
Vestry Book 1855-1912

PE HON VE 1/1 original document at Dorset History Centre
Minute Book of Vestries for the Parish of Holnest Lady day 1855
(mainly election of officers, some other information included)



At a Vestry holden this day

Present Mr Obadiah Collis; Mr William Marsh; E. Scott; W. Barter

Mr Ebenezer Scott and Mr Isaac Hann nominated overseers for the year ensuing – and a rate ordered to be made ?9d in the pound

Mr William Barter and Mr William Marsh nominated surveyors for the ensuing year

Highway Rate ordered at one penny in the £

Signed on behalf of the Vestry R. Cosens, Chairman



At a Vestry held this day

Mr Obadiah Collis and Mr William Marsh appointed Churchwardens for the ensuing year.

A Church Rate ordered to be collected at fourpence in the pond

Signed on behalf of the Vestry R. Cosens, Chairman


A list of persons qualified and Liable to serve as Constables

William Marsh yeoman

William Barter yeoman

Henry Hann yeoman

Henry Collis yeoman

Ebenezer Scott yeoman


A a Vestry held this day We the undersigned Do Nominated Isaac Hann and Henery Collis for Overseers The year Enseuing William Barter and Ebenezer Scot nominated Surveiours for the Enseuing year

Hignway rate at 1 ½ d in the pound

Poor Rate at 1/- in the pound

Signed Ebenezer Scott; William Barter; Charles Hann for Isaac Hann; William Marsh


Rate of 10 ½ d in the £

Signed O. Collis; William Marsh; Charles Hann for Isaac Hann


A list of Persons Qualoified and Liable to serve as Constables

William Barter Yeoman

William Marsh Yeoman

Obadiah Collis Yeoman

Ebenezer Scott Yeoman


Wm. Barter; Wm. Marsh Overseers

Ebenezer Scott; Wm. Marsh Surveiours

Highway Rate 1d in the £

Signed Charles Hann for I. Hann, Overseer; Obadiah Collis; Wm. Barter; Wm. Marsh


Rate 8d in the £

Signed William Barter; O. Collis


Rate 1s in the £

Signed William Barter, Overseer


A list of persons liable to Serve As Constables for the parish of Holnest

William Barter Yeoman

William Marsh Yeoman

Obediah Collis Yeoman

Charles Hann Yeoman

Ebenezer Scott Yeoman

Signed William Barter, Overseer; William Marsh


Present: Mr O. Collis; Mr W. Marsh; Mr W. Barter; C. Hann; E. Scott

Mr William Marsh and Mr Obadiah Collis Overseers

Mr William Marsh and Mr Obadiah Collis Waywardens

Way rate 4d £

Poor rate 10 ½ d £

Mr E. Scott nom. Guardian

Signed R. Cosens, Chairman


Present: Mr O. Collis; Mr E. Scott; W. Marsh; C. Hann

Mr Obadiah Collis and Mr Ebenezer Scott Overseers

Poor Rate 10 ½ d in the £

Mr William Marsh and Mr Charles Hann Waywardens

Way Rate 6d in the £

Mr E. Scott nominated Guardian

Signed R Cosens, Chairman


Mr William Marsh and Mr Obadiah Collis Churchwardens

Rate 1 ½ d £

Signed R. Cosens, Chairman


Present: Mr O. Collis; Mr W. Marsh; Mr E. Scott

Mr William Marsh nominated Guardian

Mr Ebenezer Scott and Mr Charles Hann Overseers

Rate 10 ½ d £

Charles Hann and William Barter Waywardens

Rate 1 ½ d in the £

Signed R. Cosens, Chairman


Mr William Marsh and Mr Obadiah Collis Churchwardens

Rate 1 ½ d £

Signed Robt. Cosens, Chairman


Present: Mr O. Collis; Mr E. Scott; Mr W. Marsh; Mr C. Hann

Mr William Marsh nominated Guardian

Mr Charles Hann and Mr Isaac Louis Reed Waywardens

Signed Robt. Cosens, Chairman


Present: Mr Marsh; Mr O. Collis; Read; Scott

Mr William Marsh and Mr Obadiah Collis Churchwardens

Rate 1d £

Signed R. Cosens, Chairman


Present: Mr Marsh; Mr Collis; Mr Reed

Mr Reed and (blank) Overseers

Mr Obadiah Collis and Mr Isaac Louis Reed Waywardens

Mr William Marsh Guardian

(Entry not signed)


