BOONNE:- In the name of God Amen In the year of our Lord God 1580. I William BOONNE [BOONE] of Ffordington within the peculiar jurisdiction of Sarum being sick in body but perfect of mind and memory (thanks be unto almighty God) do ordain and make this my last will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to say: First: I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God my heavenly father maker redeemer and Saviour and my body to be buried in the Christian burial //
of ffordington aforesaid. [Written in Latin to the effect :-] Know all men by these presents that Robert BOONNE of Fordington in the County of Dorset husbandmen, and Thomas EYMES [EAMES] of the same place in Dorset Husbandman are firmly bound unto Mr Thomas DILWORTH --- etc probably an official of the Dean of Sarum and prebendarey of Forington and Writhlington--------dated 6th day in the month of February in the 24th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1581 The condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bound Robert BOONNE the executor of the last Will and Testament of William BOONNE late of Fordington deceased, his executors administrators or assigns or any of them, do well and truly satisfy content and pay, or cause to be well and truly satisfied contented and paid, all such gifts legacies and bequests as are given willed and bequested in and by the last will and testament of her said deceased according to the tenor effect and true meaning thereof then this present obligation to be void and had for noughtor else yet to stand remain and abide in his full strength force effect and virtue. |
![]() INVENTORY FORDINGTON: An Inventory of the goods, chattels mand debts of William BOONE deceased taken and praised by Thomas EAMES Itm: two acres of Wheat given unto the same Margaret praised at ----- xxxs [30s] Itm: ten bushels of malt given unto the same Margaret praised at ----- xiijs [13s] Itm: One Kettle of brass given unto the same Margaret praised at ----- vjs [6s] Itm: ten bushels of wheat given unto the same Elizabeth BOONE praised at ----- xxvs [25s] Itm: one acre of Wheat given unto the same Elizabeth praised at ----- xxs [20s] Itm: a rynge [ring] given unto the same Elizabeth praised at ----- iijs iiijd [3s.4d] Itm: twenty bushels of barley given unto Agnes BOONNE praised at ----- xxvjs viijd [26s 8d] Itm: ten bushels of wheat given unto the same Agnes praised at ----- xxvs [25s] Itm: four ewes and lambs given unto the same Agnes praised at ----- xxiiijs [24s] Itm: one acre of wheat given unto the same Agnes praised at ----- xvjs [16s] Itm: one pair of blankets given unto the same Agnes praised at ----- iiijs [4s] Itm: iij horses, a cart and all things thereunto belonging praised at ----- vijli [£7] Itm: two acres of wheat praised at -----xxxs [30s] Itm: ten bushels of wheat praised at ----- xxvs [25s] Itm: xij [12] bushels of barley praised at ----- xvjs [16s] Itm: a cupboard praised at -----iiijs [4s] Itm: a coverledd and all things belonging to the same bed praised at ----- xs [10s] Itm: two fates [vats] praised at ----- vjs viijd [6s.8d] Itm: one swyne [swine] praised at ----- vjs viijd [6s.8d] Itm: his wearing clothes praised at -----xxs [20s] Sum Total ----- xxvjli xjs iiijd [£27.11s.4d] Exhibited was this Inventory by Robert BOONNE the executor on 6th day in the month of February Anno Domini by computation of the anglican church 1581 etc Note:- Link to a new trancription of William BOONE's (BUNE) will by Helen M Ford. |