Buckland Newton

1871 Census Class RG10/2015

Transcribed by Jon Baker, from copies of the original enumerator's books

District 2: Part of the Parish of Buckland Newton, comprising the Ecclesiastical District of Plush, including Plush Village, The Folly, Armswell Farm and Monkhood Hill

District 3: [Blank]

District 4: All that part of the parish of Buckland Newton comprising the Hamlet of Minterne Parva

Ref No   Inhb Unhb Names Surname Rltshp Cond Age Occupation Where Born Other
District 2 Plush
F37p12 55 Plush House 1   Michael Miller Head Mar 80 Landowner farming 300 acres emp 20 Plush  
          Eliza Miller Wife Mar 80 labourers, 12 boys Clapham, Surrey  
          Eliza Miller Daur Unm 51   Plush  
          Charles Miller Son Unm 48 Farmer of 672 acres emp 18 labs, 5 boys Plush  
          Anne Travers Serv Wid 47 Housekeeper Whitchurch Carnicorum  
          Thomas C Bennett Serv Unm 42 Bailiff (Farm) Thurnwood  
          Elizabeh Thorey Serv Unm 33 Housemaid Yetminster  
          Lucy Harwood Serv Unm 30 Cook Cerne  
          Frederick Perrett Serv Unm 18 Footman Plush  
  56   1   Robert Miller Head Widr 39 Farmer of 500 acres, emp 9 men, 4 boys Plush  
          Gertrude A Miller Daur   10 Plush  
          Agnes A Miller Daur   9   Plush  
          Helen A H Miller Daur   8   Plush  
          Sarah A Swaffield Nurse Unm 37 Nurse Bradford  
          Eliza J Berter Serv Unm 18 Servant (Domestic) Milton Abbas  
  57       William Shipton Lodger Unm 21 Ag Lab Bockhampton  
  58   1   George Hicks Head Mar 30 Ag Lab Broadway  
          Ann Hicks Wife Mar 27   Mappowder  
          Harry Hicks Son   3   Plush  
          Fred Hicks Son   1   Plush  
  59   1   Levi Jeanes Head Mar 28 Groom Plush  
          Frances Jeanes Wife Mar 30   Lyons Gate  
          William Jeanes Son   3   Plush  
          Walter G Jeanes Son   1   Plush  
F38p13 60   1   Samuel Mans Head Mar 67 Ag Lab Plush Deaf
          Martha Mans Wife Mar 61   Alton Pancras Deaf
  61   1   James Lovell Head Mar 43 Shepherd Plush  
          Elizabeth Lovell Wife Mar 43   Plush  
          John Lovell Son Unm 20 Ag Lab Plush  
          Jacob Lovell Son Unm 18 Shoemaker’s apprentice Plush  
          Charles Lovell Son   16 Ag Lab Plush  
      1   John Lovell Visitor Widr 75   Plush Deaf
  62       Robert Lovell Head Mar 54 Ag Lab Plush  
          Mary Lovell Wife Mar 55   Stratton  
          Sidney Lovell Son Unm 23 Ag Lab Plush  
          Charles Lovell Son   15 Ag Lab Plush  
  63   1   Uriah Gale Head Mar 37 Gardener Northpoorton  
          Harriet Gale Wife Mar 32   Upcerne  
          Uriah Gale Son   10 Scholar Upway  
          George Gale Son   7 Scholar Upway  
          Bertha Gale Daur   4 Scholar Plush  
          Allett Gale Son   1   Plush  
  64   1   Jane Brown Head Wid 48 Laundress Piddletrenthide  
          Elizabeth Brown Daur Unm 20 Laundress Piddletrenthide  
  65   1   George Perrett Head Mar 50 Ag Lab Hillfield  
          Mary Perrett Wife Mar 44   Plush  
          John Perrett Son Unm 19 Ag Lab Plush  
          Anna Perrett Daur   14 Scholar Plush  
F38p14         Ada Perrett Daur   10 Scholar Plush  
          Mary Perrett Daur   7 Scholar Plush  
          George Perrett Son   5 Scholar Plush  
  66   1   George Henbest Head Unm 50 Shepherd Plush  
  67       Sarah Stickland Lodger Unm 28 Farm Servant Piddlehinton  
  68   1   Richard Cousins Head Mar 39 Ag Lab Poorstock  
          George Cousins Son Unm 19 Ag Lab Poorstock  
          Elizabeth Cousins Daur Unm 16 Servant (Domestic) Poorstock  
          John Cousins Son   14 Ag Lab Poorstock  
          William Cousins Son   12 Ag Lab Poorstock  
          Henry Cousins Son   8 Scholar Bogdon  
          James Cousins Son   7 Scholar Bogdon  
          Herbert Cousins Son   3   Godmanstone  
          Alice Cousins Daur   2   Plush  
  69   1   Charles Samways Head Mar 48 Mason Alton Pancras  
          Maria Samways Wife Mar 53   Ryme Intrinsica  
          Ann M Samways Niece   10 Scholar Alton Pancras  
  70 School House 1   Elizabeth Masters Head Unm 22 School mistress Alton Pancras  
  71   1   Daniell Bartlett Head Mar 46 Ag Lab Ryme  
          Sarah Bartlett Wife Mar 48   Ryme  
          George Bartlett Son Unm 23 Ag Lab Ryme  
          Richard Bartlett Son Unm 21 Ag Lab Yetminster  
          Alfred Bartlett Son Unm 18 Ag Lab Stoneyford  
          Walter Bartlett Son   11 Ag Lab Hillfield  
          Henry Bartlett Son   8 Scholar Piddletrenthide  
F39p15         Edwin Bartlett Son   6 Scholar Piddletrenthide  
  72   1   Edward Harwood Head Mar 42 Ag Lab Plush  
          Elizabeth Harwood Wife Mar 40   Plush  
          John Harwood Son Unm 18 Ag Lab Plush  
          Tom Harwood Son   16   Plush  
          Emma J Harwood Daur   8   Plush  
          Elizabeth Harwood Daur   5mo   Plush  
  73   1   William Biggs Head Mar 58 Ag Lab Moreton  
          Sarah Biggs Wife Mar 40   Affpuddle  
          Charles Biggs Son Unm 29 Ag Lab Moreton  
          Caroline Biggs Daur Unm 26   Moreton  
          Henry Biggs Grdson   1   Cerne Abbas  
    Plush Church                    
  75   1   William Watts Head Mar 40 Farm Bailiff Bradford Peverill  
          Martha Watts Wife Mar 42      
          William Watts Son   11 Scholar Powerstock  
          George Watts Son   9 Scholar Plush  
  76   1   William Goddard Head Mar 32 Ag Lab Sturminster  
          Catherine Goddard Wife Mar 34   Plush  
F39p16         Ann Goddard Daur   3   Piddletrenthide  
          Arthur Goddard Son   1   Plush  
          Infant Goddard Daur   1mo   Plush  
  77   1   Samuel Symes Head Mar 56 Groom Buckland Newton  
          Eliza Symes Wife Mar 52   Hilton B---ford  
  78   1   Cornelius New Head Mar 39 Ag Lab Mappowder  
          Ann New Wife Mar 37   Little Mintern  
          Jane New Daur   14 Kitchen Maid Buckland Newton  
          George New Son   12 Ploughboy Buckland Newton  
          Priscilla New Daur   11 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Ellen New Daur   10 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Mary J New Daur   7 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Lavinia New Daur   6 Scholar Mappowder  
          Richard New Son   4 Scholar Mappowder  
          Lucy New Daur   10mo   Plush  
  79 Fox Inn 1   George Symes Head Mar 61 Innkeeper Plush  
          Sarah Symes Wife Mar 61   Buckland Newton  
          Eliza Symes Daur Unm 29   Sherbourne  
  80   1   Benjamin Warren Head Mar 37 Ag Lab Mappowder  
          Ann Warren Wife Mar 35   Plush  
          George Warren Son Unm 15 Ag Lab Piddletrenthide  
          Mary J Warren Daur   9 Scholar Plush  
          Frances L Warren Daur   8 Scholar Plush  
          Sarah A Warren Daur   6 Scholar Plush  
F40p17 81   1   James House Head Mar 22 Woodman Hilton  
          Mary House Wife Mar 19   Cadstock  
          George House Son   8mo   Plush  
  82   1   William Oliver Head Mar 63 Ag Lab Adminston  
          Mary Oliver Wife Mar 58   Moreton  
          Frederic Oliver Son Unm 21 Ag Lab Gornell  
  83 Armswell Farm House 1   Samuel Hounsell Head Mar 41 Farmer 538 acres, 10 men, 4 women, 3 boys Melbury Bubb  
        Elizabeth Hounsell Wife Mar 29 Wyke Regis  
          Robert C Hounsell Son   14   Armswell  
          Emma J Hounsell Daur   12   Armswell  
          John W Hounsell Son   7   Armswell  
          Samuel A C Hounsell Son   5   Armswell  
          James M Hounsell Son   3   Armswell  
          George House Servant Widr 66 Farm Servant Sutton Waldron  
          Eliza New Servant Unm 17 Dairymaid Buckland Newton  
  84   1   George Harwood Head Mar 37 Carter Alton Pancras  
          Annabella Harwood Wife Mar 43   Pulham  
          Rosealle Harwood Daur   9 Scholar Alton Pancras  
          Caroline J Harwood Daur   6 Scholar Alton Pancras  
          Herbert G Harwood Son   4 Scholar Armswell  
          William J Harwood Son   1   Armswell  
  85   1   James Durrant Head Mar 29 Ag Lab Mappowder  
          Elizabeth Durrant Wife Mar 26   Buckland Newton  
F40p18 86   1   Robert Foot Head Mar 51 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Ann Foot Wife Mar 49   Pulham  
          Susan Foot Daur Unm 24   Buckland Newton  
          Emily Foot Daur Unm 21   Buckland Newton  
          Michael Foot Son Unm 19   Buckland Newton  
          John Foot Son   16 Shepherd Buckland Newton  
          Mary Foot Daur   13 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Helen Foot Daur   7 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          James Foot Son   3 Scholar Buckland Newton  
  87       Francis Old Lodger Unm 42 Ag Lab Piddlehinton  
  88 Dairy House 1   George Kingman Head Mar 49 Dairyman Buckland Newton  
    North St--s     Mary A Kingman Wife Mar 45   Edmundsham  
          Lydia A Kingman Daur Unm 19   Buckland Newton  
          Fanny M Kingman Daur   16   Buckland Newton  
          Henry T Kingman Son   14 Scholar Buckland Newton  
  89   1   Samuel Elsworthy Head Mar 62 Ag Lab Haselbury Bryan  
          Ann Elsworthy Wife Mar 50   Hilton  
          Harriet Saunders Niece Unm 12 Scholar Tiverton, Devon  
  90 Monkhood Hill 1   William Kingman Head Unm 23 Dairyman Mappowder  
    Dairy House     Harriet Young Aunt Unm 46 Housekeeper Piddletown  
End of the Ecclesiastical District of Plush
District 3 - Brockhampton
F44p1 1 Farm House 1   William Bennett Head Mar 49 Farm 27 Acres Mappowder  
