 21 Nov 1892.Served India 7 Feb 1895-17 Mar 1902; South Africa 18 Mar 1902- 12 Sep 1902; Home thereafter - Discharged 20 Nov 1908; Married 13 Apr 1903 St Edwards Church Corfe Castle to Margaret Eliza Goodchild. They had 4 children; Buried 22nd Nov 1940 Fordington. 7.2 Agnes Augusta Hoddinott (1878-1914) bap FStG 13th Mar 1878; she married a gardener Charles Bellows at FStG on 6th Nov 1900 and died aged 31 at Catherington Hants 3rd qtr 1908 7.3 Ernest Hoddinott (1870-1962 ) born 2nd Oct 1879 and bap FStG 28th Dec 1879; He became a blacksmith and married at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 1st July 1900 to Florence Mabel Hallett the daughter of John Hallett. They had 4 children and Ernest was buried at the age of 82 at FSTg 11th Sep 1962 7.4 Reginald Bertie Hoddinott (1880-1915) born 22nd Oct 1880 he was baptised at FStG 28 Dec 1881;Enlisted in the Royal Marine Light Infantry Soldier PO/11024; Married Dorothy E Brownsea 3rd July 1913 Southward Surrey. Killed in WW1 died 26th May 1915 Alexandria Egypt . 7.5 Henry Hoddinott (1883-1930) bap FStG 18th July 1883 ; Became a Boot Salesman unmarried aged 27 in Grays Thurock in 1911; Married Gertrude Sarah Ramsey in Islington London 2nd Mar 1913; Died Southward 13 Dec 1930. They had 2 children. 7.6 Albert Hoddinott (1884-1955) born 2nd Oct 1884 bap FStG 12 Nov 1884; Married Alice Maria Trevett (1887-1946) FStG 25th Dec 1912. Became a Mariner- Service Record Ref K40325. ADM 188/947. Died 21 Apr 1955 Weymouth & District Hospital of 160 Weston St Portland 7.7 Bessie Hoddinott (1886-1957) bap FStG 10th May 1886 ; Had a daughter Hilda May Hoddinott (1904-2002) Married Robert William Hanger 3rd qtr 1908 had a large family; Died Mar 1932 Weymouth 7.8 Ada Louisa Hoddinott (1888-aft 1954) bap FStG 1st July 1888; She married a Police Constable Reginald Sims ( - 1954) FStG 28th July 1912 . Reginald Sims of 136 Warwick Ave Whitleigh Plymouth died 27 Sep 1954 at Freedom Fields Hospital Plymouth with administration granted to his widow Ada Louisa Sims effects £251. 7.9 Eva Maud Hoddinott (1890-1968) born 4th June 1890 and bap FStG 2nd July 1890 ; She married George Frederick Scott FStG 1st June 1914. Had 3 children. Died 1st May 1951 Swindon Wiltshire 7.10 Edith Hilda Hoddinott (1893-1973) born 22nd Sep 1893 and baptised at FStG 11th Feb 1894 she married henry F Davis in 1931 and had 1 child Died Mar 1973 Yeovil Somerset 7.11 Bertie Hoddinott (1895-1983) born 21 Oct 1895 and baptised FStG 29th Jan 1896 He married Eva F Dodge 2nd qtr 1924; Died 1st qtr 1983 Weymouth 28 Aug 1879, at the Dorford Chapel, Dorchester, by the Rev. W.Allen, Patrick DALTON, Royal Horse Artillery, to Mary Jane, only daughter of Mr. Robert HANHAM, Dorchester. 25 Dec 1883 - MARRIAGE At the Baptist Chapel , WINCANTON, by the Rev.S.Hayham, Mr Charles PEATY, eldest son of Mr. David PEATY of Fordington Hill [Fordington but near] Dorchester , to Mary Jane third daughter of Mr Charles TAYLOR, Castle Cary Somerset [Note:- Source Poole Telegram - Friday 28 Dec 1883] 23 Mar 1885 - MARRIAGE:- at the Baptist Chapel Winterset, Iowa [USA] by the Rev. J Albin, Walter C. LEGG , late of Dorchester to Miss Agnes Ruth ALBIN [Source Blandford and Wimborne Telegram Fri 17 Apr 1885] 15 Aug 1887 - MARRIAGE: Isaiah John, son of John and Elizabeth POOLE married to Jennie ADKINS of Dorchester, at the Dorford Chapel by the Rev. J Scott of Westbourne, 15th August 1887. Source Sue Clayton (New Zealand and GRO 1887 3rd qtr Dorchester Reg district 5a page 597.
