
Baptisms, Marriages & Burials 1653 to 1730

Transcribed from the Parish Registers and donated to the Dorset OPC Project by Andrew Suter


Arranged according to the Gregorian Calendar, with the Julian year indicated to the left of the forward slash (/) in those years when the Julian Calendar, which ran from
March 25th (Lady Day) to March 24th, was in use (i.e. prior to 1752, 1751 being the transition year).

The Parish Register is difficult to read in places, so readers are invited to use this transcript as a guide only and to consult the original at the Dorset History Centre.

The early Parish Register(s) for Silton is ordered by date only, Baptisms, Marriages (including Banns), Burials and other records were written together in date order,
therefore this transcription is provided in the same format. Spelling and capitalisation is usually as per the original document(s).

 … Esther...of Burton was …. and the publication ….day of November Ano Dom 1653
… of Silton Jane the daughter … Goullofar of fifehead magdaling … according to the act and … ended the 13 may Ano Dom 1655
 Memorandum that the Eighth day of October 1653
Richard Batwell the Younger being ? ? ? of Silton
Hugh Wyndham
1653Nov 07Thomas Best married with Esther West the daughter of William West the 7 day of November Anno Dommine 1653
1653Nov 09John Moger the sonne of William Moger was baptized the 9 day of November Anno ?
1653Nov 27William Barten? of boorton was buryed the 27 of November Anno Dom. 1653
1653Dec 28William the sonne of Andrew Beere was baptized the 28 day of December
1653/4Jan 01Richard Moore the sonne of Frances Moore of Burton was buryed the first day of January
1653/4Jan 08Thomas the sonne of Thomas Harding was baptized the 8 day of January
1653/4Jan 12Joseph the sonn of William Hoskins was buried the 12th day of Jan
1653/4Feb 24Dorothy Butt widow was buried the 24th of february
  Lady Day 1654
1654Mar 31Solomon Batwell was buried the 31st day of March
1654May 03Esther the Daughter of John Burpett or Parfitt was buried the 3 day of May
1654May 28William and Robt the sonns of Robert Nation was Baptized the 28 of may
1654Jul 24Heniry the sonn of John Fricker was buried the 24th day of july
1654Aug 26Ann the daughter of the late deceased Richard Major was buried the 26 day of August
1654Aug 31Bara[c]k the son of John Suter was baptized the last day of August
1654Oct 30Mary the wife of Daniel Best was buried the 30th day of october
1654Oct 30and Mary the daughter of the same Daniel was baptized the same 30th of october
1654Nov 05John the sonne of Gyles Jeffries? was buried the 5th day of November
1654Dec 12Andrew Brown was buried the 12th day of December
1654Dec 18Catherin Bell widow was buried the 18th day of December
1654Dec 31Gyles the sonn of John Milbourne was Baptized the last day of December
1654/5Feb 26Ann Walsh widow was buried the 26th day of february
1655Apr 15Thomas the sonn of Henry Walshe was Baptized the 15 day of Aprill
1655Apr 16William the sonn of John Sanger was baptized the 16 day of April
1655May 14John Butt was married to Jane the daughter of Thomas Goullofer of Fifehead Magdalen may the 14
1655Jun 05William the sonn of Robert Nation was buried the fifth day of June
1655Sep 15Rachel the daughter of Thomas Sarrell was baptized the 15th day of September
1655Oct 26Abraham Turner and Dorothy Segrum was published and their publication ended the 26 day of October
1655Nov 12Abraham Turner was married to Dorothy Segrum the 12th day of November
1655Nov 12the same 12 day of Novem was Johne the wife of John Harrish the Younger was buried
1655Dec 01Henry the sonn of John Butt of the Hole was baptized the first day of December
1655Dec 05and the 5th day of the same December the same Henry the sonne of John Butt was buried
1655Dec 26Leonard the sonn of George Sutor was Baptized the 26th day of December
1655/6Jan 01Elnor the daughter of John Frickor was baptized the first day of January
1655/6Feb 28Mary the daugh of William Grimble was baptized the laste day of february
1655/6Mar 05Thomasane the daughter of Robert Nation was Baptized the 5 day of march
1655/6Mar 18William the Sonn of William Marsh of Henstreag was baptized the 18th day of march
1655/6Mar 24Richard kingsbury of bourton was buried the 24 day of march
  Ao dom 1656
1656Apr 09Steaven Butt was married to Grace Simes the 9 day of April
1656Apr 27John Sutor was buried the 27 Day of April
1656May 01Christover the sonn of John Ellis was Baptized the first day of may
1656May 01Christover the sonn of Christover Alfoorde of meer was buried the same? first of may
1656May 03William Elling of Temple Come in the Counti of Sum and Eaddeth Burton hath ben published and it ended the 3 day of may
1656May 19William Elling of Temple Coum was marrid to Edith Bourton the 19 day of may
1656May 25John Loader living in this parish of the one pt and Jane the daughter [of] William Williames of Sto?? Stoke in the [parish of ] Shappin moun?? of the other pt hath been published and it ended the 25 day of may
1656May 26The same John Loader and Jane the daughter of Will Williames was Married the 26 day of may
1656May 31Alse Tournor Widow was buried the last of may
1656Jun 10Mary the daughter of Andrew Beere was baptized the 10th day of June
1656May 26Catherine the daughter of William Bell was born the 26 day of may
1656Jul 26James the sonn of John Milbourn was Baptized the 26 day of July
1656Sep 08William the sonn of Abraham Tournor was Baptized the 8th day of September
1656Sep 30Mathew Perry Clarke ended his life the 23 of September and was buried the 30 day of the same September
1656Oct 04Elizabeth the daughter of John Sangyer was baptized the 4 day of october
1656Dec 18Gyles Milbourn the son of John Milbourn was buried the 18 day of December
1656Dec 26James the sonn of Thomas Honton was baptized the 26 day of December
1656/7Jan 01Ambras the sonn of Ambras Chyles of Bourton was baptized the first day of January
1656/7Jan 02Jane Wilson of Bourton was buryed the 2 day of January
1656/7Jan 05Rachel the daughter of Daniel Best was baptized the 5 day of January
1656/7Jan 05Elizabeth the daughter of William Elling of Temple Coumb was baptized the same 5 day of January
1656/7Jan 08the same Elizabeth Elling was buryed the 8th day of January
1656/7Jan 25Elizabeth the daughter of Henry Wealch was Baptized the 25 day of January
1656/7Feb 14James the sonn of Thomas Honton was buryed the 14 day of febuary
1656/7Feb 18Elizabeth the daughter of Jacob Butt was baptized the 18 day of febuary
1656/7Mar 12Benjamin the sonn of John Sutor was baptized the 12th Day of march.
1657May 241657 Edmun Lambert of Gillingham in the County of Dorsett and Penellope Moyger of Silton in the County aforesaid hath ben published three times and ? ? oblication Ended the 24 day of may
1657Jun 05Edmun Lambert and penellopi Moger was married ??? 5 of jun
1657May 24Richard the sonn of Robert Pittman of meere in the County of wilts and Edeth the daughter of John Ellis of Silton in the County of Dorsett hath ben published the same 24 day of may it ended
1657Jun 08John Sheene of Silton and Allse the daughter of Henry Perman of west knoyle hath benn published and it ended the 8 day of june
1657Jun 14William Toms of Stooke in the County of sum and Ann ??? of Silton in the Countie of Dorst hath benn published and it ended the 14 day of June.
1657Jul 16John Sheane and Allse the daughter of Henery Perman was married the 16 day of July
1657Jul 18Richard Pittman of meere and Edeth Ellis of Silton was marryed the 18 day of July
{also as Robert Pittman, of Mere. Edeth Ellis dau of John.}
1657Jul 26Mr Will Young minister of Silton and Dorothy the daughter of Austen Golsbury of East knoyle was published and it Ended the 26 day of July…
1657Jul 30... and the 30 day of july they weare married
{DRO transcript:- William Young, Vicar and Dorothy Golsbury d/o Christian}
1657Nov 27John Farthing of Burton was buried the 27th day of November
1657Dec 12Dorothy the daughter of Thomas Serrel was baptised the 12 day of December
1657/8Jan 14Ann the daughter of John Fricker was baptised the 14th day of January
1658Apr 07Mary the daughter of William Bell was baptized the 7 day of April
1658Apr 09and mary the daughter of Gorge Sutor was Baptized the 9 day of the same April
1658May 08Richard the sonn of John kinsbury of Burton was buried the 8th day of may
1658Jun 01william Beere was buried the first day of June
1658Jun 23Richard Young of Burton was buried the 23th of june
1658Aug 06Gyles the sonn of john Ellis was Baptized the 6th day of August
  Collected and payed to Mr John Pitt of St Mary, Blandford the sum of fourteen shilling eight pence for the relief of those that suffered by fire in that p[ar]ish
1658Sep 15John the sonn of Jacob Butt was baptized the 15 day of September
1658Oct 08Hannah the daughter of Daniel Best was Baptized the 8 day of october
1658Oct 30Milluer the daughter of Abraham Turnor was Baptized the 30th day of october
1658Dec 15Charles Shepperd and Mary Lucas was married the 15th day of December
1658Dec 23Richard Batwell and Grace Haimes was marrid the 23th day of December
1658/9Jan 18Joane the wife of John Butt was buried the 18th day of january
1658/9Feb 08Thomas Harcout and Alse Sutor was married the 8th day of February
1658/9Mar 01John Moger was buried the first day of march
1659Apr 09Aire Baron of burton was buried the 9th day of April
1659Jun 04Joane the daughter of Egbert Sanger was Baptized the 4 day of june
1659Jun 15Thomas the sonn of Thomas Harcourt was Baptized the 15th day of June
1659Sep 06William Oliver of Burton was buried the 6 day of September
1659Jun 27Alexsander Clarke was marrid with Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas Broocke of Yarlenton in the Countie of sum the 27 day of june 1659
1659Nov 08Jacob the sonn of Jacob Balster was Baptized the 8 day of November
1659Dec 06Thomas Searrel was buried the 6 day of December
1659Dec 24Grace the daughter of Richard Batwell was baptized the 24th of December
1659Dec 25Steaven the sonn of Steaven Butt was Baptized the 25 of december
1659/60Jan 13Jacob the sonn of Jacob Balster was buried the 13 day of January
1659/60Jan 14Allexander Butt was buried the 14 of january
1659/60Jan 06John the sonn of Ambras Chiles of Burton was Baptized the 6 day of january
1659/60Feb 08Richard Brown was Buried the 8 day of febuary
1659/60Feb 16Robert the sonn of John Ellis was Baptized the 16 day of february
1660Apr 06Margaret the daughter of Mathew Brown was buryed the 6th day of April
1660Apr 08John the sonn of John Sanger was Baptized the 8 day of April
1660Apr 22Edeth the daughter of Henry Welch was Baptized the 22th day of the same April
1660Apr 14James the sonn of James Gamling? was Buried the 14 day of April
1660May 13Charles the son of John Sutor was Baptized the 13 day of may
1660Jun 07Robert the sonn of John Elles was buried the 7th day of June
1661Sep 14Gyles Ellis of Burton was Buried the 14 of September
1661Oct 02Mary the daughter of John Sanger was buried the 2 day of October
1661Oct 14Hester the daughter of Christopher Rosse was Baptized the 14 day of October
1661Oct 28William the sonn of Will Bell was Baptized the 28 day of the same October
1662May 13Hinery the sonn of John Fricke was Baptized the 13 day of may
1662Aug 02Agnes [or Anne] the wife of James Gamling was Buried the 2 Day of August
1662Aug 18Benjamin the sonn of Thomas Balster was Baptized the 18 day of the same August
1662Oct 22John Serrel and Mary Forehead was marrid the 22 of ye october
1662Oct 24Avis the daughter of Thomas Searrel was baptized the 24 day of the same october
1662Nov 16Mary Moger widow was buried the 16 day of November
1662Nov 21Edeth Shean of Burton widow was buried the 21 day of the same november
1662Dec 08Will Green was buried the 8 day of December
1662Dec 22Mary the daughter of John Harris was buried the 22 of the same December
1662/3Jan 20Ann the daughter of Richard Batwell was baptized the 20 day of January
1662/3Feb 01Susanah the daughter of Daniel Best was baptized the first day of febuary
1662/3Feb 20Lucy the daughter of Henry Wealch was baptized the 20 day of the same febuary
1662/3Feb 24Mary the daughter of Thomas Harcourt was baptized the 24 day of the same Febuary
1662/3Feb 28Joseph ye Base Born Chile of Dorothy the daughter of John Shutor was baptized the last day of the same febuary.