          Lavinia Bennett Wife Mar 53   Mappowder  
          Mary Bennett Daur Unm 13   Hazelbury  
          Walter W Bennett Son do 12   Hazelbury  
          Lavinia ? ? Bennett Daur do 10   Hazelbury  
          Herbert W Foot Lodger do 30 Farmers Son Nottington  
  2 Rose Cottage 1   Joseph S Dibben Head Mar 25 Farmers Son Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth D Dibben Wife Mar 22 Farmers Wife Alton Pancras  
          Mary E Dibben Daur Unm 3   Buckland Newton  
          Olive J Dibben Daur Unm 1   Buckland Newton  
  3 do 1   Marwood Hounsell Head Mar 30 Out of Business Farmer Buckland Newton  
          Fanny Hounsell Wife Mar 23   Netherbury  
          Reginald H Hounsell Son Unm 1   Buckland Newton  
  4   1   Henry Wallis Head Unm 22 Dairyman Piddletrenthide  
          Ellen Wallis Sister Unm 17   Piddletrenthide  
          Mary A Andrews Serv Unm 25 Dairymaid Child Okeford  
  5   1   Edward Bennett Head Mar 65 Farmer 102 acres emp 3 men 1 boy Hazelbury  
          Elizabeth Bennett Wife Mar 58 Farmer Wife Litten  
          Edward Bennett Son Unm 31 Farmers Son Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Parmiter Niece Unm 13 Scholar Broadway  
          Susan Major Serv Unm 21 General Servant Buckland Newton  
  6   1   Pricilla Russell Head W 54 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Phoebe Russell Daur Unm 19 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Rosetta Russell Daur Unm 15 Glover Buckland Newton  
          George Mullett Nephew Unm 23 Labourer Buckland Newton  
F44p2   Farm House 1   Robert Williams Head Mar 60 Farming 252 acres emp 4 men 2 boys Somerset  
          B Williams Wife Mar 58 Farmer Wife Somerset  
          Betsie Williams Daur Unm 28   Somerset  
          George Williams Son Unm 24   Somerset  
          Ellen Williams Daur Unm 19   Somerset  
          Sarah Williams Daur Unm 17   Somerset  
  8 Cottage 1   Thomas Lawrence Head Mar 60 Ag Lab Litten Cheney  
          Elizabeth Lawrence Wife Mar 51   Godmanstone  
          Michael Lawrence Son Unm 19 Ag Lab Alton Pancras  
          Emma J Lawrence Daur Unm 14   Alton Pancras  
          Richard H Lawrence Son Unm 11 Scholar Alton Pancras  
          Patience S Lawrence Daur Unm 8 Scholar Alton Pancras  
          Emma J Groves Sister in Law Unm 56 Invalid Godmanstone  
  9   1   Benjamin Chaffey Head Mar 39 Carter Symondsbury  
          Martha Chaffey Wife Mar 38   Loader  
          John B Chaffey Son Unm 13   Loader  
          Susan Chaffey Daur Unm 8   Broadway  
          Mary Ann Chaffey Daur Unm 6   Broadway  
          William J Chaffey Son Unm 4   Chickeral  
          Martha A Chaffey Daur Unm 1   Buckland Newton  
    Cottage   1U                
End Brockhampton Tything
F45p3 10 Noale 1   Theophilus Head Head Mar 64 Dairyman Winterborne  
          Mary Head Wife Mar 54   Powerstock  
          Rhoda J Head Daur Unm 18   Glanville Wootton  
          George W Head Son Unm 15   Buckland Newton  
          John F Head Son Unm 13   Buckland Newton  
  11 Knole 1   Isaac Russell Head Widr 61 Journeyman Mason Buckland Newton  
          Emily Beck Serv Unm 35 Housekeeper Buckland Newton  
  12 do 1   William Mitchell Head Mar 56 Basket Maker Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Mitchell Wife Mar 54   Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Mitchell Son Unm 14 Labouring Boy Buckland Newton  
          Frederick W Mitchell Son Unm 12 Labouring Boy Buckland Newton  
          Ellena A Mitchell Daur Unm 10 Scholar Buckland Newton  
  13   1   Henry Cole Head Mar 35 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Mary J Cole Wife Mar 32   Pulham  
          Henry M Cole Son Unm 11 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Cole Daur Unm 9 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Mary J Cole Daur Unm 5 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Herbert C Cole Son Unm 3 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Emanuel G Cole Son Unm 7mo   Buckland Newton  
  14   1   Joseph Dibben Head Widr 56 Farmer Stoke Wake  
          John C Dibben Son Unm 24   Buckland Newton  
          Edwin H Dibben Son Unm 21   Buckland Newton  
          Charles Dibben Son Unm 18   Buckland Newton  
F45p4 15   1   James Helliar Head Mar 43 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Tabath Helliar Wife Mar 38   Buckland Newton  
          Herbert G Helliar Son Unm 15 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Helliar Daur Unm 8 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Emma Helliar Daur Unm 5 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Lucy J Helliar Daur Unm 1   Buckland Newton  
          Jane Warr Lodger W 58 Needle Woman Buckland Newton  
  16   1   James Thorn Head Mar 46 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Mary A Thorn Wife Mar 41 Domestic Apparel Buckland Newton  
          James Thorn Son Unm 18 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Tom Thorn Son Unm 15 Shephard Buckland Newton  
          William Thorn Son Unm 13 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Caroline Thorn Daur Unm 10 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Henry Thorn Son Unm 7 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Arthur Thorn Son Unm 1   Buckland Newton  
  17 Bookham 1   John Warren Head Mar 39 Ag Lab Bradford  
          Jane Warren Wife Mar 31   Brockhampton  
          Joseph Warren Son Unm 12 Farm Boy Stinsford  
          Elizabeth Warren Daur Unm 10 Scholar Stinsford  
          Emily J Warren Daur Unm 7 Scholar Stinsford  
          Edward Warren Son Unm 6 Scholar Chickerell  
          Walter Warren Son Unm 3   Compton  
          Mary A Warren Daur Unm 1   Compton  
  18   1   James Smith Head Mar 26 Ag Lab Sydling  
          Louisa Smith Wife Mar 27 Work on the farm Somerset North Cheriton  
F46p5 19 Bookham 1   George W Kingman Head Mar 25 Dairyman Mappowder  
          Eliz A B Kingman Wife Mar 24   Piddletown  
          Mark Kingman Son Unm 5m   Hi-------  
          Ann Spicer Serv Unm 16 Servant Stockford  
  20 do 1   John Clarkson Head Mar 72 Occupier of land 36 acres Yorkshire Matton  
          Hannah Clarkson Wife Mar 66   St Giles  
          John Clarkson Son Unm 29   West Pasley  
          Alice M Clarkson Daur Unm 25   Buckland Newton  
          Emma Brown Visitor W 32   Moor Critchill  
          John W Brown Son Unm 4   Hampshire Simley  
          Emma J Brown Daur Unm 2   Hampshire Simley  
  21 do 1   Cordelia Galpin Head W 56 Farming 226 acres Stoke Wake  
          Cordelia Galpin Daur Unm 25   Buckland Newton  
          Fanny K Galpin Daur Unm 20   Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth L Galpin Daur Unm 15   Buckland Newton  
End of Knowle Tything
F46p6 22 Revels 1   Christopher Atkinson Head Mar 76 Farming 190 acres Yorkshire  
          Catharine Atkinson Wife Mar 72   Warwickshire  
          Henry Atkinson Son Unm 28 Farmer’s son Surrey [Age 38]
  23 Revels 1   Robert Spicer Head Mar 76 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Spicer Wife Mar 38   Cerne Abbas  
          William Spicer Son Unm 8 Servant    
          Henry Spicer Son Unm 4      
          Jane A Spicer Daur Unm 2      
          Ann Spicer Daur Unm 2mo Infant    
  24 Revels 1   Richard Elliss Head Mar 36 Ag Lab Hallstock  
          Elizabeth Elliss Wife Mar 36   Cerne Abbas  
          Louisa Elliss Daur Unm 16   Staple Fitzpaine  
          Alfred Elliss Son Unm 15   Hallstock  
  25 Revels Inn 1   Thomas Durden Head Mar 47 Publican Minterne  
          Elizabeth Durden Wife Mar 43   Minterne  
          Fanny A Durden Daur Unm 7 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Bessie Durden Daur Unm 5 Scholar Buckland Newton  
  26 Cosmore 1   Hannah Spicer Head W 60 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Emma Spicer Daur Unm 30 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Henry Spicer Grandson Unm 10 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          John Spicer Son Unm 29 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
  27   1   Robert Beck Head Mar 40 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Eliza Beck Wife Mar 44 Glover Buckland Newton  
          George Beck Son Unm 15 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Louisa Beck Daur Unm 14 Glover Buckland Newton  
F47p7         Mary A Beck Daur Unm 12 Glover Buckland Newton  
  28 Cosmore 1   George Waygood Head Mar 64 Gardner Middlemarsh  
          Ann Waygood Wife Mar 58   Glanvill Wootton  
          Theresa Waygood Daur Unm 19 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Herbert J Waygood G Son Unm 2   Buckland Newton  
  29   1   William Batten Head Mar 72   Buckland Newton  
          Harriett Batten Wife Mar 70   Buckland Newton  
  30   1   Richard Foot Head Widr 67   Buckland Newton  
  31   1   Charles Vincent Head Mar 42   Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Vincent Wife Mar 50   Buckland Newton  
          George Vincent Son Unm 20   Buckland Newton  
          Harriett Vincent Daur Unm 13   Buckland Newton  
          Alice Vincent Daur Unm 11   Buckland Newton  
  32   1   Charlott Durrant Head W 68   Buckland Newton  
          George Durrant Son Widr 41   Buckland Newton  
          Emily Durrant Grand Daur Unm 6   Buckland Newton  