![]() Wedding Day Photograph - probably taken at Dorchester Back Row: Annie, Miriam, and Isaiah John POOLE (groom); Henry Boulton Adkins (brides father); William and Rhoda Seated Elizabeth, Jennie (bride), Sarah Ann Adkins (mother); John (on the grass) Sarah Ann © Picture by kind permission of Cybersuezee 21 Feb 2008
22 Mar 1891 - MARRIAGE: Mr Samuel DEMMER to Miss Amelia MITCHELL On the 25th March 1891 at the Baptist Chapel Dorchester; Mr Samuel DEMMER of Dorchester married to Miss Amelia MITCHELL of Winterbourne Abbas. Source The Hampshire Advertiser (Southampton, England), Saturday, March 28, 1891; pg. 4; Issue 4674 also GRO 1st qtr 1891 5a/613 & 1901 Census living Chilmark Wiltshire him 36 born Haselbury Bryan her aged 34 at Piddletrenthide Beer Seller and Baker 18 Apr 1892 - MARRIAGE : April 18th at the Baptist Church Dorchester by the Rev E.B.Clare ; Mr Walter Henry NORMAN to Miss Caroline SKINNER both of Dorchester. Source Western Chronicle 22nd Apr 1892 Page 8 and GRO 1892 2nd Qtr Dorchester District Dorset Ref 5a 720 21 Mar 1895 - MARRIAGE At Dorford Baptist Chapel Dorchester George Henry SALISBURY to Charlotte PALMER Source Taunton Courier & Western Advertiser Wed 3rd Apr 1895 & GRO 1st qtr 1895 Ref 5a/473 and Weymouth Telegram 26 Mar 1895 02 Apr 1896 - MARRIAGE GILLINGHAM - GREENING -- April 2 at Dorford Baptist Chapel Dorchester Frederick William GILLINGHAM of Parkstone to Emily Kate GREENING of Dorchester 04 Apr 1896 - MARRIAGE At Dorford Baptist Chapel, Dorchester by the Rev R.B.Clare, pastor William Frederick WILLMOTT to Christiana LEGG both of Dorchester. 06 Jun 1897? - MARRIAGE At Dorford Chapel Robert Elias FUDGE of Poundbury Farm to Lavinia Amelia SHEPPARD Sources :- Western Gazette dated 11th June 1897 and GRO 2nd qtr 1897 Ref 5a/779 01 Sep 1897 - MARRIAGE: FOREMAN-YEO - Sep 1st at teh Dorford Chapel Dorchester, Thomas C.FOREMAN of Templecombe to Eliza H. [Hannah] YEO of Dorchester Source:- Weymouth Telegram 14th Sep 1897 and GRO Marriages 3rd qtr 1897 Dorchester District Ref 5a/676. 24 Oct 1898 - MARRIAGE At Dorford Chapel Charles GREEENING was married to Jane the daughter of the late Mr Henry MARTIN by the Rev J McClune UFFEN Sources:- Taunton Courier & Western Advertiser dated 2nd Nov 1898 & GRO 4th qtr 1898 Ref 5a/798 04 Sep 1900 - MARRIAGE At the Baptist Church Dorchester by the Pastor, Henry John THOMPSON of Weymouth to Rose only daughter of Mr George CLARKE late town Missionary. Sources: Bridport News 7th Sep 1900 Page 8 and GRO 1900 3rd Quarter Dorchester district Dorset (Rose Clarke to John Harry THOMPSON) Ref 5a 712 1904: MARRIAGE: Joseph Henry JOHNSTON to Eleanor Edith STOVEY. I have been researching my grandparents who lived in Dorchester. My grandmother Eleanor Edith Stovey married Joseph Henry Johnston (a private in the RAMC) in Dorchester around 1904. I have a letter on file from one of their daughters stating that they married at "the Baptist Church at the bottom of town". - Henry Johnston Pembrokeshire. Source Rootsweb [Note:- Marriage at the GRO between Henry JOHNSTON & Eleanor Edith STOVEY 3rd qtr 1904 Dorchester district Ref 5a/749 - They are in the 1911 Census living at 16 Colliton Street Dorchester with 3 daughters] 1914: MARRIAGE: At the Dorset Baptist Chapel Dorchester by the Rev F.E.Boorman Percy Arthur Leonard younger son of John BROWNSEY of Draycott Shepton Mallett to Ethel Frances eldest daughter of Albin TREASURE