1663Jul 18John the son of John Grant? was baptized the 18 day of July
1663Oct 20Edeth Milbourn widow was Buried the 20th day of october
1663Sep 20Thomas Short and Ann the daughter of Mathew Brown was married the 20 day of September
1663/4Jan 10Elizabeth Batwell the wife of Richard Batwell was buried the 10th day of January
1663/4Feb 16Thomas the sonn of Thomas Cowarde was Baptized the 16 day of february
1663/4Feb 27Elizabeth the daughter of John Bealling was baptized the 27 day of february
1663/4Mar 20Abraham the sonn of Abraham Turner was Baptized the 20 day of march
1663/4Mar 24Grace the daughter of Andrew Turner was Baptized the 24 day of the same march
1664Apr 03John the sonn of Thomas Harcoate was Baptized the 3 day of April
1664Apr 06John the sonn of Jacob Butt was Buried the 6 day of the same April
1664Apr 12Benjimin the sonn of Thomas Balster Buried the 12th day of the same April
1664May 02Elizabeth the daughter of Mathew Brown was Baptized the 2 day of May
1664May 02Elinor the daughter of thomace Searel was Baptized the same day
1664May 08Dorothy the daughter of William Bell was Baptized the 8 day of the same may
1664Sep 07Robert the sonn of John Harris was Buried the 7 day of September
1664Sep 29William Numan and Caterin Frip was married the 29 day of the same September
1664Oct 06Cysily the wife of William Burton the 6 day of october was Buried
1664Nov 23Mr Thomas Cheefing and Mrs Rachel Chafing both of Meere parish was married Heere November 23
1664/65Jan 27Martha the daughter of Thomas Balster buried Jan 27
1664/65Feb 23Mathew the son of Thomas Huntor buried Feab 23
1664/65Feb 27John the sonn of Jacob Butt baptized Feab: 27,
1664/65Mar 08and was buried March the 8th
1665Mar 28Mary the daughter of John Serle baptized March 28
1665Oct 04Mary the daughter of William Barnes Baptized october 4
1665Oct ?The daughter of William Harris Baptized
1665Dec 13Jhon Vinon of Windcanton and Joane Williams of this parish married heere december the 13
1665/6Jan 14Thomas Heddich the sone of Grace Heddich widdow and Susanna Moores widdow, both of the parrish Gillingham were married heere Jan 14
1665/6Feb 08Richard the Son of Richard Bourton Baptized Feab 8
1665/6Feb 25Thomas Biggs the elder Buried Feab 25
1665/6Feb 27John the sonn of Thomas Urson buried Feab 27
1665/6Mar 19Mary the daughter of Thomas Shorte baptized March 19
1665/6Mar 23Edith the wife of Robert Butt junr was buried march 23
1665/6Mar 24margery the daughter of Richard Batwell Baptized march 24
1666Apr 04IssaBell the daughter of mathew Brown Baptized Aprill 4
1666Jun 09John Ellis buried june 9
1666Jul 08Richard the Sone of Andrew Tournor Baptized July the 8
1666Aug 12and buried August the 12
1666/7Jan 01Richard Batwell buried jan the first
1666/7Feb 09Valentine the sonne of Thomas Ursen baptized Feb 9
1666/7Feb 10Mary the daughter of Thomas coward Baptized Feab: 10
1666/7Feb 16Ann the daughter of william morris Baptized Feab: 16
1666/7Feb 17Henry the sone of Henry Welch Baptized Feab 17
1666/7Mar 03John the sone of william Bell Baptized march 3
1666/7Mar 14Mary the daughter of Abraham Tournor Baptized march 14
1667Apr 08William the sonne of John Serle Baptized April 8 1667
1667JunJane the daughter of John Fricker Baptized June the
1667Aug 01Francis the daughter of Antrew Tournor Baptized August the first
1667Oct 26Richard Bourton Sen buried octob. 26
1667Nov 19Joseph the son of Thomas Serle Baptized november 19
1667/8Jan 12Robert the Son of Jacob Butt Baptized January 12
1668May 21John the sonne of John Still of Burton buried May 21
1668May 24Christian the daughter of Henry Taylor baptized May 24
1668Dec 31Elizabeth the wife of Henry Bealing together with His Sonne Joseph buried decemb. 31
1668/9Jan 18Mathew Brown Senior buried January 18
1668/9Feb 08Elizabeth the daughter of Abraham Tournor Baptized Feab 8
1669Mar 26Henry Bealing Sen buried March 26
1669Jul 22Jane the daughter of John Fricker buried July 22
1669Aug 05Richard the son of Richard Batwell Baptized August 5th
1669Aug 17Mary Sutor widdow buried August 17
1669Aug 30Mary the wife of daniel Best buried August 30
1669Sep 09Mary Brown widdow buried Septemb 9
1670Apr 16Elizabeth the daughter of Richard Bourton Baptized April 15 burried Apr 16
1670Oct 14Jacob But jun buried october 14
1670Sep 07Elizabeth the wife of Robert Butt Gent burried Septemb. 7
1670Dec 27D?? the daughter of Jacob But jun Baptized December 27
1671Jun 23John Fisher and mary Ellis married june 23
1671Jun 24Elizabeth the daughter of John Smith baptized June 24
1671Jun 26Jeane the daughter of Thomas Harding baptized June 26
1671/2Feb 08Elizabeth the daughter of William Harris Baptized Feab 8
1672Apr 29John Ellis and Isabel Nation married Aprill 29
1672Jul 08Robin Stone and Katherin But married July 8
1672Nov 23Alce the daughter of Abraham Sutor Baptized November 23
1672/3Feb 24John Perfect sen buried
1672/3Feb 24Joseph the son of John Fricker baptized Feab. 24
1672/3Feb 28The wife of John Fricker buried Feab. 28
1672/3Mar 05Ainis the daughter of John Norden buried march 5
1675Apr 11Mary Welch was buryed the 11th April Anno ???
1675Apr 16Dorothy Welch was buried the 16th Aprill
1675Apr 29IsaBell Battwell was baptized ye 29th Aprill
1675Apr 20Katherine Stone was buried the 20 Aprill
1675May 13Mary the daughter of Abraham Sutor was baptized the 13 May
1675May 24Elizabeth Wellch was buried the 24th May
1675Jun 10Egbert Sanger was buried the 10th June
1675Jun 27Lucy Welch was buried ye 27th June
1675Sep 02Eleanor Browne was buried the 2nd September
1675Sep 10Robert Nation was buried the 10th September
1675/6Jan 30Robert Serle was baptized the 30th January
1676Apr 29Mrs Mary Perry was buried the 29th Aprill
1676AugJohn Milborne & Dorothy coward were married the ? August
1676Dec 26Margarett Wilkins was buried the 26th December
1677May 02William sonne of William Wilkins was baptized ye 2 May
1677May 16John Milborne was baptized the 16th May
1677Jun 09Elizabeth Welch was buried the 9th June
1677Jun 11William Moger and Mary Suter were married 11th June
1677Jun 12William Wilkins was buried the 12th June
1677Jul 08? buryed 8 July
1677Sep 13John the Sonne of Thomas Stafferton Gent was baptized the 13th September
1677Oct 15William Burford was baptized the 15th October
1677Nov 05Francis Flinger and Melior Turner were married the 5th November
1677Dec 02Margt Knight was baptized the 2 December
1677Dec 03Elizabeth Best was baptized the 3 December
1677Dec 14Elizabeth Best was buried the 14th December
1677/8Feb 13Richard Butt Sen was buried the 13th February
1677/8Feb 14IsaBell Ellis daughter of Jo. Ellis was baptized the 14 February
1677/8Mar 18Benjamin Biggs was baptized the 18th March
1678Apr 02Abraham the sonn of Abraham Suter was baptized the 2 Aprill
1678Apr 19Richard Moger was baptized the 19th Aprill
1678May 17Joane dowdinge was buried the 17th May
1678May 29John Parsons and Edith Suter were married the 29th May
1678May 21Joseph Harris was baptized the 21th May
1678Aug 18William Wilkins was baptized the 18th August
1678Oct 20Agnes Best was baptized the 20th October
1678/9Feb 17Henry Topp was baptized the 17th Febuary
1678/9Feb 22Henry Topp was buried the 22th Febuary
1678Nov 01Edeth Suter was baptized the 1st November
1678/9Mar 11? was buried the 11 March
1678/9Mar 15Thomas Biggs was buried the 15th March
1678May 09Agnes Farthinge was baptized the 9th May
1678Nov 20Jane Dorchester was baptized the 20 November
1679Apr 04James Milborne was baptized the 4th April
1679Apr 11Thomas Perrett was buried the 11th April
1679Jun 22Roger Serle was baptized the 22 June
1679May 22John Scott of Stower Provost and Anne Browne were married the 22th May
1679Jun 24John Milborne the Younger was buried the 24th June
1679Nov 01William Wilkins Sen was buried the 1st November
1679Nov 05Edith Butt was buried the 5th November
1679Nov 15Henry Safford was buried the 15th November
1679/80Feb 29Augustine Farthinge was baptized the 29 February
1680Apr 12John Childs was baptized the 12th Aprill
1680Jun 06Mary daughter of Thom. Toppe baptized 6th June
1680Aug 20Mary, daughter of Jo. Northeast of Bourton was baptized the 20th of August
1680Aug 23Marg Batwell was buryed ye 23rd August
1680Sep 02IsaBell the daughter of Abraham Sutor was baptized ye 2nd September
1680Sep 13Joan the daughter of William Braford was baptized ye 13th September
1680Sep 17John Sutor senior was buryed the 17th of Sep
1680Sep 18Andrew Barnes of Bourton was buryed 18 of Sep
1680OctJohn Sonn of William Harris was baptd October
1680Oct 15Agnes Farthinge of Bourton was buryed ye October 15th
1680Oct 20Richard Burton sen was buryed the 20th of October
1680Oct? 24?Isabel daughter of Abraham Sutor was buryed oct 2?