  33   1   John Durrant Head Mar 42   Buckland Newton  
          Thurza Durrant Wife Mar 40   Shillington  
          Frederick Durrant Son Unm 18   Sherborne  
          Benjamin Durrant Son Unm 15   Buckland Newton  
          Arther Durrant Son Unm 13   Buckland Newton  
          Walter Durrant Son Unm 11   Buckland Newton  
          Edwin Durrant Son Unm 8   Buckland Newton  
          Mary Durrant Daur Unm 5   Buckland Newton  
          Morley Durrant Son Unm 2   Buckland Newton  
F47p8 34 Cosmore 1   George Cornick Head Mar 42 Shephard Minterne  
          Martha Cornick Wife Mar 41   Cerne Abbas  
          William G Cornick Son Unm 18 Ag Lab Minterne  
          Susanna Cornick Daur Unm 15 Farm Servant Minterne  
          Oliver Cornick Son Unm 11 Ag Lab Minterne  
          Edward C Cornick Son Unm 8 Ag Lab Minterne  
          Herbert H Cornick Son Unm 5   Buckland Newton  
          Martha Cornick Daur Unm 1   Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Cornick Daur Unm 1   Buckland Newton  
  35   1   Thomas Tobridge Head Mar 48 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Mary Tobridge Wife Mar 41 Glover Buckland Newton  
  36 Clinger 1   Andrew Old Head Mar 61 Land owner farming 400 acres Piddletrenthide  
          Mry Old Wife Mar 36 5 men 4 boys 2 women Minterne Magna  
          Mary E A Old Daur Unm 10 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Susan Osmond Serv Unm 15 Domestic Servant Marshwood  
  37 Clinger 1   Charles Curtis Head Mar 61 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Eliza Curtis Wife Mar 60   Buckland Newton  
          Ann Curtis Daur Unm 19   Buckland Newton  
          Samuel Curtis Son Unm 13 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Mary E A Curtis Daur Unm 2   Buckland Newton  
  38   1   Henry Legg Head Mar 29 Carter Rampersham  
          Susan Legg Wife Mar 36   Marshwood  
          Tom Legg Son Unm 4   Somerset Queen Camel  
          Fanny Legg Daur Unm 3   Somerset Queen Camel  
          Amelia Legg Daur Unm 11mo   Buckland Newton  
F48p9         Susan Smith Mother in Law W 72   Marshwood  
  39 Clinger 1   James Upshall Head Mar 50 Dairyman Hazelbury  
          Elizabeth Upshall Wife Mar 50   Hazelbury  
          George Upshall Son Unm 27 Labourer Hazelbury  
          Ellis Upshall Son Unm 23   Hazelbury  
          Ellen Upshall Daur Unm 19   Hazelbury  
          Sarah A Upshall Relation Unm 9   Holwell  
End of Revels Tything
F48p10 40 Duntish 1   Mary J Bennett Head Unm 31 School Mistress Bridport  
          Alice M Marks Boarder Unm 11 Scholar Lancashire Warrington  
          Sarah Burch Resident Pupil Unm 10 Scholar Hillfield  
          Rebecca E Burch Resident Pupil Unm 5 Scholar Hillfield  
          Kitty Sherry Visitor Unm 13   Buckland Newton  
  41   1   Thomas How Head Mar 37 Dairyman Kingston Magna  
          Jane How Wife Mar 30   Marnhull  
          Thomas How Son Unm 10   Holwell  
          Ralph How Son Unm 8   Holwell  
          Jane How Daur Unm 3   Buckland Newton  
          Rosetta How Daur Unm 1   Buckland Newton  
          Hugh How Son Unm 4mo   Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Stanley Serv W 50 Dairy Woman Plymouth  
  42 Castle Hill 1   Henry Douch Head Mar 24 Gamekeeper Somerset North Berrow  
          Mary Douch Wife Mar 27   Sydling  
          William J Douch Son Unm 3   Broadmayne  
          Therza Douch Daur Unm 1   Buckland Newton  
          Ann Croad Serv Unm 12 General Servant Buckland Newton  
  43 Castle Hill 1   William Foot Head Mar 38 Faming 400 acres 10 men Buckland Newton  
          Susan Foot Wife Mar 33 2 boys 2 women Marnhull  
          William Foot Son Unm 9   Critchill  
          Mary S Foot Daur Unm 8   Buckland Newton  
          Thomas G Foot Son Unm 5   Buckland Newton  
          John Foot Son Unm 3   Buckland Newton  
          James Foot Son Unm 2mo   Buckland Newton  
F49p11         Sarah A Trobridge Serv Unm 17 Domestic Servant Buckland Newton  
          Mary A Paulley Serv Unm 12 Nursemaid Sturminster  
  44   1   George Ryall Head Mar 55 Blacksmith Hazelbury Bryant  
          Susannah Ryall Wife Mar 56 Glover Sydling  
          George Ryall Son Unm 24 Blacksmith Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Ryall Daur Unm 22 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Christopher Ryall Son Unm 18 Blacksmith Buckland Newton  
          John Ryall Son Unm 14 Scholar Buckland Newton  
  45   1   David Thorn Head Mar 43 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Louisa Thorn Wife Mar 47   Hillfield  
          Fanny Foot Daur Unm 17 Glover Buckland Newton  
  46   1   Robert Lock Head Mar 37 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Ellen Lock Wife Mar 30 General Domestic Rampersham  
          Ann Lock Daur Unm 10 Scholar Rampersham  
          William Lock Son Unm 8 Scholar Hazelbury Bryant  
          Matilda Lock Daur Unm 5 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          George Lock Son Unm 2   Buckland Newton  
          Martha Lock Mother W 72   Buckland Newton  
          Jane Lock Sister Unm 28 Domestic Servant Buckland Newton  
  47   1   Robert Gale Head Mar 38 Ag Lab Powerstock  
          Sarah A Gale Wife Mar 40 General Servant Powerstock  
          Elizabeth Gale Daur Unm 15 Scholar Powerstock  
          Eliza Gale Daur Unm 13 Scholar Powerstock  
          John Gale Son Unm 12 Scholar Binckham  
          Julia Gale Daur Unm 8 Scholar Hillfield  
F49p12         Selina Gale Daur Unm 6 Scholar Hillfield  
          Emily J Gale Daur Unm 2mo   Buckland Newton  
  48   1   Mary Spicer Head W 56 General Domestic Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Beck Daur W 33 General Domestic Buckland Newton  
          Charles Beck Son Unm 8 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Beck Daur Unm 7 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          William Spicer Head Mar 29 Shephard Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Spicer Wife Mar 29 General Domestic Buckland Newton  
          Thomas H Spicer Son Unm 5 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          William J Spicer Son Unm 2   Buckland Newton  
  50   1   Isaac Pitt Head Mar 29 Carpenter Hants Winchester  
          Charlotte Pitt Wife Mar 25   Sherborne  
          Frederick Pitt Son Unm 2   Middlesex Fulham  
          Ellen L K Pitt Daur Unm 3m   Buckland Newton  
          William J Holland Head Mar 30 Miller emp 1 man 2 boys Wimborne  
          Jane Holland Wife Mar 31   Chaldon  
          William E Holland Son Unm 3m   Buckland Newton  
          Bessie J Holland Daur Unm 3m   Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Burden Visitor Unm 32   Chaldon  
  52   1   William J Kingsbury Head Mar 29 Builder emp 2 men 3 boys Lydlinch  
          Mary A Kingsbury Wife Mar 29   Sherborne  
          Ellen C Kingsbury Daur Unm 6   Sherborne  
          William J E Kingsbury Son Unm 8mo   Buckland Newton  
          Robert Jeans Apprentice Unm 20   Buckland Newton  
          Charles Goddard Apprentice Unm 18   Sydling  
F50p13 53 Duntish 1   William Drake Head Widr 74 Farming 118 acres emp 2 men 2 boys Hartfootlane  
          Benjamin Drake Son unm 40   Tolpuddle  
          James G Drake Visitor Unm 18 Scholar Hartfootlane  
          Jane Sansom Serv Unm 31 Servant Buckland Newton  
  54   1   Isaac Gray Head Mar 37 Farm 105 acres 3 men 1 boy Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Gray Wife Mar 24   Minterne Magna  
          William Gray Son Unm 1   Buckland Newton  
          Sarah A Major Serv Unm 15 General Domestic Buckland Newton  
  55 Castle Hill House 1   Carr S Glyn Head Mar 35 Magistrate BA of Oxford Funded Proprietor Witchampton  
          Selina Glyn Wife Mar 27 Kent Woolwich  
          Agusta J C Glyn Daur Unm 5   Sussex Chichester  
          Katherine Glyn Daur Unm 3   Kildare Newbridge Irel  
          Evelyn C Glyn Daur Unm 1   Buckland Newton  
          Emily Jarman Serv Unm 56 Cook Domestic Serv Sussex Heathfield  
          Mary A Marks Serv Mar 32 Nurse Domestic Serv Hants Odiham  
          Sarah A Spicer Serv Unm 18 Housemaid Domestic Serv Blandford  
          Jane E Lynam Serv Unm 17 Nurse Domestic Serv London  
          Amelia Fischer Serv Unm 50 Ladys Maid Domestic Serv London  
          Mary Barter Serv Unm 16 Kitchen Maid Domestic Serv Holwell  
          Henry Etheridge Serv Unm 22 Groom Domestic Serv Southampton Fawley  
          Henry W Irish Serv Unm 21 Groom Domestic Serv Sussex Chichester  
          Cyrus Holmes Serv Unm 20 Groom Domestic Serv Lillington  
          William H Ridout Serv Unm 21 Stable Boy Buckland Newton  
  56   1   Elizabeth Warr Head W 59 Farming 60 acres emp 2 men Satffordshire Dalegate  
          Frederick Warr Serv Unm 26      
F50p14         Albert E Warr Grandson Unm 2   Pulham  
  57   1   James Lambert Head Mar 65 Ag Lab Glanville Wootton  
          Keamey Lambert Wife Mar 65 Laundress Buckland Newton  
          Ann Lambert Niece Unm 32 General Domestic Serv Buckland Newton  
          Alfred G Lambert Grandson Unm 8 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Jacob Knell Lodger Mar 59 Mason Cerne Abbas  
  58   1   John Acreman Head Mar 29 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Rebecca E Acreman Wife Mar 30 General Domestic Pulham  
          Herbert G Acreman Son Unm 4 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Annie M Acreman Daur Unm 1   Buckland Newton  
