
Baptisms 1861

Transcribed from the Parish Registers and donated to the Dorset OPC Project by Terry Smith

3Feb1861Sarah Vallancedaughter of  MarthaDRAKEHiltonSingle Woman
16Feb1861Walter Mantell son ofGeorge Edward Illingworth&Hannah Elizabeth WOODHOUSEHartfoot LaneBrewer
17Feb1861Deborah daughter ofMichael&HarrietHOUSE HiltonLabourer
14Mar1861Robert Vigour son ofGeorge&SarahBAKERHilton Farmer
28Apr1861Henry Day son ofJohn&Jane GraceGIBSONDelcombe Milton Abbas Steward of the Baron Hambro
28Apr1861Joseph Richard son of  Mary AnnWHITE HiltonSingle Woman
12May1861William John son ofLeonard&ElizaKELLAWAYHilton Labourer
19May1861Joseph James son ofJohn&Mary AnnWHITEDelcombe Carter
26May1861William David son ofDavid&ChristianTROWBRIDGE AnstyLabourer
28May1861Jane Ann daughter ofWilliam&MaryWHITE HiltonLabourer
30Jun1861Joseph George son ofJohn&MaryHOWEAnsty Shepherd
2Jul1861Martha Ann daughter ofHenry&MarthaHOUSE Hartfoot LaneLabourer
21Jul1861William Pitt son ofStephen&MarthaKERBYAller Carpenter
21Jul1861William James son ofCharles&LouisaSCOTTAnsty Labourer
11Aug1861Richard son ofRichard&AnneCUFFEHilton Labourer
11Aug1861Walter son ofWilliam&JaneTHOMASAller Blacksmith
15Sep1861Henry John son ofHenry&EmmaCUFFEHartfoot Lane Labourer
13Oct1861Sarah Ann Harlock daughter ofJames&DeborahMORRIS PleckLabourer
20Oct1861George Henry StJohn son ofGeorge&DedemiahHELYERHilton Labourer
3Nov1861William Edwin son ofGeorge&ElizaKELLAWAYHilton Labourer
9Nov1861George Tom son of  ElizabethSTICKLAND Hartfoot LaneSingle Woman
9Nov1861Henry James son of  ElizabethSTICKLAND Hartfoot LaneSingle Woman
14Dec1861Emily Caroline daughter ofGeorge&SarahBAKER HiltonFarmer
29Dec1861Amelia Ann daughter ofJohn&ElizthMORRIS HiltonShepherd

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