1680Nov 07Alice daughter of John Sanger was buryed the 7th of Novem
1680/1Jan 10William Parsons was buryed the 10th of January
1680/1Jan 20Jane the Wife of John Butt was buryed january the 20th
1680/1Jan 25Dorothy Sutor widdow was buryed the 25th of January
1680/1Jan 30Robert Nation and Joan Still was Married january 30th
1680/1Feb 01Mary daughter of William Moger was baptized febuary 1
1680/1Feb 08Robert Dowding & Avis Wilkins was married february 8th
1681May 29Robert bowles & Jane Lapin of gillingham maryed May 29
1681Jun 04John Willis & Susana Browne of gillingham maryed June 4th
1681Oct 13John hall & Sarah Fripp of gillingham maryed octob 13
1681Aug ?Jane daughter of joshep dorchester of Bourton baptized Aug ?
1681Apr 01Jane Gamble wiff of william Gamble was buried Aprill 1th
1681Apr 02Joshep sonn of william Harris was buryed Aprill 2th
1681Sep 06Richard Batwell was buryed September the 6th
1681Sep 07Ann wife of Thomas Suter was buryed September 7th
1681Sep 09William Harris Sen was buryed September the 9th
1681Oct 10October 10th IsaBell daughter of Robert Nation was baptized
1681Oct 11October 11th IsaBell daughter of Robert Nation was buryed
1681Oct 12October 12 Joane wife of William Milborn was buryed
1681Oct 13John Hall and Sarah Frip of Gillingham were married
1681Nov 14Thomas Searle Senr was buryed November the 14
1681Nov 01John Parsons of Fonthill and Warborough Farthinge, daughter of Nicolas of Bourton was maryed November 1
1682Apr 091682 Aprill 9th William the Sonn of Robert Dowding of Burton baptz
1682Apr 16Aprill 16th Mary the daughter of jane davis of burton buried
1682Apr 25Aprill 25 Thomasin Wife of Robert dowdinge of burton buried
1682May 06May 6th william Milborne & Ann glover of Sherborn was maried
1682Jun 08June the 8 harry Coker Esq of Hill Devirell in the County of wilts & Madam Rachell Chiffin of meere was Maried
1682Jul 09July 9th Christian wife of Isack Turner was buried
1682Jul 12July 12th william Sonn of Robert dowdinge junr was buried
1682Oct 05October the 5th William Eddington senr of Bourton was buried
1682Oct 23October 23th john Suter & Ann Wilkins was Maried
1682Nov 09November 9th William Parfitt was buried
1682Nov 10November 10th Margret doggerell of Gillingham was buried
1682Nov 20November 20th Alice daughter of Abraham Suter was buried
1682Dec 20December 20th Nicholas Farthinge of Bourton Senr was buried
1682/3Jan 29January 29th Mary Rose Wido of Bourton was buried
1682/3Feb 19February 19 Augusten Williams of Kilmington in the County of Somerset and Austen Wilkens was Maried
1682/3Mar 19Mar 19 th Agnes daughter of John Parsons of Fontmell was baptizd
1683Apr 01Sara daughter of Augusten ? was baptized
1683Apr 29Ann daughter of John ? was baptized
1683 ? ? Christopher Batwell ? buryed
1683May 06Christopher Batwell of Burton was buryed
1683Jun 17John sonn of John Northeast was baptized
1683Jul 08Mary the Wife of John Wilkens was buried
1683 John the sonn of John Wilkens was baptized
1683Aug 20Mary the daughter of William Moger buryed
1683Nov 12Thomas Gathows and Jane Sherbourn were married
1683Nov 26William ? ? of Silton buried
1683Dec 02Joanna daughter of Robert Nation was baptized
1683Dec 16William sonn of William Perman of Stourton was baptized
1683/4Mar 02Edith Turner widow was buryed
1684Mar 26March 26th Henry sonn of henry Carde was baptized
1684Mar 31March 31 Giles sonn of William Milborne baptized
1684Apr 07April 7th John sonn of Dorothy Harris was buryed
1684Apr 09April 9th Joane Norden widow was buryed
1684Jul 25July 25th John sonn of Amy Searell was baptized
1684Aug 19August 19 Absalom Butt and Mary Cane or Cave of Gillingham was married
1684Sep 03September the 3rd : the Right honable Sir hugh Windham was Buried
1684Sep 05Septemr 5th Marion Greene wido was Buryed
1684Sep 08Septemr 8 Thomas Welch was Buryed
1684Sep 09September 9th Rachel Batwell of Bourton was Buryed
1684?? Henry the Sonn of william Chiles of Bourton Baptized
1684/5Jan 01January the first Joane the daughter of Tho hardinge was buryed
1684/5Feb 05February 5th Joshep the Sonn of Andrew Hoskins was baptized
1684/5Feb 22February 22nd Ann the daughter of Tho Topp was baptized
1684/5Mar 22March 22th Ann the daughter of John Ellis was baptized
1685May 301685 Joshep the Sonn of Andrew Hoskins was buryed may 30th
1685Jun 30June the 30th Elizabeth Butt Wedo was Buryed
1685Jun 30The same day Ann Leare was baptized
1685Jun 29June the 29 dorothy the daughter of Ann bradell was bapt.
1685Jul 03July the 3 dorothy the daughter of Ann bridell was buryed
1685Jul 18July the 18th John the sonn of John Harris was buryed
1685Jul 20July the 20th John the Sonn of Robert Nation was baptized
1685Aug 03August the 3rd Edith the daughter of Abraham Sutor buryed
1685Aug 03August the 3rd Martha the daughter of John Knight was baptized
1685Aug 09August 9th Samuel the Sonn of William Milborn was baptized
1685Sep 06Septer 6 Joshep the sonn of John Northeast was baptized
1685Sep 26Septemr the 26 Ellenor the wife of Tho. Staford was buryed
1685Oct 11October 11th Joane the daughter of William Stafford bapt
1685Oct 16October the 16th Thomas Best was buryed
1685Dec 06William Frepp and Ann Butt of Gillingham were married
1685/6Jan 10January the 10th Nicolas the Sonn of Augustine Farthinge of Bourton was baptized
1685Sep 06September 6th James Card and Bridget Allford of Gillingham was married
1685/6Jan 25Richard G? And Ann ? of Stop? were married
1685/6Feb 24Joane the wife of John Butt was buryed february the 24
1686Apr 021686 William jeferre of Bourton was buryed the Secon day of Aprill
{From this point it is very common for the place Burton to be mentioned. There is a place near Gillingham called Burton but these references are certainly for the nearby village of Bourton.}
1686Apr 09Isack Turner was buryed the nuneth day of Aprill
1686Apr 25Martha Batwell wido of Burton was buryed the 25th day of April
1686Jun 14Peter? Picke? of Blanford & Elisabeth Walters of Shaston was Maried the 14 day of June
1686Sep 16Ann Searell was buryed the 16 of September
1686Oct 12Agnes the Wife of William Rendall of Burton was Buried the 12th day of October
1686Oct 04John Butt the Sonn of henry Butt of huntellford in the p[ari]sh of Gillingham and Isa Bell Brown daughter of Mathew Browne of Silton was Maried the 4th day of October
1686Nov 02William Jupp of Burton was buryed November 2th
1686Nov 13Jane the daughter of Robert Nation was baptized the thirteene day of November
1686Nov 21Mary the daughter of William Leare of Burton was Baptized the one and twenty day of November
1686Nov 23Alice the daughter of Robert Greene was Baptized the twenty third day of November
1686Dec 01Jane the wife of Robert Nation was buryed the first day of desember
1686Dec 28John Moger of this p[ar]ish and Elizabeth ? of the p[ar]ish of Coum in the County of Somerset was Maried the 28th day of december
1686Dec 28Richard the sonn of Ambris Chiles Jun was baptized the 28th day of desember
1686/7Jan 30William the Sonn of John NothEast of the p[ar]ish of Gillingham was baptized the thirtyeth day of Jan
1686/7Jan 31Margaret Sanger was buryed the 31th day of Jan
1686/7Feb ?Ann the wife of Steven White was buryed febr ?
1686/7Feb 25Henry the Sonn of Ann Chiles Wido was buryed february 25?
1686/7Mar 06John the Sonn of John Curtis was baptized the 6th day of March
1687Mar 27Joshep Thicke and Margaret Milkens was maried the twenty Seven day of march
1687Apr 10John the sonn of william Shepard of Burton was Baptizd the tennth day of Aprill
1687Apr 22Mary Jupp and Ann Jupp daughters of William Jupp of Burton was Buryed the twenty Second day of Aprill
1687May 06Mary the daughter of Richard Chiles of Burton was baptized the sixteenth day of may
1687May 23Dorothy the wife of Richard Chiles of Burton was buryed the three and tentyeth day of May
1687Jun 07John Sanger was Buryed the seventh day of Jun
1687Jul 04Mary the daughter of Benjamin Suter of Burton was baptized the 4 day of July
1687Aug 08William the Sonn of Thomas Topp was baptized the eight day of August
1687Sep 04IsaBell the daughter of William Milbourn was baptized the fowerth day of September
1687Sep 12Sedwell bunn wedow was buryed the 12th of Septem
1687Sep 17Richard Peirsy of Burton was buryed the seventeenth day of September
1687Oct 05William Sanger was buryed the fifth day of October
1687/8Feb 12Mary the daughter of Robert Nation was baptized the Twelth day of february
1687/8Feb 13William the Sonn of William Greene was baptized the thirteenth day of february
1687/8Feb 19William the Sonn of John Notheast was buryed the 19th day of February
1687/8Mar 01Elizabeth the daughter of John Moger was baptized the first day of March
1687/8Mar 07Hester Parphit wido was buryed the 7th day of March
1688Apr 22Andrew hoskens of the p[ar]ish of Gillingham and mary Suter of the p[ar]ish of Silton was maryed the twenty second day of Aprill
1688Apr 23Mathew Browne was buryed the three & twentyth day of Aprill
1688May 17William Lane and Mary the daughter of Christopher Rose both of the p[ar]ish of Gillingham was maryed the seventeenth day of May
1688May 23Elizabeth the daughter of Charles Stevens of Gillingham was Baptized the three & Twentyeth day of may
1688Jun 15George Farthinge of Burton was Buryed the 15 day of June
1688Jun 07Robert Alford of Mere in the County of Wilts and Mary Bamble of this P[ar]ish was maryed the 7th day of June
1688Jul 12Samuel the Sonn of Nathanil Still was Baptized the Twelth day of July
1688Jul 15Mary the daughter of Augusten Farthinge of Burton was Baptized the fifteenth day of July
1688Jul 27Richard the Sonn of Robert Greene was baptized the 27 of Jul
1688Aug 11Christopher the Sonn of thomas deverell of Saile within the p[ar]ish of M? was baptized the 11 of August
1688Sep 28Agnes the wife of Daniell Best was buryed the twentieight day of September
1688Oct 30Thomas Wise of the p[ar]ish of Chilthorne in the County of Wiltes and Ann Card within the p[ar]ish of Gillingham in the County of Dorst were Maried the thirtyeth day of October
1688Nov 21SeBell Sanger widow was buryed the twenty first day of November
1688Nov 22William dowland of the p[ar]ish of Gillingham and Edeth Reade was maryed the twenty seconde of November
1688/9Feb 04Martha the daughter of John Bell was baptized the 4 day of february
1688/9Feb 08Margret the daughter of Edward Sparro of Burton was baptized Eight day of february
1688/9Feb 09Joane Barnes Widdow of Burton was buryed the ninth day of february
1688/9Mar 03Robert the Sonn of Robert Nation was baptized the third day of March
1688/9Mar 22William the Sonn of Andrew hoskens of Gillingham was baptized the twentyeth second day of March
1689May 07Gerard the Sonn of John Ellis was baptized the Seventh day of May
1689May 13Elizabeth the daughter of Benjamin Suter of Burton was baptized the 13 day of may
1689Jun 01Michaell the Sonn of John Searell was baptized the first day of June
1689Jun 07Elliner the daughter of John Stafford was baptized the 7 day of June
1689Jun 21John the Sonn of John Butt of hunt? in the p[ar]ish of Gillingham was baptized the 21th day of June
1689Sep 05Sara the daughter of Andrew Cox was baptized the fifth day of September
1689Oct 27Rumilily Batwell was buryed October the 27
1689Nov 25Ann the daughter of John Moger was baptized the 25th day of November
1689Nov 29Thomas Staford of Burton was buryed 29th November
1689Dec 05Grace the daughter of Samuell Self baptized december 5
1689/90Jan 17Elizabeth the daughter of Nathaniel Still was baptized the seventeenth day of January
1690Mar 27Ann the daughter of William Shepard of Burton was Baptized the 27 of March
1690April ?Mary the daughter of John Bell Baptized the ?