  59   1   Edward Broadley Head Mar 38 Dairyman Motcombe  
          Sophia Broadley Wife Mar 37   Wilts Mere  
          James Broadley Son Unm 16   Wilts Mere  
          Lydia Broadley Daur Unm 15 Scholar Wilts Mere  
          Frances Broadley Daur Unm 13 Scholar Wilts Mere  
          William Broadley Son Unm 11 Scholar Wilts Mere  
          Edward Broadley Son Unm 9 Scholar Wilts Mere  
          Albert Broadley Son Unm 7 Scholar Wilts Mere  
          John Broadley Son Unm 4 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          George Broadley Son Unm 1 Infant Buckland Newton  
  60   1   John Beck Head Mar 68 Labourer Piddlehinton  
          Mary Beck Wife Mar 66   Alton Pancras  
          Elizabeth Beck Daur Unm 37 Farm Servant Alton Pancras  
F51p15 61   1   James Batten Head Mar 46 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Maria Batten Wife Mar 45   Buckland Newton  
          James H Batten Son Unm 18 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Alice Batten Daur Unm 21 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Joshua D Batten Son Unm 12   Buckland Newton  
          Joseph Batten Son Unm 10   Buckland Newton  
          Anne M Batten Daur Unm 7 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Frances Batten Daur Unm 4mo   Buckland Newton  
  62   1   Jane Warren Head W 38 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Mary J Warren Daur Unm 15 Glover Hollwell  
          Caroline Warren Daur Unm 12 Glover Lulworth  
          John Warren Son Unm 11 Scholar Holwell  
          Emily Warren Daur Unm 9 Scholar East Lulworth  
          Eliza Warren Daur Unm 8 Scholar East Lulworth  
          Louisa Warren Daur Unm 6 Scholar East Lulworth  
          Elizabeth Warren Daur Unm 3 Scholar Beer Regis  
End of Duntish Tything
F51p16 63 Rue 1   Francis Foot Head Mar 31 Ag Lab Minterne  
          Jane Foot Wife Mar 29 Glover Mappowder  
          Frederick Foot Son Unm 9 Scholar Buckland  
          Edwin Foot Son Unm 7 Scholar Buckland  
          Alice Foot Daur Unm 4 Scholar Buckland  
  64   1   Bethia Spicer Head Unm 61 Glover Buckland  
          Sarah Spicer Daur Unm 23 Glover Buckland  
          Isaac Spicer Son of Daur Unm 3 Scholar Buckland  
          Frederick Smith Boarder Unm 3 Scholar Ramprisham  
  65   1   Michael Mullett Head Mar 56 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Louisa Mullett Wife Mar 58 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Michael Mullett Son Unm 20 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Henry Mullett Son Unm 18 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Sarah Mullett Daur Unm 16 Glover Buckland Newton  
  66   1   James Beck Head Mar 37 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Beck Wife Mar 30   Buckland Newton  
          Alice M Beck Daur Unm 4   Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth A Beck Daur Unm 1   Buckland Newton  
  67   1   Henry Russell Head Mar 28 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Ellen Russell Wife Mar 21 At Home Buckland Newton  
          Arther Russell Son Unm 3m   Buckland Newton  
          John Saunders Lodger Widr 67 Labourer Buckland Newton  
  68   1   William Watts Head Mar 63 Ag Lab Alton Pancras  
          Louisa Watts Wife Mar 55 Glover Buckland Newton  
          William Watts Son Unm 17 Labourer Buckland Newton  
F52p17         Elizabeth Watts Daur Unm 13 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Jane A Watts Daur Unm 8 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Fanny Watts Daur Unm 6 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Eli Watts Son Unm 3 Scholar Buckland Newton  
  69   1   Thomas Beck Head Mar 33 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Jane Beck Wife Mar 32 Glover Pulham  
          Kate Beck Daur Unm 6 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Emma Beck Daur Unm 11mo Infant Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Mitchell Visitor W 66   Pulham  
  70   1   Louisa Saunders Head W 40 Work in the Fields Hillfield  
          William Saunders Son Unm 8 Scholar Buckland Newton  
  71   1   Samuel Loveless Head Mar 40 Ag Lab Piddletrenthide  
          Emily Loveless Wife Mar 33 Glover Glanville Wootton  
          Benjamin Mitchell Son in Law Unm 8 Scholar Holwell  
          Ann Mitchell Daur in Law Unm 7 Scholar Stoke Wake  
          James Loveless Son Unm 2 Infant Pulham  
          Jemima Loveless Daur Unm 5mo Infant Buckland Newton  
  72   1   Albion Legg Head Mar 49 Labourer Mappowder  
          Elizabeth Legg Wife Mar 50 Glover Mappowder  
          Albert G Legg Son Unm 16 Scholar Mappowder  
          Samuel Legg Son Unm 14 Scholar Mappowder  
  73   1   Thomas Hellier Head Mar 39 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Salley Hellier Wife Mar 57 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Lucy Hellier Daur Unm 24 Glover Buckland Newton  
F52p18 74   1   George Mogg Head Widr 49 Woodman Stalbridge  
          Samuel Mogg Son Unm 19 Woodman Buckland Newton  
  75   1   Mary Ann Foot Head W 59 Dressmaker Sherborne  
          Samuel Mullett Lodger Unm 56 Ag Lab Glanville Wootton  
  76   1   John Chaffey Head Mar 40 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Sarah Chaffey Wife Mar 44 Glover Piddle Town  
          Elizabeth J Chaffey Daur Unm 13 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Emma F Chaffey Daur Unm 11 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          George Chaffey Son Unm 5 Scholar Buckland Newton  
  77   1   Ann Guppy Head W 61 Shopkeeper Binghams Melcombe  
          Simon Guppy Son Unm 26 Assistant for her Mother Buckland Newton  
          Francis Guppy Son Unm 25 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Martha A Guppy Daur Unm 25 Dressmaker Buckland Newton  
  78   1   George Foot Head Mar 63 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Charlotte Foot Wife Mar 70 Dressmaker Glanville Wootton  
  79   1   Robert Mullett Head Mar 25 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Emily Mullett Wife Mar 22 Glover Mappowder  
          Fanny Mullett Daur Unm 3   Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Mullett Daur Unm 1   Buckland Newton  
  80   1   Enos Major Head Mar 49 Labourer Batcomb  
          Rosanna Major Wife Mar 38 Glover Pulham  
          Mary E Major Daur Unm 13 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Ellen R Major Daur Unm 12 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          James G Major Son Unm 10 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          John Major Son Unm 7 Scholar Buckland Newton  
F53p19         Jane Major Daur Unm 4 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Ann Major Daur Unm 4 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Emma Major Daur Unm 1   Buckland Newton  
  81   1   Thomas Dawe Head Mar 45 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Fanny Dawe Wife Mar 37   Hants Limington  
          George Dawe Son Unm 13 Scholar Hants Limington  
          Henry Dawe Son Unm 11 Scholar Hants Limington  
          Emily Dawe Daur Unm 9 Scholar Hants Limington  
          Maria Dawe Daur Unm 3 Scholar Hants Limington  
          Edward Dawe Son Unm 11mo Infant Hants Limington  
  82   1   George Thorn Head Mar 22 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Thorn Wife Mar 31 Glover Somerset  
          Mary E Burt Step Daur Unm 14 Glover Somerset  
          Betsie L Burt Step Daur Unm 13 Scholar Somerset  
  83   1   Emily Hillier Head W 26 Glover Buckland Newton  
          John Hillier Son Unm 7   Buckland Newton  
          Ellen Hillier Daur Unm 1   Buckland Newton  
  84   1   William Dunning Head Mar 59 Cardwinder Buckland Newton  
          Sarah Dunning Wife Mar 59 Glover Grimston  
          William Dunning Son Unm 21 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Maria Dunning Daur Unm 19 Glover Buckland Newton  
End of Rue Tything
F53p20 85   1   William J Ryall Head Mar 34 Blacksmith Hazelbury Bryant  
          Mary A Ryall Wife Mar 30   Buckland Newton  
          William H Ryall Son Unm 3 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          John Ryall Son Unm 1 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Edith Ryall Daur Unm 7 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Susan A Ryall Daur Unm 5 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          John Meech Father Law Widr 63 Lab Post Master Buckland Newton  
  86   1   Melina Cole Head W 49 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          George R Cole Son Unm 17 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Andrew Cole Son Unm 11 Carter Boy Buckland Newton  
          Emily M Cole Daur Unm 9 Scholar Buckland Newton  
  87   1   Thomas Haines Head Mar 55 Labourer Mappowder  
          Fanny Haines Wife Mar 55   Buckland Newton  
          John Haines Son Unm 24   Buckland Newton  
          Susan A Haines Daur Unm 20   Buckland Newton  
          Fanny Haines Daur Unm 16   Buckland Newton  
          Mary A Haines Daur Unm 12   Buckland Newton  
          Eli Rose Lodger Unm 26 Carter Buckland Newton  
  88   1   James Croad Head Mar 71 Ag Lab Alton Pancras Deaf from Birth
          Elizabeth Croad Wife Mar 70   Thornford
  89   1   Josiah Elliott Head Mar 28 Groom Simsbury ???  