of Dorchester Source: Shepton Mallett Journal dated 2nd Oct 1914 and GRO 1914 3rd qtr Dorchester Ref 5a/758 11 Oct 1928 MARRIAGE: An interesting wedding took place at Dorford Baptist Chapel Dorchestrer yesterday (Thursday). The bride was Miss Georgette Diane Anne VAN LOO daughter of mr & Mrs A Van Loo of Chantilly Paris, and the bridegroom...... Groom Leslie E JACKMAN - Sources: Kent and Sussex Courier, Sevenoakes Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser and GRO 1928 Dorchestrer district Dorset Ref 5a 867 17 Aug 2006 DEATH: Robert & Joyce PEINKEY: Thanksgiving Service for church's landmark couple - A special thanksgiving service marked Dorchester Baptist Church's tribute to the longest serving member couple in the history of the church, who recently died. Bob and Joyce PEINKEY , 94 and 89, respectively, died within a few days of one another. Married for 67 years they were members of Dorford Baptist Church for 72 years landmarks that no other couple of this church have attained according to the church Minister the Rev. Clive JARVIS. Bob and Joyce lives revolved around the two bedrocks of the family and their faith, the latter in terms of their devotion and commitment to Jesus here at Dorford Baptist church said Mr Jarvis. --- Baptist Times See Newspaper transcripts for 17 Aug 2006
© Picture Copyright Michael Russell OPC for Dorchester & Fordington 2012 In 2005 to celebrate the end of ten months of refurbishment, costing over £1 million, Dorchester Baptist Church hosted two weeks of events. The refurbishment project saw most of the original 100-year-old church, originally, pulled down and rebuilt. The plan was to create a building that's more inviting - a modern and functional place of worship with access for the disabled and a youth centre. The new church, housed in the newly named Dorford Centre, now has seating for 350 people and boasts an administration suite, a creche and several community rooms. 2008 - The church had 167 members an increase of 10 on the previous year.
Born in the small village of Frant on Rowden Farm in Sussex in 2nd qtr 1882 the son of a farmer Charles BOORMAN by his wife Mercy Hephzibah (nee) Hill. He grew up on the farm and by the age of 18 was a sorting clerk and telegraphist at the Post Office in Frant. He soon left to join the Baptist Church and Frederick was already living in Dorchester by the time of the April 1911 Census recorded as a Baptist Minister, single and aged 28. He served at Dorchester for six years leaving in June 1917 to take up his new appointment at Minister of the Baptist Church at Calne in Wiltshire. He married to Elsie Christina THORNHILL in Wiltshire (Calne district) in 3rd qtr 1920. He left to become the Minister of the Baptist Chapel at Albermarle Taunton in Somerset where he is recorded in Kellys Directory in 1923, he lived at 6 French Weir Ave Taunton. He remained at Albermarle up to 1946. He died intestate at the Manse Bratton in Wiltshire according to court records on 30th October 1950, administration of his estate of £599 being granted to his widow on 18th Nov 1950. He was buried at Bratton where his memorial inscription states " With Christ Which Is Better' Rev. Frederick Edward BOORMAN Pastor of Bratton Baptist Chapel 1946-1950 died 31st Oct 1950 aged 68"
Genealogical Notes:- Useful Links:-Trustees report for the year ended 30th Sep 2006 - 13 pages Baptist Historical Society Obituary Index |