1690Apr 27Sara the daughter of William Leare of Burton was Baptized the 27 of Aprill
1690Jul 12Agnes Ellis Widow of Burton buryed the 12 of July
1690Jul 16Robert the Sonn of Robert Greene baptizd The 16 of July
1690Jul 16Ann the daughter of John Moger buryed the Same day
1690Sep 07William Gamble buryed the 7 day of September
1690Sep 14Joane jeferis wedowe of Burton was buryed the 14th day of September
1690Oct 09Edith the daughter of George Perrat of Burton was Baptized the 9th day of October
1690Oct 22Joshep dorcester of Burton was Buryed the 22th of October
1690Nov 26Edward Jefris Ser of Burton was Buryed the 26th day of November
1690Nov 28John Welch was Buryed the 28th day of November
1690Dec 04Edyth the daughter of Grace Batwell jur was Baptized the 4th day of december
1690Dec 26Captaine Robert Golsbury was Buryed december the 26
1690/1Jan 01Mary the daughter of Andrew Hoskins of Gillingham was baptized the first day of January
1690/1Feb 06Gwen Parfit was buryed February the 6th
1690/1Feb 26Elizabeth the daughter of Ambros Chiles jur of burton was baptized the 26th day of february
1690/1Mar 03John kinsbury of burton was buryed the 3th day of march
1690/1Mar 18Ann the daughter of Benjamin Sutor of Burton was baptized the 18th day of March
1690/1Mar 06Stenen Whit was buryed the 6th day of march
1691Apr 061691 Jane the daughter of Thomas Ryall of burton was baptized the 6th day of April
1691Apr 12? Thomas Younge was buryed the 12th day of April
1691Apr 20Phillip Milkens and Joane Heddige both of Gillingham was maryed 20th day of Aprill
1691Apr 20John the sonn of Thomas Topp baptized the 20th of Aprill
1691Apr 23Charles Suter and Susana Rose was maryed the 23th day of April
1691May 07Margret Audry of Burton the wife of John Audry aged 93 yeares was buryed the 7th day of may
1691May 07Robert dowdinge ser of Burton was Buryed the same 7th day of May
1691May 16William Bell jur was buryed the 16th day of may
1691May 21William Butt of Cerpon and Edith Moger was maryed the one and twentieth day of may
1691Jun 11Elizabeth the daughter of John Moores of Burton was Baptized the Eleventh day of junn
1691Jun 28Lawrence the Sonn of Andrew Cox was baptized the 28th of June
1691Jul 04Mathew the sonn of Joshep Suter was baptized Jul the 4th
1691Jul 29William the sonn of William Milborne was baptized Jul 29
1691Sep 13John Milborn was Buryed the 13 day of September
1691Sep ?Ann the daughter of Robert Nation was baptized September ?
1691Sep 15Gertrude Browne wedow was buryed September 15
1691Dec 16Robert the Sonn of Robert Farthinge of Burton was baptized the 16 day of december
1691Dec 23Thomas coward & Mary Jefford were maryed desember the 23rd
1691DecNathaniel the Sonn of Nathaniel Still was baptized desember
1691Dec 29Elizabeth the daughter of Augusten Farthinge of Burton baptizd december 29th
1691/2Jan 26The Widdowe Milbourne buryed january the 26
1691/2Feb 02William Penny and Ann hopkins both of West Knoyle were maryed the second day of February
1691/2Feb ?Frances the wiff of Andrew Turner buryed February
1691/2Feb 17Rachell the daughter of henry Welch baptized february 17
1691/2Feb 22Hanna the daughter of William Leare of Burton was baptized the twenty second day of February
1691/2Feb 28John the Sonn of Thomas Topp buryed february the 28
1691/2Mar 03Ann the daughter of John Moger baptized March 3
1691/2Mar 06France the daughter of Samuel Self Baptized March 6
1691/2Mar 06Rachel the daughter of henry Welch buryed ?
1691/2Mar 08Margret the wife of William GamBell buryed March the 8
1691/2Mar 17John the Sonn of dorothy Milborn was buryed March 17
1691/2Mar 21John the Sonn of Edward Sparrow of Burton was Baptized the twenty first day of March
1692Mar 28William the Sonn of Robert Greene was baptized the 28 day of March
1692Apr 03George the sonn of George Greene was baptized the third day of Aprill
1692May 05Alexander Penny and Joane Sanger were Maryed the fifth day of may
1692Jun 26Robert the sonn of Robert Greene was buryed junn the 26
1692Aug 31Charles the sonn of Thamson Farthinge of burton was baptized the last day of August
1692Sep 03Joshep the sonn of John Searell was baptized the third day of September
1692Sep 04John Auiry was buryed September the ffoweth
1692Sep 18Mary the daughter of Thomas coward was baptized the 18th day of September
1692Oct 06Catherine the daughter of John Bell was baptized the six day of October
1692Oct 30Ann the daughter of Alexander Penny was baptized the thirtieth day of October
1692Dec 11Andrew the sonn of Andrew hoskens of Gillingham was baptized the eleventh day of December
1692Dec 20Ambris the Sonn of Ambris Chiles of Burton was baptized the 20th day of december
1692Dec 22Susana the daughter of Charles Suter was baptized the 22th day of december
1692/3Jan 08Diana the wife of Thomas Greene was buryed january 8th
1692/3Jan ?Susana the wife of Charles Suter was buryed january ?
1692/3Feb 09John the Sonn of Beniamen Suter of Burton was baptized the ninth day of February
1692/3Feb 27Jane the daughter of Thomas Ryall of Burton was baptized the 27th day of february
1692/3Mar 05Rachell the daughter of Henry Welch baptized the Fifth day of March
1692/3Mar 19Isabel the daughter of Robert Nation was baptized the Ninteenth day of March
1692/3Mar 19Martha the daughter of John Mellard was baptized the same Ninteenth day of March
1693May 22Charles Suter and Mary Larne were maryed May the 22
1693Jun 12Marke Stonn and Ann Carde was maryed Jun the 12
1693Jul 16Hannah the daughter of Andrew Cox was baptized July 16
1693Oct 19James hardeman and Mary Moger were maryed the nintenth day of October
1693Oct 29Dorythi Sharp was buried the 29th of October
1693Nov 15Margret Jupp wedow of Burton was buryed the 15th day of November
1693Dec 07Dorothy the wife of Richard Burton was buryed the seventh day of December
1693Dec 09Edeth the wiffe of Richard Barnes of Burton was Buryed the ninth day of desember
1693Dec 24Samuell Card and Ann Phillips were Maryed the 24 day of desember
1693/4Jan ?William the sonn of Robert Greene was buryed the ? day of January
1693/4Feb 12John the sonn of john Moger was baptizd the twelf day of February
1693/4Feb 15Joshep the sonn of Joshep Suter was baptized the 15th day of february
1693/4 Lady Day 1694
1693/4Mar 05Mary the Daughter of Nathaniel Still was baptized ye 5th day of March
1694Mar 29John ye son of Robert Greene was baptized ye 29 of March
1694Apr ?Winefred ye daughter of Robert Farthing baptized ye ? of Aprill belonging to Bourton
1694Apr 28Witten Bell was buryed ye 28 day of April
1694May 05Alice Rose was buryed ye 5th day of May
1694May 08Thomas Farthing was buryed ye 8 day of May
1694Jun 05Elizabeth the daughter of Andrew Turner junior was baptized ye 5 day of June 1694
1694Jul 15Joane the daughter of Samuel Selfe was baptized ye 15th day of July 1694
1694Jul 21Mary Perrott of Bourton was buryed ye 21 day of July 1694
1694Jul 26Abraham Turner ye Elder was buryed ye 26 of July
1694Oct 21Edmund the son of Andrew Hoskins of Penzelwood was baptized ye 21 of October 1694
1694Oct 28William the son of Robert Nation was baptized ye 28 of Oct
1694Nov 05Widdow Farthing was buryed ye 5th of November
1694Nov 11Elizabeth ye Daughter of George Green & Elizabeth his wife was baptized ye 11 day of November
1694Nov 16Elizabeth Barnes & her Son William buryed together 16 of November
1694 And William Barnes Her husband ye Fryday following
1694/5Jan 22Richard Barnes ye Elder was buryed ye 22nd of January
1694/5Jan 24Elizabeth ye Daughter of Alexander Penny & Joane his Wife was baptized ye 24 Day of January
1694/5Feb 11Martha the daughter of Thomas coward junr was baptized ye 11? day of February
1694/5Feb 13Rebecca Barnes Widdow was buryed ye 13 day of February
1694/5Feb? xxxxrnes ye Younger was buryed ye 19th day of February 1694
1694/5Feb 25? ye Elder was buryed ye 25 day of February
1694/5Mar 21William Randall of Bourton was buryed ye 21 day of March
  Lady Day 1695
1695Apr 04Robert Harcourt & Susannah Burrough were marryed ye fourth day of Aprill
1695Apr 06Elizabeth ye Daughter of Edward Sparrow was baptizd ye sixth day of Aprill
1695Apr 07Robt ye Son of Henry Ryall of Bourton was baptizd ye seventh day of Aprill
1695Jun 12John Barnes ye son of William Barnes of Bourton was buryed ye twelvth day of June
1695Jun 16Edith Welch alias Millard ye Daughter of John Welch alias Millard was Baptized ye 16 day of June & borne ye ninth of June
1695Jun 29Susannah ye Daughter of Ambrose Childs was baptizd ye 29th day of June
1695Jul 22Widdow Strong buryed July 22nd 95
1695Aug 01Hannah ye Daughter of Benjamin Sutor of bourton Baptized ye 1st of August
1695Aug 25Joseph Serle was marryed to Mary Serle August 25
1695Aug ???John Bell ye Son of John Bell & Martha his Wife was baptizd ye ??? of August
1695Sep 14Benjamin ye Son of John Serle and Ann [his Wife] was baptizd ye 14 day of September 1695
1695SepAnd he was buryed ye ??? of September
1695Oct 23John Serle ye Younger ???