          Jane Elliott Wife Mar 25 Glover Dorset  
          Agusta E Elliott Daur Unm 2   Dorset  
  90   1   Ann Durrant Head Unm 40 Needle Woman Buckland Newton  
          Edith Loader Visitor Unm 18   Long Burton  
F54p21 91   1   Charles Warren Head Mar 48 Thatcher Mappowder  
          Jane Warren Wife Mar 47 Glover Lydlinch  
          Levi Warren Son Unm 17 Lab Buckland Newton  
          Tom Warren Son Unm 14 Lab Buckland Newton  
          Eliza Warren Daur Unm 12 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          George Warren Son Unm 9 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Fanny Warren Daur Unm 7 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Sarah Ann Warren Daur Unm 5 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Frederick H Warren Son Unm 6 Scholar Buckland Newton  
  92   1   John Forcey Head Mar 30 Labourer Hook  
          Mary J Forcey Wife Mar 23 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Amelia Forcey Daur Unm 6 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          James Forcey Son Unm 3   Buckland Newton  
          Charles Forcey Son Unm 7m   Buckland Newton  
  93   1   Robert Hiscock Head Mar 26 Police Constable Tarrant Hinton  
          Emma M Hiscock Wife Mar 30   Sturminster  
          Alice E Hiscock Daur Unm 6mo   Buckland Newton  
  94   1   George Coombs Head Mar 24 Mason Alton  
          Annie S Coombs Wife Mar 26   Lulworth  
          William E Coombs Son Unm 5m   Buckland Newton  
  95   1   William Edwards Head Mar 62 Baker Tolpuddle  
          Sarah Edwards Wife Mar 67 Baker Wraxell  
  96   1   Charles Cobb Head Mar 46 Ag Lab Stockford  
          Tamar Cobb Wife Mar 42   Stockford  
          Susan Cobb Daur Unm 19   Stockford  
F54p22         Robert Cobb Son Unm 17 Millers Boy Stockford  
          Charles Cobb Son Unm 15 Ag Lab Stockford  
          Lavinia Cobb Daur Unm 14   Stockford  
          Reuben Cobb Son Unm 12 Plough Boy Stockford  
          Richard G Cobb Son Unm 10 Plough Boy Stockford  
          Elizabeth E Cobb Daur Unm 8 Scholar Stockford  
          Lewis J Cobb Son Unm 6 Scholar Stockford  
          David Cobb Son Unm 4   Frampton  
          Ernest Cobb Son Unm 2   Buckland Newton  
          Alfred E Cobb Son Unm 2m   Buckland Newton  
  97   1   Christopher Whitty Head Mar 34 Gardner Winterborne Houghton  
          Elizabeth Whitty Wife Mar 39 General Domestic Winterborne Houghton  
          Mark B Whitty Nephew Unm 9 Scholar Winterborne Houghton  
          Arthur Whitty Son Unm 3   Hants Wickham  
  98   1   M Derriman Head W 44 Glaziers Widow Annuit Surrey  
          E Derriman Daur Unm 14 Scholar Buckland  
          C Derriman Daur Unm 12 Scholar Buckland  
          C Derriman Daur Unm 10 Scholar Buckland  
          M A Derriman Daur Unm 8 Scholar Buckland  
  99   1   Levi Seal Head Mar 33 Ag Lab Litton Cheney  
          Elizabeth Seal Wife Mar 35   Cerne Abbas  
          Amelia Seal Daur Unm 10 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Georgina Seal Daur Unm 9 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          William G Seal Son Unm 7 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Seal Daur Unm 5 Scholar Buckland Newton  
F55p23         Ellen Cox Seal Daur Unm 3   Buckland Newton  
  100   1   Louisa Foot Head W 60 Charwoman Hillfield  
  101   1   Ann Gupp Head W 70 Laundress Buckland Newton  
          Mary A Paine Niece Unm 33 Dressmaker West Frampton  
  102   1   George Russell Head Mar 61 Master Mason Buckland Newton  
          Caroline Russell Wife Mar 43   Buckland Newton  
          Ann Russell Daur Unm 13 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Edwin G Russell Son Unm 11 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Mary A Russell Daur Unm 8 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Alice B Russell Daur Unm 7 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Fanny L Russell Daur Unm 4 Scholar Buckland Newton  
  103 New Inn 1   G Galpin Head Mar 27 Innkeeper Hinton St Mary  
          Ellen Galpin Wife Mar 28   Hinton St Mary  
  104   1   Hilliary [Hillary] Hopkins Head Mar 38 Carpenter Buckland Newton  
          Sarah Hopkins Wife Mar 40   Puncknowle  
          Herbert J Hopkins Brother Unm 52 Carpenter Buckland Newton  
          John Coffin Workman Unm 25 Blacksmith Lydlinch  
  105   1   Henry Sampson Head Mar 21 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Amelia J Sampson Wife Mar 21   Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Sampson Daur Unm 11mo   Buckland Newton  
  106   1   James Meech Head Mar 33 Sawyet Buckland Newton  
          Lucy J Meech Wife Mar 28 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Edwin Meech Son Unm 5 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Henry Meech Son Unm 3 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Kate Meech Daur Unm 1mo   Buckland Newton  
F55p24 107   1   James Crocker Head Mar 27 Butcher Holwell  
          Ann Crocker Wife Mar 27   Glanvilles Wootton  
  108   1   Saul Curtis Head Widr 33 Plumber & Glazier Buckland Newton  
          Walter J Curtis Son Unm 11 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Archibald Curtis Son Unm 4 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Bessie C R Hellyer Niece Unm 18 HouseKeeper Buckland Newton  
          John Green Apprentice Unm 19 Plumber & Glazier Lydlinch  
  109   1   Henry Baker Head Mar 41 Mason Piddletrenthide  
          Mary Baker Wife Mar 42   Piddletrenthide  
          Frances Baker Daur Unm 11   Piddletrenthide  
          Mary Baker Daur Unm 3   Holwell  
  110   1   George Lemon Head Mar 49 Farmer Stourton Caundle  
          Charlotte Lemon Wife Mar 48   Lydlinch  
          William Lemon Son Unm 18 Carpenter Stourton Caundle  
          Emily M Lemon Daur Unm 14   Stourton Caundle  
          Rosseta Lemon Daur Unm 11   Stourton Caundle  
          Mary C Lemon Daur Unm 7   Stourton Caundle  
          Eliza Lemon Daur Unm 5   Hazelbury  
          George Kingsbury Son in Law Unm 25 Cord Wainer Hall Weston  
  111   1   John Russell Head Mar 28 Mason Buckland Newton  
          Jane Russell Wife Mar 26   Buckland Newton  
          Ellen Russell Daur Unm 3 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Ann Russell Daur   1 Infant Buckland Newton  
F56p25 112   1   Edwin Ridout Head Mar 52 Boot & Shoemaker Pulham  
          Emily J Ridout Wife Mar 51   Radipole  
          Edwin F Ridout Son Unm 25 Boot & Shoemaker Buckland Newton  
  113 Royal Oak 1   Silvester Gale Head Mar 62 Publican Somerset Hambridge  
          Ann Gale Wife Mar 59   Devon Up Ottery  
          Mary A Gale Daur Unm 27 Bar Maid Somerset Ash  
          William G Gale Nephew Unm 11 Scholar Somerset Battonsbury  
          Walter Philips Grandson Unm 7 Scholar Hants Dean  
          Henrietta Philips Granddaur Unm 5 Scholar Buckland Newton  
  114   1   Mary Symonds Head W 81 Farmers Wife Piddletown  
          George W Symonds Son Mar 35 Labour Mappowder  
          Mary J Symonds Wife Mar 34 Dress Maker Hazelbury  
          Mary E Symonds Daur Unm 5 Scholar Mappowder  
          John S Symonds Son Unm 3   Mappowder  
          Pricilla Symonds Daur Unm 2   Mappowder  
          Elizabeth Symonds Daur Unm 1mo   Buckland Newton  
  115   1   George Tompkins Head Mar 64 Butcher Lydlinch  
          Jane Tompkins Wife Mar 59   Rhyme  
          Charles Tompkins Son Unm 25 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Joseph Tompkins Son Unm 23 Plumer & Glazier Buckland Newton  
          John Tompkins Son Unm 21 Blacksmith Buckland Newton  
          Sarah A Tompkins Daur Unm 18   Buckland Newton  
  116   1   Joseph Gibbs Head Mar 23 Lab Piddletrenthide  
          Ann Gibbs Wife Mar 30 Glover Buckland Newton  
F56p26 117   1   Agustine Dominey Head Mar 34 Bread Baker Lytchet Minster  
          Elizabeth Dominey Wife Mar 34   Sixpenny Handley  
          Edith A Dominey Dau Unm 8 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Emily E Dominey Daur Unm 6 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Frances Dominey Daur Unm 4 Scholar Buckland Newton  
  118   1   James Croad Head Mar 38 Ag Lab Anwell  
          Mary A Croad Wife Mar 37   Puddletown  
          Charley Croad Son Unm 9 Scholar Brockhampton  
          Frederick Croad Son Unm 7 Scholar Brockhampton  
          Evelin Croad Daur Unm 5 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Sidney Croad Son Unm 11m   Buckland Newton  
  119   1   William Gladwin Head Mar 55 Carpenter Litton Cheney  
          Mary A Gladwin Wife Mar 52   Bradford Abbas  
          Frederick Gladwin Son Unm 16 Pupil Teacher Litton Cheney  
          Sabina M Gladwin Daur Unm 14 Scholar Litton Cheney  
  120   1   Charles Lock Head Mar 33 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Mary A Lock Wife Mar 23   Hartfoot Lane  
          Henry H Lock Son Unm 3   Buckland Newton  
          Walter Lock Son Unm 8m   Buckland Newton  
          Angel Lock Father Mar 66 Labourer Buckland Newton  
  121   1   Robert Bridle Head Mar 54 Cooper Frampton  
          Susan Bridle Wife Mar 54 Dress Maker Buckland Newton  
          Susan A Bridle Daur Unm 30 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Sabina M Bridle Daur Unm 23 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Amelia M Bridle Daur Unm 21 Glover Buckland Newton  
F57p27         Willaim H Bridle Son Unm 18 Blacksmith Buckland Newton  
          Fanny F Bridle Daur Unm 15 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Ann Foot Mother in Law W 72   Buckland Newton  
  122   1   William Wellman Head Mar 44 Dairymans Lab Som Yeovil  
          Esther Wellman Wife Mar 36 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Henry Ridout Lodger Mar 62 Gardner Som Yeovil  
  123   1   Elliza Durrant Head W 67 Carpenters Wife Buckland Newton  
          William Alliston Son in Law Mar 28 Bread Baker Blandford St Mary  
          Sarah Alliston Daur Mar 30 Bakers Wife Buckland Newton  
          Mary C E Alliston Granddaur Unm 7 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Martha Rivers Sister Mar 64 Family Housekeeper Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Fox Niece Unm 16 Pupil Teacher Middlesex  
  124   1   James Beck Head Mar 43 Carter Buckland Newton  
          Diana Beck Wife Mar 45   Pulham  
          George Beck Son Unm 19 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Edith Beck Daur Unm 15   Buckland Newton  
          Jane Beck Daur Unm 13   Buckland Newton  
          Susan Beck Daur Unm 11   Buckland Newton  
          Harriet Beck Daur Unm 8 School Buckland Newton  
          Annie Beck Daur Unm 6 School Buckland Newton  
  125   1   Henry Foot Head Mar 22 Ag Lab Beaminster  
          Ann Foot Wife Mar 25 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Charles Foot Son Unm 1   Buckland Newton  
F57p28 126   1   Thomas Guy Head Mar 26 Boot Maker emp 1 man Sydling  
          Lucy Guy Wife Mar 29   Buckland Newton  
          Richard Guy Father Widr 61 Ag Lab Hartfoot Lane  
          Charles Guy Brother Unm 19 Bootmaker Sydling  
  127   1   James Cull Head Mar 61 Landowner Tolpuddle  
          Frances Cull Wife Mar 62   Kent Margate  
          James Cull Son Unm 35 East India Merchant Dorchester  
          Frances Cull Daur Unm 25   Dorchester  
          Sophia Cull Daur Unm 20   Dorchester  
          Ellen K Cull Daur Unm 17   Buckland Newton  
          Mary A Gale Serv Unm 22 Cook Domestic Serv Poorstock  
          Elizabeth Godden Serv Unm 18 House Maid Hants  
  128 Mansion House 1   Thomas A Hann Head Mar 56 Landowner Corscombe  
          Fanny Hann Wife Mar 67   Cerne Abbas  
          Maria Sebly Serv Unm 19   Dorchester  
          Elizabeth Hamber Serv Unm 16   Leigh  
  129   1   John Toop Head Mar 45 Farming 120 acre emp 3 men Som Henstridge  
          Mary A Toop Wife Mar 36   Caundle Bishop  
          Thomas Cave Baorder Unm 63   Somerset Blackford  
          Mary J Cave Serv Unm 20      
  130   1   Henry E Ravenhill Head Mar 39 Vicar of Buckland Newton & Plush Landowner Wilts Warminster  
          Emma H Ravenhill Wife Mar 38 Wilts Heytesbury  
          Harriet Olding Serv Unm 40 Cook Wilts Corton  
          Sarah J Prangley Serv Unm 29 House & Parlour Maid Wilts Brixton Deverill  
F58p29         Emily Hillman Serv Unm 16 Under Housemaid Hants Langford  
          George Hillman Serv Unm 17 Groom Hants Langford  
  131   1   William Birkbeck Head Unm 24 Curate of Buckland Newton Stockwood Riggleswick Yorkshire
          Elizabeth Holland Serv W 67 Housekeeper Befordshire Woburne  
  132   1   Thomas W Lansford Head Mar 47 Farmer of 260 acres emp 5 men 2 boys Somerset Pitcombe  
          Letitia Lansford Wife Mar 46 Somerset Huish Champflower
          Elizabeth Mogg Sister Unm 48   Somerset Huish Champflower
          Richard C Mogg Brother Unm 44   Somerset Huish Champflower
          Caroline Mogg Sister Unm 39   Somerset Huish Champflower
          Mary Mogg Sister Unm 37   Somerset Huish Champflower
          Mary A Bartlett Serv Unm 20   Ryme  
  133   1   Edward Best Head Widr 64 Common Carrier Somerset Ilminster  
  134   1   Joseph Crocker Head Mar 68 Famer 60 acres emp 1 man Buckland Newton  
          Mary Crocker Wife Mar 69 Farmers Wife Hartfoot Lane  
          Mary Crocker Sister Unm 72 Late a Servant Buckland Newton  
          Mary Meech Niece Unm 6 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Mogg Serv Unm 21 General Servant Buckland Newton  
  135   1   George Paulley Head Mar 37 Carpenter Buckland Newton  
          Mary Paulley Wife Mar 35   Glanvilles Wootton  
          William Paulley Son Unm 15 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Charles Paulley Son Unm 13 Labourer Sturminster Newton  
          Tom Paulley Son Unm 10 Scholar Sturminster Newton  
          Fanny K Paulley Daur Unm 7 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Monatgue G Paulley Son Unm 2   Buckland Newton  
          Georgeina Paulley Daur Unm 5mo   Buckland Newton  
F58p30 136   1   Fredick Napier Head Mar 36 Hurdler Minterne Magna  
          Elizabeth Napier Wife Mar 42 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Jacob Napier Son Unm 2   Buckland Newton  
          Jane Saunders Lodger Unm 12      
  137   1   Richard How Head Mar 40 Ag Lab Dorset  
          Jane M How Wife Mar 47 Ag Lab    
          Henry How Son Unm 8      
          Ellen D How Daur Unm 5   Buckland Newton  
  138   1   John C Foot Head Unm 35 Farmer Buckland Newton  
          Henry D Foot Brother Unm 31 Farmer Buckland Newton  
          Hannah Gales Housekeeper Unm 39 Housekeeper Loader  
          Rossanna Ryall Serv Unm 20 Servant Buckland Newton  
          William Sampson Uncle Unm 72 Gentleman Haughton  
  139   1   George Wallis Head Mar 51 Dairyman Dorset  
          Sarah Wallis Wife Mar 52   Dorset  
          John Wallis Son Unm 15   Dorset  
          Mary J Foot Serv Unm 19 Servant Dorset  
  140   1   George Butler Head Mar 30 Dairy Manager Somerset South Brenham  
          Rose A Butler Wife Mar 25   Somerset Bottinsborough  
          Rose E Butler Daur Unm 4   Somerset Bottinsborough  
          George A Butler Son Unm 3   Straford on Avon Warwick  
          Sarah E Butler Daur Unm 3mo   Dorset Fife St Hinton  
          Anne Warr Visitor Unm 20   Pulham  
          Mary J Coombs Serv Unm 16 Domestic Servant Somerset Wincanton  
F59p31 141   1   Edward Beck Head Mar 32 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Emily Beck Wife Mar 22 Glover Gillingham  
  142   1   Mary Mullett Head W 54 Laundress Cerne Abbas  
          Hannah J Mullett Daur Unm 25 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Sarah J Mullett Daur Unm 20 Domestic Buckland Newton  
          Ellen M Mullett Granddaur Unm 3 Scholar Sherborne  
  143   1   William Spender Head Unm 23 Certificated Teacher Hants Southampton  
          Elizabeth Spender Sister Unm 21 Teacher Hants Southampton  
  144   1   Elizabeth Galpin Head W 56 Shop Keeper Devon Honiton  
          Arabella Galpin Daur Unm 19   Somerset Stoe??  