1695/6FebSusannah ye Daughter of Charles Suter was buryed ???
1695/6FebHestor Rose of Bourton was buryed ye february ???
1695/6FebJoseph ye Son of Joseph Serle & Mary his Wife borne ye 8th day of february
1695/6Mar 01Margery ye Daughter of Robert Green was baptizd March ye 1st borne february ye 9th
1695/6Mar 05John ye Son of Tho. Tatum of Wincanton was baptizd ye 5th of March (95)
  Lady day 1696
1696MayAndrew Turner ye Son of Andrew Turner junr baptizd May ?
1696JunMary ye daughter of Robt Nation was buryed Jun
1696JunThomas Welch ye Son of Henry Welch junr baptizd Jun
1696Jul 19and ye same child was buryed ye 19th of July
1696Aug 03Ann ye Daughter of Jerome Vining was baptizd ye 3rd August 8 days after her birth.
1696Sep 01Francis Hebditch & Mary Stainer were maryed first of September
1696Jul 26William Still the Son of Nathanil Still was baptizd ye 26 of July
1696Oct 28Susannah the daughter of Benjamin Suter of Bourton was baptized ye 28th of October
1696Dec 19? of Robert Nation buryed ye 19 of December
1696/7Jan 03? ye Son of Samuel Self was baptizd ye 3 of January
1696/7Jan 15? daughter of John Moger was baptizd ye 15 of January 1696
1696/7Feb 10John Skinner of Bourton was buryed ye 10th of February 96
1696/7Feb 14Thomas ye son of Robert Farthing of Bourton was baptizd 14 of February 1696
1696/7Feb 23Mary Parfitt ye wife of Robert Parfitt was buryed ye 23rd day of February 1696.
1696/7Mar 08Marjerie ye Daughter of Alexander Penny was baptizd ye 8 day of March 1696
  Lady day 1697
1697Apr 10? Nation Widdow was buryed ye 10th day of Aprill (97
1697Apr 17? Widdow was buryed ye 17 day of Aprill (97
1697Apr 25? ye daughter of Joseph Suter was baptized ye 25 of Aprill
1697Jul 18Mary ye daughter of Henry Welch Junr was baptized ye 18 of July
1697Aug 16? Edwards was buryed ye 16th of August
1697Aug 22Elizabeth the Daughter of Thomas Ryall of Bourton was baptized 22 August
1697Sep 24? Wife of John Welch alias Millard buryed September 24
1697Nov 24William ye Son of William Leare of Bourton baptized November 24
1697Dec 06William ye son of John Bell was baptized ye 6 of December
1697Dec 15Mary ye Wife of William Moger was buryed ye 15 December
1697/8Jan 23Thomas ye Son of Thomas coward baptized January 23
1697/8Mar 03Sarah Jones a travelling woman was buryed 3 March
1697/8Mar 06John ye Son of Nathaniel Still was baptized ye 6 of March
  Lady day 1698
1698 ? ? paid by Willm Burpit
1698Apr 25John ye son of John Butt was baptized Aprill ye 25
1698May 01Richard ye son of George Greene was baptizd May ye first
1698May? Daughter of Tho: coward junr was buryed ? of ? May
1698May 24Robert Perfect Junr was buryed ye 24th of May
1698?? Harding Marryed to Elizabeth Sanger ?
1698Oct 19? Turner ye Daughter of Andrew Turner junr ? 19 October
1698 Andrew ye son of Andrew Turner junr was buryed ?
1698Oct 23? the daughter of Joseph Serle baptized 3 of October
1698/9Mar 12Edith? ye daughter of John Moger junr baptized 12 March
  Lady Day 1699
1699Mar? ye Daughter of Joseph Suter baptized March 26?
1699MarThomas the son of Thomas coward junr buryed March ye 31?
1699 ? above sd Persons paid their Tax by Alexander ?
1699 Richard ye Son of Henry Welch junr baptized ye 14 day ?
1699 ? Selfe the Daughter of Samuel Self was baptized
1699Sep 27Avis Serle Widdow was buryed ye 27 of September
1699 ? the Wife of John Serle ye Elder dyed Nov?
1699?Dorothy Milbourne Widdow was buryed ye ?
1699/1700Jan 01John ? dyed ye first of January
1699/1700Feb? Parfect Senior was buryed ye ? February
1700 Dorothy Young? Widdow was buryed ?
1700Apr 12Alexander ye son of Alexander Penny? April 12 baptized
1700 Jane the daughter of John Butt baptized ? of May
1700Aug 01John Serle? ye Elder marryed to Edith Oliver? ye ? of August 1
1700Sep 25Benjamin Perman was buryed ye 25 of September
1700 ? the son of Joseph Searle? was baptized ye 17th
1700 ? of Tisbury marryed Kath? ? 27th
1700 the son of Thomas coward and Mary ?
1700/1Jan 19Ann the Daughter of Augustus Farthing of Bourton buryed the 19 day of January
1700/1Feb 09Ann the Daughter of Alexander Penny was buryed the 9 day of february
1700/1Mar 08Mary the daughter of Alexander Penny & Joan his wife was baptized the 8th of March
1700/1Mar 13Mary Farthing the Daughter of Robt Farthing of Bourton was baptized March the 13
1701Mar 30Richard Green the son of Robt Green buryed 30 Mar
 Apr 06? Farthing the Daughter of Augustin Farthing was buryed Aprill the 6th
1701Apr 08Rachel the Wife of William Greene buryed the 8 of Aprill
1701Apr 30John the son of Joseph Sutor baptized the 30 of April
1701Jun 29Andrew the son of Andrew Turner Jun baptizd June 29
  The Parish of Sylton
Anno Dom 1701
{This is the start of the 2nd register. The first few pages are damaged mechanically and by light – probably due to the covers being missing. The first register is likewise damaged and the last few pages of this register are also difficult to read. Nevertheless there are some entries duplicated in the 2 registers which makes it possible to fill in some entries. The entries below in italics are from the 1st register.}
1701{Mar 30}Richard the son of Robert Green?
1701{Apr 6}{Farthing the Daughter of Augustin Farthing was (buryed?) Aprill the 6th}
1701{Apr 8}Rachel the Wife of ?
1701{Apr 30}John ye son of Joseph Suter baptized
1701{Jun 29}Andrew the Son of Andrew Turner?
1701 William ye son of William Topp baptized ?
1701 William? the son of ? Sxxx? of Bourton ?
1701 Ann? Harris? Widdow of ? buryed ?
1701 ? the Wife of Augusten Williams buryed ?
1701 John ye son of George Green baptized ?
1701 Richard Tuffine? was marryed to Mary R?
1701 John Brim buryed the 16 of ?
1701 Ann ye Daughter of William Perman baptized
1701 William Burputt Junr was marryed to ?
1701 Richard ye son of George Gxxx?
1702 Robert Prenchard? Was maryed to ?
1702 William Oaks was marryed to ?
1702?Abraham Suter Junr was marryed ?
1702 Thomas the son of Joseph Serle?
1702 William ye son of William Burputt?
1702 An ye daughter of William Perman?
1702?Joan ye Wife of John Moger Senr was ?
1702?Valentine ye son of Robert Urson was ?
1702 John the son of Samuel Selfe ?
1702?Alice the Wife of Abraham Suter sen? was ?
1702 Thomas ye son of Joseph Serle ?
1702 James ye son of John Moger Jun baptized
1702 John ye son of William Topp was baptized
1702 Caleb Perfect marryed to Hester ?
1703 Hannah ye Daughter of Nathaniel St???
1703 ??? of James ???
1703 Martha Daughter of Andrew Turner jun???
1703Oct 16??? Burputt jun was buryed October 16 An Dom 1703
1703Nov 06??? Mable Junior was buryed November 6 1703
1703Nov 17??? Mable Senior was buryed November ye 17
1703/4Jan 07? ye son of Josef Serle was baptized Jan ye 7
1703/4Jan 12? ye Daughter of Joseph Suter was baptizd January ye 12
1703/4Feb 27William Milbourne was buryed Feb 27
1703/4Mar 22??? ye Daughter of John Norris? was baptized March 22
  Anno Dom 1704
1704April ?Willm? ye Son of Robert Farthing of Bourton buryed ???
1704Apr 17William B??? of Motcomb was marryed to ??? ye 17th day of Aprill
1704Apr 20John Stevens of Gillingham was marryed to Sarah Cox of ??? 20 day of Aprill
1704???Robert the Son of Robert Rose was baptized ???
1704May 23William the Son of Ambrose Childs of Bourton baptized May 23
1704Jul 07John the Son of William Burputt Jun was baptized July 7
1704Sep ???Martha the Daughter of Thomas coward junr baptized Sep ???
1704Oct 21??? Streat the Son of William Streat of ??? ??? baptized ye 21 day of October
1704Nov 27??? Moger Senr was buryed November 27
1704Dec 18Sarah the daughter of John Charlton was baptized December 18
1704/5Jan 16??? ye Son of George Greene was baptized January ye 16
1704/5Jan 19Christopher? Browne was buryed January 19th
1704?????? marryed Mrs Jane Lewis
1704/5Feb 05Thomas ye son of Robert Ursen was baptized
1704/5Mar 07??? Son of Augustine ??? Baptized March ye 7
  Anno Dom 1705
1705Apr 16??? maryed to Hugh Moger Aprill 16
1705Apr 21Elizabeth ye daughter of John ??? was baptized Aprill 21
1705Jul 03Isabel Batwell was buryed July ye 3rd
1705Jul 07Anne the wife of Roger Serle was buryed
1705Jun 28Mr John Piercy was buryed June ye 28
1705 William Selfe ye Son of Samuel Selfe was baptized
1705Oct ???Richard Moger marryed to Mary S??? October
1705Nov 01Mathew the Son of Henry Welch junr was baptized November 1st
1705Nov 15Richard ye Son of John Butt ??? buryed November 15
1705/6Jan ???John the Son of John Meggs was Christened January ???
1705/6Jan ???William Target of Tisbury was marryed to Mary Thick January ???
1705/6Mar 17Thomas ye Son of Joseph Serle was baptized ye March 17
1705Mar ???Richard the Son of George Farthing of Bourton was Baptized March ???
  Lady Day 1706
1706Mar?Hannah the Daughter of Tho Ryall of Bourton was baptized Mar?
1706???Susannah the daughter of Stone was baptised ???
1706Apr 03Christopher ye son of William Burpit junr was baptized
1706Apr 06Robert the son of Andrew Turner junr was Baptized Aprill ye 6th
1706AprMartha ye daughter of Augustin Farthing junr was baptised April ???
1706May 06John doggerell was maryed to Elizabeth Tarrant? May ye 6
1706May 26Richard ye son of John Butt was baptised May ye 26
1706Jun 02William Mores ye son of Thomas Mores of Bourton was baptized June
1706 ? Hardcastle administered ye Oath for burying in Woolen
1706 Andew Cox
1706Jun 24?Benjamin Combs ?
1706JulThomas ye son of John Streat? of Bourton was bap.
1706Aug 18Samuel Milbourne was buryed August 18
1706 James the son of John Jeanes of Bourton was bap.
1706Oct 10Caleb ye son of Caleb Perfect was baptized ye 10th day of October
1706/7Jan ???John the son of Robert Farthing was baptised January ???
1706???Elizabeth ye dau of August Williams was baptised ???
1706/7Mar 21Thomas Harding was buryed March 21
  Lady Day 1707
1707Apr? 14John Shepherd was maryed to Mary Butt the 14th ?
1707May 23Amy Serle was buryed the 23 day of May
1707May 3?Mary Bell Widdow was buryed May ye 3?
1707Jun ?Ann the daughter of Joseph Serle was baptized June ye ?
1707Jun 03Sarah the Wife of Andrew Cox was buryed ye 3 of ?
1707Jun 08Sarah ye Daughter of Andrew Cox was baptized ye 8 of June
1707Jul 06William the son of Thomas Huff? was baptized ye 6 of July
1707Jul 10Mary the Daughter of Richard Moger was baptized July ye 10.
1707Jul 28John Curties was marryed to Rebeca Vining July ye 28
1707Oct ?Elizabeth the Daughter of John Moger was buryed Oct ?
1707Nov ?Benjamin Sparrow was marryed to Martha Top Nov ?
1707Nov 18The Widdow Batwell was buryed the 18th day of November
1707Dec 16Andrew Cox Senr was buryed December ye 16 1707
1707Dec 20John the Son of John Farthing Junr was buryed ye 20th December
1707Dec 27Hannah the Wife of John Farthing was buryed 27 of December
1707/8Jan 02Margarett the Daughter of George Greene was baptizd Janu: 2
1707/8Feb 09Mary the Daughter of Robt Ursin was baptizd February ye 9th
1707/8Feb 23Nicholas the son of John Butt was baptizd February ye 23
  Lady Day 1708
1708Mar 28Nicholas the son of John Butt was buryed March ye 28
1708May 04Mary the Daughter Caleb Perfect was baptizd May ye 4th
1708May 20John the son of Augustine Farthing Junr was baptzd May ye 20th.
1708Jun 27Elizabeth ye Daughter of Joseph Higham was baptizd June 27
1708Sep 28Ann ye Daughtr of Andrew Turner Junr was baptizd Septembr 28
1708Sep 30William Haynes? was maryed to Alice Harding 30th of September
1708Nov 22Barthomelew a base born child of John Charllons? baptizd Novembr 22
1708Nov 10Widdow ffricker was buryed November ye 10th
1708Dec 17John the son of John Farthing was buryed Decembr 17
1708Dec 11James Joseph & Lydia the children of James Atkings were all baptizd together ye 11th day of December
1708Dec 13Ann ye Daughter of William Burput Junr was baptizd Decembr 13.
1708Dec 27Thomas Soules? the son of Soules? was buryed Decembr 27
1708/9Jan 04Widdow Rachel Welch buryed January ye 4
1708/9Jan 10Thomas Edwards the Son of Willam Edwards was baptizd Janry 10th
1708/9Mar 24William ye Son of Willm Stone of Bourton was baptizd. March 24
  Lady Day 1709
1709Apr 04Jane ye Daughter of Augustin Williams baptized Aprill ye 4
1709Apr 11Lawrence? Cox a baseborn child of Mary Bell baptized Aprill 11.
1709Apr 01Margaret Thick was buryed ye 1st Aprill
1709Mar 30? Burpitt wife to William Burpitt was buryed March 30
1709May 22? Thick was marryed to Margarett Bowles May 22
1709Jun 26Thomas Read marryed Joane Ghoffe Jun 26
1709Jun 30Christopher Alford of Mere marryed to Elizabeth Warren Jun 30
1709Jul 20Mary the Daughter of William Burlton was baptized July 20
1709Oct 22Robert the son of Robert Harding was baptised October 22
1709Dec 08William Stafford of Bourton was buryed December 8
1709Dec 17Thomas Forward was marryed to ? Young December ye 1?
1709Dec 26Mary ye dau of Richard Child junr baptized 26 Dec
1709/10Jan 31Mary ye dau of John Bakon was baptized Jan 31
  Lady day 1710
1710Mar 22Richard ye son of John Sheane was baptized
1710Apr 06Mary the dau of John Meggs was baptized
1710Apr 18Mary ye dau of Richard Perman was baptized
1710May 22Joane the dau of William Topp was baptized
1710May 31Elias ye son of Robert Rose was baptized
1710Jun 10Margaret the daughter of Joseph Thick was bap.
1710Oct 31Widdow Rose of Bourton was buryed
1710Nov 01Lawrence Butt married Mary Suter of Gillingham
1710Nov 06John Forward maryed to Ann Canter? of Mere
1710/11Jan 04John Took marryed to Hannah Hayter Jan 4
1710/11Jan 08William Cave marryed Dorothy Chiles
1710/11Jan 29William the son of John Butt baptized
1710/11Feb 20Widdow Best buryed
1710/11Feb 22Grace? the wife of John Moger was buried Feb 22
1710/11Mar 10Ambrose Childs of Bourton senr was buryed Mar 10
1710/11Mar 10Ann daughter of Robert Ursin was baptized
1711Apr 11John Day of Wincanton was marryed to Sarah Rake Apr 11 1711 [sic]
  Lady day 1711
1711Apr ?Thomas the Son of Joseph Serle was baptized Aprill ?
1711May 02Hannah Suter of Bourton was buryed May ye 2nd
1711May 03Dorothy Harris Widdow was buryed May ye 3rd
1711May ?Joseph Michell was marryed to Elizabeth Jeens? May ye ?
1711May 07Morgan Sanger Junr was marryed to Mary Tarrant May ye 7
1711May ?Joseph Sanger was buryed May ye ?
1711May ?John Cleuet was Marryed Susanna Harcourt May
1711May 13Thomas coward Senr was buryed May ye 13th
1711May 14Jane ye daughter of George Greene was baptized May ye 14th
1711May 25Abigal Ham was buryed the twenty fifth of May
1711May 29Humphrey Leere was marryed to Elizabeth Rogers May 29
1711Jun 02Hester the wife of Mr Caleb Perfect was buryed June ye 2
1711Jun 06Margaret the Daughter of William Woodberry was baptized June ye 6
1711Jun 28Henry Welch senr was buryed ye 28 of June
1711Jul 02Alice ye daughter of Joseph Highman was Baptized July 2.
1711Aug 02Benjamin ye son of Augustine Junior Farthing was baptized Aug 2
1711Oct 10Thomas Suter was buryed October ye 10th
1711Oct 14His Widdow was buryed October ye 14th
1711Oct 22Elizabeth ye daughter of John Jacob was baptizd Octobr ye 22.
1711Nov 07John Butt was buryed November ye 7th
1711Nov 09William Perman Senr was buryed November ye 9th
1711Nov 27Noah the son of John Steevens was baptizd Novem 27th
1711Oct 25Martha ye Daughter of John Foot was baptizd Octobr 25th
1711Dec 11William Hoskings was marryed to Elizabeth Burden December 11
1711Dec 20William Lear of Bourton was buryed Decembr 20th
1711/12Jan 09Elias ye son of William Edwards was baptizd January ye 9th
1711/12Jan 13Widdow Lear of Bourton was buryed January 13th
1711/12Jan 17Rose the daughter of Joseph Thick was baptizd January 17th
1711/12Feb 10Elizabeth ye daughter of William Love was baptizd Febr: 10th
1711/12Mar 19Leonard Suter was buryed March ye 19th
1712Apr 27Richard? Short was marryed to Elizabeth Thick Aprill ye 27th
1712Apr 27Michael? Short was marryed to Elizabeth Thick Aprill 27th
1712Sep 04Benjamin Biggs was buryed ye September ye 4th
1712Nov 17Ann ye daughter of Willm Mathews was baptizd Novembr 17
1713Apr 12Emanuel ye son of James Atkings was baptizd April 12
1713May 30James ye Son of Robert Rose was baptizd May ye 30th
1713Jul 08Joseph? ye son of Joseph Michel was baptizd July ye 8th
1713Jul 13John Serle was marryed to Fillis Mores July ye 13th
1713Aug 27John ye son of John Charlton was baptizd Augst 27
1713Sep 10Edward Pitman was marryed to Elizabeth Hayes Septem: 10
1713Sep 23Mary ye daughtr of Joseph Thick was baptizd ye Septem 23rd
1713Oct 19Mary ye daughtr of John Miles of Bourton was baptizd Octobr ye 19th
  Lady Day 1714
1714Mar 27Martha ye Daughter of John Norris was Baptizd March 27th
1714Mar 29Micha? ye Son of John Butt was Baptizd March 29th
1714May 13Gerard Ellis was mary to An Suter ye May ye 13th
1714?Martha ye Daughter of John Norris was Baptized ?
1714Mar 29[Michal] ye son of John Butt was Baptizd March ye 29
1714May 13Gerrard Ellis was married to Ann Suter May ye 13
1714Jun 01Mary ye Daughter William Edwards was baptizd June ye 1st
1714Jun 27Mary coward was buryed ye June 27th
1714Jul 04John ye Son of Richard Perman was Baptizd ye July ye 4th
1714Jul 30Phillis ye Daughter of John Serle was baptizd July ye 30th
1714Sep 02Martha ye daughter of Augustine Farthing was baptizd Septembr 2
1714Sep 11Sarah ye Daughter of Samuel Albury was Baptized Septembr 11
1714SepIsaBell ye Daughter of Georg: Green was Baptizd Septembr
1714Oct 12William Moger was buryed October ye 12th
1714Nov 11Ephaim Lanning was maryed to Elizabeth Chinock 11 Novemb
1714Dec? 8Thomas ye Son of Thomas Oburne was Baptizd ye 8 Dec?
1714Feb 14George ye Son of Georg King was baptizd ye 14 of February
1714Dec 19Elizabeth the Daughter of Joseph Thick was baptizd Decr 19
1714/15Mar 19Walter the Son of Joseph Serle was baptizd March 19
1714/15Mar 24[Hannah?] Daughter of William Woodbury was baptd March 24
  Lady Day 1715
1715Apr 17Rachel the Daughter of John Hul was baptized April 17
1715Apr 28Elizabeth ye Daughter of Robert Harcourt was baptized April 28
1715May 07Jane Dorchester Widdow of West Bourton was buryed May 7
1715May 08Robert Farthing of Borton was buried May 8
1715May 11William ye son of William Top was baptized May 11
1715Jun ?Nicolas Pitman of Bourton was married to Hannah Cox June ?
1715Jun ?Harry the son of William Burput was baptized Jun ?
1715Aug 2?Margaret ye wife of John Gelly of Bourton was buried Augst 2?