          Sarah B Galpin Daur Unm 16   Buckland Newton  
          Alfred J Kingsbury Lodger Unm 24 Carpenter Affreton  
  145   1   William Foot Head Mar 73 Parish paup Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Foot Wife Mar 64 Parish paup Melbury  
  146   1   Mary Ryall Head Mar 27 Balcksmith Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Ryall Wife Mar 32 Dressmaker Pool  
          Archibald Ryall Son Unm 13 Day   Buckland Newton  
  147       Eli Beck Head Mar 21 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Frances Beck Wife Mar 23   Buckland Newton  
          Charles Beck Son Unm 9m   Buckland Newton  
  148   1   Walter Samways Head Mar 39 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Ann Samways Wife Mar 43 Glover Lydlinch  
          Frank Samways Son Unm 17 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Thomas Samways Son Unm 14 Labourer Buckland Newton  
F59p32         Walter Samways Son Unm 11 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          George Samways Son Unm 6 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          George Chaffey Lodger Widr 66 Ag Lab Pulham  
  149   1   Josep H Meech Head Mar 36 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Meech Wife Mar 40 Laundress Somerset Wells  
          Thomas Meech Son Unm 5 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Ann Meech Daur Unm 3   Buckland Newton  
  150   1   George Curtis Head Widr 73 Farrier Buckland Newton  
          Alice Curtis Daur Unm 26   Buckland Newton  
  151   1   William Sansom Head Mar 28 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Sansom Wife Mar 24 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Bazzle Mother W 67   Buckland Newton  
  152   1   Dorothea Ridout Head Widr 49 Dress Maker Somerset Yarlington  
          Emily Ridout Daur Unm 15 Dress Maker Buckland Newton  
          Arthur Ridout Son Unm 17   Buckland Newton  
          Ida Florence Ridout Daur Unm 11 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Archibald Ridout Son Unm 7 Scholar Buckland Newton  
  153   1   George Curtis Head Mar 41 Farrier Buckland Newton  
          Annie Curtis Wife Mar 43   Buckland Newton  
          Evelin Curtis Daur Unm 7 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Amy A Curtis Daur Unm 5 Scholar Buckland Newton  
  154   1   Solomon Sampson Head Mar 56 Labourer Pulham  
          Phillis Sampson Wife Mar 58   Hazelbury Brian  
F60p33 155   1   Andrew Ryall Head Mar 31 Ag Lab Holwell  
          Jane Ryall Wife Mar 30 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Alice M Ryall Daur Unm 9 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Herbert H Ryall Son Unm 7 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          William J Ryall Son Unm 5 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Edwin J Ryall Son Unm 1 Infant Buckland Newton  
  156   1   Robert Acreman Head Mar 56 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Mary A Acreman Wife Mar 57   Yetminster  
  157   1   Silas Holland Head Unm 53 Landowner Buckland Newton  
          Saul Holland Brother Unm 49 Landowner Buckland Newton  
  158   1   Albert Thorn Head Mar 36 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Ann M Thorn Wife Mar 34 Glover Mappowder  
          Frederick Thorn Son Unm 15 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Ann M Thorn Daur Unm 13 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Charlotte Thorn Daur Unm 10 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Sarah E Thorn Daur Unm 8 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Willaim D Thorn Son Unm 6 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Lucy A Thorn Daur Unm 10m   Buckland Newton  
  159   1   George Fosey Head Mar 28 Ag Lab Toller  
          Susan Fosey Wife Mar 32   Buckland Newton  
          Frederick J Fosey Son Unm 7   Buckland Newton  
          Edward Fosey Son Unm 4   Buckland Newton  
F60p34         John Fosey Father Widr 73 Labourer Dorset Hooke  
          George Fosey Son Unm 2weeks   Buckland Newton  
  160   1   William Hawkins Head Unm 20 Ag Lab Alton  
          Agusta Hawkins Mother W 48 Laundress Alton  
          Lucy Hawkins Daur Unm 7 Scholar Alton  
  161   1   William Saunders Head Mar 59 Dairyman South Perrott  
          Elizabeth M Saunders Wife Mar 57   South Perrott  
          Richard Saunders Son Unm 25 Ag Lab Alton  
          Edwin Saunders Son Unm 12   Alton  
          Ellen Saunders Grand Child Unm 1   Surminster Marshal  
  162   1   Loami Chaffey Head Mar 37 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Ann Chaffey Wife Mar 37 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Frank Chaffey Son Unm 14 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Hannah Chaffey Daur Unm 12 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Charles Chaffey Son Unm 9 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Ellen L Chaffey Daur Unm 7 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Jane F Chaffey Daur Unm 3 Scholar Buckland Newton  
  163   1   Caroline Brooks Head W 40 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Jane Sherry Lodger W 81 Formerly Laundress Buckland Newton  
  164   1   James Sherry Head Mar 38 Woodmand Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Sherry Wife Mar 30 Glover Dorchester  
          George Sherry Son Unm 6 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Emily J Sherry Daur Unm 2 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Payne Aunt W 60   Mappowder  
F61p35 165   1   George Dunn Head Mar 38 Labourer Netherbury  
          Elizabeth Dunn Wife Mar 30   Glanvilles Wootton  
          James G Dunn Son Unm 4   Alton Pancras  
          Edwin A Dunn Son Unm 1m   Buckland Newton  
  166   1   George Mans Head Mar 33 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Sarah Mans Wife Mar 32   Buckland Newton  
          Rosa Mans Daur Unm 3   Buckland Newton  
          Alice Mans Daur Unm 1   Buckland Newton  
          William Lovell Lodger   15 Labourer Buckland Newton  
  167   1   Joseph Croad Head Mar 35 Labourer Alton Pancras  
          Emily Croad Wife Mar 35   Buckland Newton  
          James Croad Son Unm 13   Buckland Newton  
          Jane Croad Daur Unm 11 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Walter Croad Son Unm 7 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Charles Croad Son Unm 5 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Croad Daur Unm 3 Scholar Frampton  
          Kate Croad Daur Unm 1   Buckland Newton  
  168   1   John Croad Head Mar 67 Ag Lab Alton Pancras  
          Mary A Croad Wife Mar 66   Gosport  
          Henry Croad Son Unm 24 Bootmaker Alton Pancras  
  169   1   Louisa Batten Head W 50 Grocer Maidenuth  
          Henry Batten Son Unm 25 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Edwin Batten Grandson Unm 5 Scholar Buckland Newton  
F61p36 170   1   Charles Watts Head Mar 37 Shepheard Beaminster  
          Fanny Watts Wife Mar 37 Domestic Duties Sydling  
          Tom Watts Son Unm 4 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          James Watts Son Unm 3 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          William Watts Father in Law Widr 69 Ag Lab Sydling  
  171   1   George Mullett Head Mar 51 Blacksmith Buckland Newton  
          Mary Mullett Wife Mar 51   Glanvilles Wootton  
          Eli Mullett Son Unm 21 Bootmaker Buckland Newton  
          Henry Mullett Son Unm 13 Employed at Coppice Buckland Newton  
          Thomas Mullett Father Widr 85 Formerly Labourer Buckland Newton  
  172   1   John Regler Head Mar 42 Ag Lab Powerstock  
          Esther Regler Wife Mar 46   Powerstock  
          Frederick Regler Son Unm 17 Ag Lab Powerstock  
          Charles Regler Son Unm 15 Ag Lab Powerstock  
          Levi Regler Son Unm 13 Ag Lab Powerstock  
          Elizabeth Regler Daur Unm 11 Scholar Powerstock  
  173   1   Edward Mullett Head Mar 29 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Susan Mullett Wife Mar 25   Alton  
          Francis Mullett Son Unm 2   Buckland Newton  
          William Croad Lodger Unm 18 Shoemaker Sydling  
  174   1   Charles White Head Mar 65 Sawyer Buckland Newton  
          Susannah White Wife Mar 70   Chetnole  
F62p37 175   1   Edward Yeatman Head Mar 38 Bakers Wife Hazelbury Bryant  
          Hester Yeatman Wife Mar 39 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Emily Yeatman Daur Unm 14 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Susan Yeatman Daur Unm 12 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Thomas G Yeatman Son Unm 6 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Yeatman Daur Unm 10m   Buckland Newton  
          Charles Curtis Father in Law Widr 71 Formerly Blacksmith Buckland Newton  
  176   1   James Sherry Head Mar 52 Grocer & Draper Buckland Newton  
          Eliza Sherry Wife Mar 49   Buckland Newton  
          Anna S Sherry Daur Unm 21 School Mistress Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Sherry Daur Unm 20   Buckland Newton  
          Emily Sherry Daur Unm 17   Buckland Newton  
          Joseph Sherry Son Unm 11 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Anna S Marsh Mother in Law W 80   Hammoon  
          Mary Jackson Serv Unm 51   Mappowder  
  177   1   William Curtis Head Mar 37 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Mary A Curtis Wife Mar 38 Glover Buckland Newton  
          May Ann Curtis Daur Unm 11 Glover Buckland Newton  
          William J Curtis Son Unm 9 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Silas G Curtis Son Unm 2   Buckland Newton  
          Felix Foot Father in Law Widr 61 Labourer Buckland Newton  
  178   1   George Major Head Mar 36 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Elennor Major Wife Mar 49 Dressmaker Buckland Newton  
          Angelina Major Daur in Law Unm 24 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Jane Bazell Mother in Law W 75 Formerly Dressmaker Buckland Newton  
F62p38 179   1   William Lovelace Head Mar 44 Labourer Alton Pancras  
          Eliza Lovelace Wife Mar 38   Sydling St Nicholas  
          Arthur Lovelace Son Unm 13 Shephard Alton Pancras  
          Martha A Lovelace Daur Unm 10   Alton Pancras  
  180   1   James Major Head Mar 42 Lab Buckland Newton  
          Caroline Major Wife Mar 42 Glover Buckland Newton  
          John Major Son Unm 18 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          George Major Son Unm 14 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Thomas Major Son Unm 10 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Major Daur Unm 6 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Charles Major Son Unm 4 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Mary A Major Daur Unm 1   Buckland Newton  
  181   1   Joseph Beck Head Mar 35 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Eliza Beck Wife Mar 36 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Cordelia Beck Daur Unm 12 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Walter Beck Son Unm 4 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Herbert Beck Son Unm 3 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Joseph H Beck Son Unm 1   Buckland Newton  
  182   1   John Sibley Head Mar 39 Labourer Somerset Mist-ter  
          Mary A Sibley Wife Mar 38   Dorset Sydling  
          Walter Sibley Son Unm 18 Carter Dorset Hensford  
          Elizabeth Sibley Daur Unm 9   Dorset Kingston  
          James Sibley Son Unm 7   Dorset Kingston  
          Charley Sibley Son Unm 6   Dorset Kingston  
F63p39 183   1   William Yeatman Head Mar 51 Woodman Buckland Newton  
          Kimberah Yeatman Wife Mar 50   Mappowder  
          Robert Yeatman Son Unm 19 Woodman Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Yeatman Daur Unm 14   Buckland Newton  
          Charles Yeatman Son Unm 8 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Elizabeth Pople Mother in Law W 82   Mappowder  
          Ann West Aunt W 79   Mappowder  
  184   1   James Newton Head Mar 38 Ag Lab Mappowder  
          Susan Newton Wife Mar 39 Glover Buckland Newton  
          Sarah Newton Daur Unm 3 Scholar Buckland Newton  
  185   1   G Newton Head Mar 36 Ag Lab Stinsford  
          Priscilla Vincent Wife Mar 28   Buckland Newton  
          Lucy J Vincent Daur Unm 9 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          James Vincent Son Unm 7 Scholar Buckland Newton  
          Susan Vincent Daur Unm 3   Buckland Newton  
          Henry Vincent Son Unm 1   Buckland Newton  
  186   1   Frank Legg Head Mar 38 Labourer Mappowder  
          Mary Legg Wife Mar 35   Litchett  
          George Legg Son Unm 8 Scholar Piddletrenthide  
          Arthur Legg Son Unm 6 Scholar Piddletrenthide  
          Selina Legg Daur Unm 2   Alton Pancras  
          Eliza Legg Dau Unm 4m   Buckland Newton  
F63p40 187   1   Robert Chaffey Head Unm 24 Labourer Buckland Newton  
          Susan Chaffey Sister Unm 26 Glover Buckland Newton  
  188   1   Alexander Gunning Head Mar 57 Baptist Minister Baptist Chapel Somerset Bruton  
          Mary Ann Gunning Wife Mar 61 Ministers Wife Beaminster  
  189   1   James Isaacs Head Mar 66 Ag Lab Buckland Newton  
          Mary Isaacs Wife Mar 62   Buckland Newton  
          Mary Foot Visitor Unm 7   Purbeck  
          Elizabeth Foot Visitor Unm 5   Onyr  
  190   1   John Croad Head Mar 29 Lab Alton Pancras  
          Ann Croad Wife Mar 25 Glover Corscombe  
          Sarah A Croad Daur Unm 2   Buckland Newton  
          Virtue K Croad Daur Unm 5m   Buckland Newton  
District 4 - Minterne Parva
F69/P6 1   1   Frederick Davis Head Mar 54 Farm labourer Puddletrenthide  
          Charlotte Davis Wife Mar 59   Beer Regis  
          Alfred Morris Lodger Unm 39 Farm labourer Cerne Abbas  
  2   1   William Biles Head Mar 50 Farm labourer Cattistock  
          Dinah Biles Wife Mar 72   Durweston  
      1   James Fox Son Unm 28 Farm labourer Minterne Magna  
  3       John Ford Head Mar 34 Farm Labourer Abbotsbury  
          Priscilla Ann Knight Wife Mar 33   Puddletown  
          Georgina Ford Daughter Unm 16 Agricultural employment Puddletown  
          James Ford Son   3   Abbotsbury  
          Emily Eliza Ford Daughter     Up Cerne  
          Ellen Lucy Ford Daughter   5weeks   Buckland Newton  
          James Knight Visitor Unm 19 Farm labourer Puddletown  
  4   1   Edward Foot Head 28   Farm labourer Buckland Newton  
          Lavinia Foot Wife 27     Kinton Magna  
          Ellen Lucy Foot Daughter 1     Buckland Newton  
          Martha Foot Mother 58     Thornford  
  5   1   Samuel Park Head 32   Labourer Corscombe  
          Mary Ann Park Wife 35     Minterne Parva  
          Jane Park Daughter 4     Minterne Parva  
          William Park Son 2     Minterne Parva  
F70/P7     1   William Cross Head Mar 53 Farmer of 370 acres employing Mappowder  
                    8 men 3 women & 4 boys    
          Ann Cross Wife Mar 49 Farmers Wife Haydon  
          William Cross Son Unm 20   Minterne Parva  
          Henry Cross Son Unm 19   Minterne Parva  
          William Meech Visitor Widower 68   Glanvilles Wootton  
          Ann Furber Visitor Unm 70   Minterne  
          Mary Courtney Servant Unm 15   Sydling  
  7   1   John Whittle Head Mar 53 Farm Labourer Melbury Bubb  
          Elizabeth Whittle Wife Mar 48   Piddletrenthide  
          George Whittle Son Unm 22 Faem Labourer Cerne Abbas  
          John Whittle Son Unm 19 Farm labourer Cerne Abbas  
          Sarah Whittle Daughter   11   Cerne Abbas  
          Elizabeth Whittle Daughter   6   Minterne Parva  
          William Whittle Son   5   Minterne Parva  
  8   1   Frederick Rendell Head Mar 32 Journeyman Blacksmith Beaminster  
          Emma Rendell Wife Mar 28 Schoolmistress Litton Cheney  
          Julia Ann Rendell Daughter   5 Scholar Litton Cheney  
          Harry Rendell Son   2   Minterne Parva  
  9   1   Thomas George Coate Head Mar 27 Farm labourer Piddlehinton  
          Jane Coate Wife Mar 23   Piddletrenthide  
          Elizabeth Emma Coate Daughter   6 Scholar Piddletown  
          George Wm Coate Son   2   Minterne Parva  
          Henry Samuel Coate Son   1month   Minterne Parva  
F70/P8 10   1   James Foote Head Mar 70 Shepherd Minterne Parva  
          Martha Foote Wife Mar 61 Shepherds wife Marnhull  
  11   1   Frederick Symes Head Mar 47 Labourer (Farm) Plush  
          Julia Symes Wife Mar 43 Labourers Wife Hermitage  
          Amanda Symes Daughter   12 Scholar Hermitage  
          James Symes Son   11 Scholar Hermitage  
          George Symes Son   8 Scholar Ryme Intrinsica  
          Jane Symes Daughter   5 Scholar Ryme Intrinsica  
          Charles Symes Son   1   Minterne Parva  
  12   1   Edwin Paulley Head Mar 33 Farm Labourer Minterne Magna  
          Martha Paulley Wife Mar 35 Labourers Wife Minterne Magna  
          William Paulley Son   12 Farm employment Minterne Parva  
          Henry Paulley Son   10 Farm employment Minterne Parva  
          Edwin Paulley Son   7 Scholar Minterne Parva  
          George Paulley Son   5 Scholar Minterne Parva  
          Elizabeth Paulley Daughter   2   Minterne Parva  
          Harriet Fox Visitor   10 Scholar Cerne Abbas  
End of the Hamlet of Minterne Parva

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