1715Sep 05The Revd Mr Thomas Willoughby Rector of Silton was buried Sept 5
1715Oct 02Isabel the Daughter of William Mathews baptized Oct 2
1715Oct 19Anne the Daughter of William Edwards baptized Oct 19
1715Nov 20John Ellis was buried Nov 20
1715Dec ?John the son of Joseph Michelmas? was baptized?
1715Dec 29John Dun in the Parish of Gillingham was married to Mary Moger Dec 29
1715/16Jan 08John Burput was married to Mary Alford Jan 8
1715/16Jan 15Hannah the Daughter of John Sheene of Bourton was baptized Jan 15
1715/16Feb 07Samuel ? of Penselwood was buried Feb 7
1715/16Feb 14Isabel ? of Penselwood
1715/16Mar 07Thomas was buried Mar 7
1715/16Mar 11Walter ? was buried March 11
1715/16Mar 15Joseph ye son of Joseph Suter was baptized March 15
1715/16Mar 23John ye son of William Hoskins was baptized March 23
1716Mar 25? ? of Bourton was buried March 25
1716Apr 01? Farthing of Bourton was buried April 1st
1716Apr 02? Perman? was married to Jane Philips April 2
1716Apr 07? was married to Sarah How?? Apr 7
1716May 20Rachel Charlton of Bourton was buryed May 20
1716Jun 02John ? son of Joseph Read of Bourton was baptized June 2
1716Jun 02Joan Read of Bourton was buried June 2
1716Jul 14? Jupe of Bourton was buried Jul 14
1716Oct 11Nathaniel son of Robert Goldisbrough was baptized Oct 11
1716Nov 01Mary (or Ann) ye Daughter of Alexander Penny was buried Nov 1
1716Nov 07Mary ye Daughter of Gerrard Ellis was baptized Nov 7
1716Nov 18Ann ye daughter of Richard Childs of Bourton was baptized Nov 18
1716Dec 03Henry ye son of John Butt was baptized Dec 3
1716Dec 27Martha the daughter of William Top was baptized Dec 27
1716/17Mar 07John the son of John Perman was baptized March 7
1716/17Mar 12Hannah ye daughter of Nicholas Pitman was baptized March 12
1717Apr 03William the son of Edward Shepherd was baptized Apr 3
1717May ?Augustine Williams of ye parish of Killmington was buried May ?
1717May 09Edward Jefferies of Bourton in ye parish of Gillingham was buried May 9
1717Jul 08Robert ye son of Mr Caleb Perfect was baptized Jul 8
1717Jul 20Augustine Farthing of Bourton in ye parish of Gillingham was buried Jul 20
1717?James the son of John Serle was baptized ?
1717Oct 26Ann ye daughter of John White of ye parish of Gillingham was baptized Oct 26
1717?Thomasin Farthing of Bourton in ye parish of Gillingham was ?
1717?Augustine ye son of Augustine Farthing of ye Parish of Gillingham was baptized ?
1717Nov 18? Burleton was buried Nov 18
1717/18Jan 05Edward ? was buried Jan ?
1717/18Jan 16Ann daughter of Joseph Suter was baptized Jan 16
1717/18Feb 01William ye son of William Mabley of ye Parish of Gillingham was baptized Feb 1
1717/18Feb 01Daniel ye son of John Magl? of ye Parish of Gillingham was baptized Feb 1
1717/18?Jane ye Wife of Henery Cradock was buried ?
  Lady Day 1718
1718AprJohn Newman of ye parish of Gillingham was married to Catherine Bell April ?
1718AprWilliam the son of John Butt was buried April ?
1718JunAndrew Hoskins was married to Ann Butler both of ye Parish of Gillingham June ?
1718 Joseph ye Son of
1718Aug 18Charles Sparrow of Bourton in ye Parish of Gillingham was married to Martha Bell of ye Parish of Horsington Aug 18
1718Sep 21Betty ye daughter of Joseph Mitchel was baptized Sept 21
1718Oct 04Robert ye son of John Perman was baptized
1718Oct 12Isabel daughter of Gerrard Ellis was baptized
1718Oct 16Elizabeth ye Daughter of Rich. Perman was baptized Oct 16
1718Oct 18William ye Son of John Butt was baptized Oct 18
1718Nov 14Ann Perman Widow was buried Nov 14
1718Dec 15Edward ye Son of Edward Shepherd was baptized Dec 15
1718Dec 25Ann ye Daughter of Robert Hewet was baptized Dec 25
1718Dec 26Mary ye Daughter of William Top was baptized Dec 26
1718/19Jan 19Abraham Suter sen was buried Jan 19
Lady Day 1719
1719Mar 26Mary ye Wife of Charles Suter was buried March 26
1719May 14Thomas Lane of Silton was married to Joan Holler? May 14
1719Jun 06John ye son of John Plowman of Bourton was baptized Jun 6
1719Jun 12? King of Woolverton in ye Parish of Mere was buried Jun 12
1719Sep 26Edward Ellis of ye Parish of Gillingham was buried Sep 26
1719Oct 13Thomas ye son of Hugh Hutchens of Milton in ye Parish of Gillingham was baptized Oct 13
1719Nov 13William ye son of William Mathews baptized November 13
1719Nov 22Martha ye daughter of of ye Parish of Gillingham baptized Nov 22
1719/20Jan 11Hester ye daughter of James Peirce of Bourton was baptized Jan 11
1719/20Jan 12Susanna ye wife of Willm Bourleton was buried Janry 12
1719/20Jan 28Joseph ye son of Augustine Farthing of ye Parish of Gillingham was baptized Janry 28
1719/20Mar 24Elizabeth ye daughter of Joseph Suter was baptized March 24
  Lady Day 1720
1720Mar 27Hester ye daughter of Edward Rose of Bourton was baptized March 27
1720Apr 01Jane ye wife of George Moors of Bourton in ye parish of Gillingham was buried April 1st
1720May 01Edith Serle was buried May 1st
1720May 02Thomas Bullen of ye Parish of Stower Provost & Elizabeth ? were married May 2
1720May 17Rose ye daughter of Joseph Thick was buried May 17
1720May 28Ann ye daughter of Jno Suter of Zeals was buried May 28
1720Jun 04Charles ye son of Charles Sparrow of Bourton (in ye parish of Gillingham was baptized June 4
1720Jun 10Ann ye wife of John Nation of Penselwood was buried June 10
1720Jun 14The Revd Mr Galpin of Glanville Wootton was married to Ann Hill of Mere June 14
1720Jun 20Eleanor ye daughter of Giles Jupe was buried June 20
1720Jun 26Mary ye Daughter of Robert Hewet of Bourton was baptized June 26
1720Jul 10John a baseborn child baptized July 10
1720Aug 29Ann ye Daughter of Solomon Dunn baptized Aug 29?
1720Sep 16Ann ye Daughter of Willm Thick baptized Sept 16
1720Sep 27Thomas ye Son of Willm Top baptized Sept 27
1720Nov 28Elizabeth ye Daughter of Charles Gatehouse baptized Novr 28
1720Nov 28Mary ye daughter of Giles Jupe of Bourton was buried Nov 28
1720Dec 01William Bell was married to Mary Bratcher Dec 1
1720Dec 02Martha ye Daughter of Jno Sparrow of Boxon hedge was baptized Dec 2
1720Dec 04Gerard ye son of Gerard Ellis was baptized Decr 4
1720/21Jan 03John ye son of Edward Shepherd was baptized Janry 3
1720/21Feb 2?Willm Burleton was marryed to Ann Nation Febry 2?
1720/21Feb 9?Hanah ye daughter of Jno Suter of Zeals was buried Febry 9
1720/21Feb 28IsaBell Ellis widw was buried Febry 28
1720/21Mar 04Elizabeth Harding widw of Pierson in ye Parish of Gillingham was buried Mar 4
1720/21Mar ?William ye Son of baptd Mar ?
  Lady Day 1721
1721Apr 09Rose ye Daughter of Jno Serle was baptized Ap 9
1721Jun 12John Jolly of Bourton in ye Parish of Gillingham was buried June 12
1721Jun 25Jane ye Daughter of John Perman was baptized Jun 25
1721Sep 08Stephen and Benjamin sons of William Woodberry of Bourton were baptized Sepr 8
1721Sep 09Mary ye daughter of William Bell was baptized Septr 9
1721Sep 22Augustine Brown was buried Sept 22
1721Sep 30Stephen & Benjamin Sons of Willm Woodberry of Bourton were buried Septr 30
1721Nov 15William Jupe of Bourton was buried Nov 15
1721Dec 19? ye Daughter of Lawrence Cox of Bourton was baptized Decr 19
1721Dec 27? ye son of John Perman was buried Dec 27
1721Dec 28Of James Peece of Bourton was baptized Dec 28
1721/22Jan 08? of Solomon Down was baptized Jan 8
1721/22Jan 17John Suter was buried Jan 17
1721/22Jan 30John Suter was married to Susanna Rose of Bourton Jan 30
1721/22Feb 17Grace Orchard of Bourton was buried Feb 17
1722Apr 10Benjamin Jones was married to Joan Light both of ye Parish of Gillingham Ap 10
1722Apr 12William ye Son of William Burleton baptized Apr 12
1722May 23Sarah ye Daughter of Joseph Reed of Bourton was baptd May 23
1722Jun 08Thomas ye son of George Farthing of Bourton was Baptd Jun 8
1722Aug 11Martha ye daughter of John Miles of Bourton was Baptized Aug 11
1722Oct 08Katharine ye daughter of William Bell was Baptized Oct 8
1722/23Jan 05Sarah ye daughter of ? ? was buried Jan 5
1722/23Jan 18Mary Sutor widow of Bourton in ye parish of Gillingham was buried Jan 18
1722/23Jan 25Elizabeth ye Daughter of John Sparrow of Boxing hedge in ye Parish of Gillingham was baptized Jan 25
1722/23Feb 22Joseph Thick was buried Feb 22
1722/23Mar 04Henery ye Son of Henery Cradock of Bourton in ye Parish of Gillingham was buried March 4
1722/23Mar 10Andrew ye son of Andrew Hoskins of Gillingham was baptized March 10
1723Apr 04Nicholas Pitman was buried April 4
1723Apr 15Thomas the son of Joseph Mitchel was baptized April 15
1723Apr 18John Coomb of Fifehead Magdalene was married to Rebecca Luttman of Gillingham Ap 18
1723MayJoan? ye Wife of John Butt was buried
1723Jun ?Benjamin ye Son of William Matthews was baptized
1723Jun ?Betty daughter of Gerrard Ellis was baptized
1723Jul 11Richard Moger was buried
1723Sep 19George Moore of Bourton was buried
1723Oct 10Susanna daughter of Joseph Suter was baptized
1723Oct 12Mary ye Wife of William Burput was buried
1723Oct 27William Green was buried
1723NovBetty the daughter of William Thick was baptized
1723Nov 07William Heddidge and Elizabeth Cave were married
1723Nov 21Andrew Turner was buried
1723Dec 29Betty ye daughter of Gerrard Ellis was buried
1723/24Jan 03John Butt was married to Grace Young
1723/24Feb ?Henery Bush and Joan Sparrow was married
1724Apr 15Richard Green and Mary Bell were married Ap 15
Ye first couple married after ye Church was repaired
1724Apr ?The Reverend M Gilbert Craig and Mrs Ann Dirdoe was married
1724Apr 26John Suter married Alice Cave Apr 26
1724May 13Robert ye son of William Burleton was baptized May 13
Ye first baptized at ye new font
1724Jul 06John Leer and Isabel Nation were married
1724Jul 24Since ye visitation held at Shaston Jul 24
1724Aug 02Briant Edington and Hannah Gofe were married
1724Aug 21Mary Childs of Bourton was buried
1724Sep 10Augustine Williams was buried
1724Sep 23John Harris and Mary Hues were married
1724Sep 26Richard ye son of Lot Richard Green was baptized
1724Oct 27William ye son of William Bell was baptized
1724Nov 13Thomas ye son of Edward Dowding was baptized
1724Nov 21Mary Thick was buried
1724/25Jan 04John son of Gerrard Ellis was baptized
1724/25Jan 12Elizabeth ye Daughter of John Leir was baptized
1724/25Feb 02Jeffries? Widow was buried
1724/25Feb 04Mary ye Daughter of John & Alice Suter was baptized
1724/25Feb 10Elizabeth ye Daughter of John & Isobel Leir was buryed
1725Jun 17William Green and Mary Bowles were mard the jun the 17 1725 by Mr Joseph Dancy
1725Jul 15Robert Spratling? and Ann Andrews were mar.
1725Aug 14William son of William Still was baptized
1725Aug 22Han[n]ah ye Daughter of John Stafford of Bourton was baptized Aug 22
1725Oct 18? Henisson & Eliz Jewell was marr[ie]d
1725? 31Thos Topp was buried
1725/26Jan 02Ann the daughter of James Chyles of Bourton was baptized
1725/26Jan 08Jo[h]n the son of Jo[h]n Perman was bapd
1725/26Jan 13Mary the daughter of Wm Herrodge bapd
1725/26Jan 27John the son of Gyles Jupe of Bourton bapd
1725/26Jan 30John the son of Wm Burlton was baptized
1725/26Feb 02Martha ye daughter of William Bell was bapd
1725/26Feb 19Richard the Son of George Farthing of Bourton was baptized
1726Apr 10April ye 10th 1726 Ann the Daughter of James Chiles of Bourton was buried.
1726Apr 11April 11 Robt Foot of this psh was married to Hannah Pitman
1726May 02Francis Charleton of ye Parish and Jane davis of North ? was married May 2nd 1726
1726May 08Betty ye daughter of Thos Mansil was Bapt: May 8
1726May 09Diana ye Daughter of Joseph Sueter was bapt: May 9 1726
1726May 12Charles ye Son of William Carter was Bapt: May 12
1726May 16Betty ye daughter [of] Thos Mansil was buried May 16
1726Jun 22Benjamin ye Son of William Woodberry of Bourton was buried June 22
1726Jun 26Susanna ye daughter of Samuel Alebury of Bourton was bapt June 26
1726Sep 15Mary the Daughter of John Suter was Baptizd Septmr ye 15th 1726
1726Oct 09William Clark & Sarah Applegate, both of Henstridge were married Octob: 9 1726
1726Oct 24Joseph Son of Wm & Ann Thick was bapt: Oct: 24 1726
1726Nov 22William, son of Devenish & Anne Shene bapt: Nov: 22 1726 of ye Parish of Pen.
1726Dec 13Anne, daugh. of Wm & Anne Hayter of ye psh of Gillingham was bapt: Dec: 13 1726
1726/27Jan 10Joseph, son of Joseph & Catherine Charlton was bapt: January 10 1726
1726/27Jan 11Emme Ellis widw was buried Jan: 11 1726
1726/27Feb 02David Farthing & Susanna Stone, both of Bourton were married. Feb: 2 1726
1726/27Mar 08Silas son of Laurenc Cox & Edith his wife was bapt: March 8 1726
1726/27Mar 08Giles, son of Giles & Jane Jupe of Bourton in Gillingham was bapt:March 8 1726
1726/27Mar 11Nehemiah, son of John & Edith Miles of Bourton in Gillingham was bapt: March 11 1726
1726/27Mar 19Mary Topp widw was buried – March 19 1726
1727Apr 03John Bengyfield & Mary Moger were married
1727Apr 08Abraham Suter buried
1727Apr 13Susana Cowherd widw was buried
1727Apr 13Wm Childs of Bourton in Gillingham was buried
1727May 04Susanna wife of John Suter buried
1727May 08Margaret Farthing was buried
1727Jun 09Martha, daughr of John & Elizabeth Bleet bapt:
1727Jun 22Tho: Harding of Pierston in Gillingham was buried
1727Jun 24William Parsons & Susanna Dowding were married
1727Jul 06Betty of Richard & Thomasin Hatcher of Bourton was baptized
1727Jul 19John son of William & Mary Bell was baptized July 19
1727Jul 20Mary of Charles & Martha Sparrow of Bourton in Gillingham was received into ye congregation here.
1727Sep 02Benjamin of William & Mary Woodberry baptized.
1727Sep 20Robert & Elizabeth twins of Robert & Hannah Foot baptized
1727Oct 06Thomas, of Thomas & Elizabeth Mansell was baptized
1727Oct 24Grace Cox, widow, was buried
1727Nov 01John, son of John & Alice Suter baptized.
1727Nov 15Moses, son of Andrew & Ann Hoskins was baptized
1727Nov 27Anne, of William & Anne Burlton was baptized.
1727Dec 02Mary, of Henry & Dorothy Cradock was baptized
1727Dec 03Robert of Robert & Hannah Foot was buried
1727Dec 16Benjamin s of Gerrard & Anne Ellis baptized.
1727Dec 26Giles of Giles & Rachel Perman of Pen was baptized
1727/28Jan 05Susanna of Thomas & Bathsheba Smith of Gillingham baptized
1727/28Jan 29John Morgan & Catherine Bourton were married
1727/28Feb 29Hannah of James & Ann Childs of Bourton baptized
1727/28Feb 29Elizabeth Ingram of Bourton was buried
1727/28Mar 01Henry Cradock of Bourton was buried
1728Mar 30Mr. Charles Suter buried.
1728Mar 31John, of John & Mary Bengyfield was baptized
1728Apr 04George Farthing of Bourton was buried
1728Apr 07Silas Shepherd base son of Frances Turner of Bourton in Gillingham was baptized
1728Apr 12James of Edward & Elizabeth Dowding was baptized
1728Apr 25John Read & Denis Fray were married
1728May 17William of David & Elizabeth Shepherd was baptized
1728May 21Richard of John & Isabel Lear was baptized.
1728Jun 04James, of James & Mary Read was baptized
1728Jun 10Anne, wife of William Burlton was buried
1728Aug 13Jane, of George & Jane Mullins of Bourton baptized
1728Aug 13Anne, of John & Hannah Nicholas was baptized
1728Aug 14Mary, of Giles & Jane Jupe of Bourton baptized
1728Aug 22Giles Jupe, senior, of Bourton was buried
1728Aug 31Richard, of John & Isabel Lear was buried
1728Sep 17William Burpit senior was buried
1728Oct 27Thomas, of John & Dennis Read of Bourton, baptized
1728Nov 18Samson Cowherd of Bourton & Mary Green were married
1728Nov 18Christopher, of William & Mary Bell was baptized
1728Nov 21Charles of Joseph & Anne Suter baptized
1728Nov 23Nathaniel, of William & Mary Still baptized
1728Dec 04Thomas, of John & Dennis Read of Bourton was buried
1728Dec 05John, of William & Elizabeth White of Bourton was baptized
1728Dec 21The widow Northeast was buried
1728/29Jan 17William, of William & Mary Hill of Bourton was baptized
1728/29Feb 03John Douglas, base born of Allis Bridle of Bourton, baptized
1728/29Feb 12John of Leonard & Elizabeth Suter of Bourton was baptized
1728/29& buried ye 13th day of ye Same Month
1728/29Feb 13William Burlton of Motcomb & Ann Harwood of ye Pt were married.
1728/29Feb 17Abraham, of John & Elizabeth Fleet was baptized
1729Apr 04Judith, of Joseph & Jane Read of Bourton was baptized
1729Apr 10Matthias Harrison & Rachel Smith were married
1729Jun 03Jenny, of Devenish & Ann Shene of Pen was baptized
1729Jun 12Sarah of John Suter of Zeals was buried.
1729Jul 03Joseph Suter senior was buried
1729Jul 16James, of Edward & Elizabeth Dowding was buried
1729Aug 02John Suter of Zeals buried
1729Aug 08George, of William & Mary Stone of Bourton baptized
1729Sep 02Joan Brown widow was buried
1729Oct 10Nanny, of John & Isabel Lear was baptized
1729Oct 30Thomasin Prankard, widow was buried
1729Nov 06Mary, wife of Joseph Serle was buried
1729Dec 05Anne wife of Joseph Suter buried
1729Dec 14Anne, of James & Anne Childs of Bourton baptized
1729Dec 19Benjamin of John & Alice Suter was baptized
1729Dec 28Edward Shepherd was buried
1729/30Jan 21Richard of Richard & Thomasin Hatcher was baptized
1729/30Jan 21Christian, of William & Anne Turner was baptized
1729/30Jan 23William, of Jacob & Ann Snook of Gillingham baptized
1729/30Jan 23Avis Dowding, widow, was buried
1729/30Jan 25Benjamin of John & Alice Suter was buried
1729/30Feb 06William, of John & Elizabeth Smith of Gillingham was baptized
1729/30Feb 09Christian, of George & Hester Brier of Gillingham baptized
1729/30Mar 12Robert, son of John Nation was buried
1730Mar 26Elizabeth, of John & Mary Meggs was baptized
1730Mar 29John Serle junior was buried
1730Mar 30James Moger & Grace Brimming were married
1730Apr 01John Nation & Martha Butt were married
1730Apr 04John Strong & Martha Foot were married
1730Apr 07Mary, of William & Anne Thick was baptized
1730Apr 13Christopher Welch of Zeals was buried
1730Apr 17William Burpit junior was buried
1730Apr 18William, of John & Denis Read was baptized
1730Apr 22Henry, of Henry & Mary Kiddle of Bourton baptized
1730Apr 27John Parsons of Kington & Mary Moger of ye parish married.
1730Apr 30Martha, wife of Wm Stone of Bourton was buried
1730May 17Wm Stone of Bourton was buried
1730Jun 29Richard Dowding & Anne Gibbs of Kington were married
1730Jul 08Anne Suter, widow was buried
1730Aug 21Sarah Hulet, widw was buried
1730Aug 25Jane, of David & Eliz: Shepherd of Bourton baptized
1730Sep 01John, of Tho: & Martha Sutton of Gillingham baptized
1730Sep 03Eliz: wife of Jno Harding of Milton was buried
1730Oct 30John Butt was buried
1730Nov 10Widow of John Butt was buried
1730Nov 14Richard, of William & Mary Bell was baptized
1730Nov 21Martha, of John & Martha Butt baptized
1730/31Jan 06Benjamin of John & Alice Suter was baptised
1730/31Feb 23Diana, of Robert & Mary Farthing of Bourton baptized
1730/31Mar 18William of Gerrard & Anne Ellis baptised
1730/31Mar 24William Thick was buried

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