Mr William Marsh and Mr Obadiah Collis Churchwardens Rate 1d £

'Requested that Mr Obadiah Collis render an Acct. of Rent due to the parish on 3 Cottages at Farthing Gate at 1/6 pr week from Nov 1856 to Lady Day 1862

5 years and 4 months – amounting to £20.16.0'

Signed R. Cosens, Chairman


Present: The Vicar; Mr E. Scott; Mr Wm. Marsh; Mr I.L. Reed; Mr O. Collis

Mr William Marsh Guardian

Mr Ebenezer Scott Waywarden

Mr Isaac Lewis Reed and Mr Obadiah Collis Overseers

Rate 16d in the £

Way Rate 2 ½ d £1

Signed R. Cosens, Chairman


Mr William Marsh and Mr Obadiah Collis Churchwardens Rate 2d £1

Signed R. Cosens, Chairman


Mr Obadiah Collis and Mr William Marsh Overseers

Mr W. Marsh Waywarden

A rate ordered for the relief of the poor and wayrate 10d £

Signed R. Cosens, Chairman


Mr William Marsh and Mr Obadiah Collis Churchwardens Rate 1d £1


Mr William Marsh and Mr Obadiah Collis Churchwardens


Mr Eli Cox and Mr Wm. Marsh Overseers rate 13d £1

Mr Wm. Marsh Waywarden

Mr Wm. Marsh Guardian


Mr William Marsh and Mr Obadiah Collis Churchwardens Rate 1d £1

Signed R. Cosens, Chairman


Mr Wm. Cook and Mr Oliver Ridout Churchwardens

Mr Eli Cox and Mr Wm. Cook Overseers

Signed Hugh ?Allun, Curate

N.B. This minute book being in the possession of a Parishioner who had left this entry was not made till the 3rd of July 1867

July 1867

Mr Cosens the Chairman of the Vestry having died before the minute book was recovered this entry was made by me Hugh Alla/un July 3rd 1867


Mr Wm. Cook and Mr Isaac Pearce Overseers

Mr ?Wm. ?Cadey Waywarden

Signed Charles King, Chairman


Mr Oliver Ridout and Mr Wm. Cook Churchwardens

Signed Chas. King, Vicar; Eli Cox

N.B. It was ordered that the Churchwardens collect a Rate of Two pence in the Pound


Isaac Pearce and Oliver Ridout Overseers

Wm. Cook Waywarden and Guardian

Signed Charles King, Vicar; Eli Cox; Wm. Cook


Rate Churchwardens 1d in £

Oliver Ridout and William Cook Churchwardens

Signed Charles King, Vicar; Eli Cox; Isaac Pearce; John ?Perrett;


Oliver Ridout and Eli Cox Overseers

Mr Ridout and Mr Cook Waywarden

Signed Charles King, Vicar and Chairman; Joseph Sampson; Isaac Pearce; William Cook


Eli Cox and Mr Cook Overseers

George Miles Guardian and Waywarden

Signed Charles King, Vicar; George Miles; Oliver Ridout; Eli Cox


Oliver Ridout and Geo. Miles Churchwardens

Signed Charles King, Vicar; Geo. Miles; Eli Cox


Geo. Miles and ? Cook Overseers

Geo. Miles Waywarden

Signed Eli Cox; Oliver Ridout; Wm. Cook


Oliver Ridout and Geo. Miles Churchwardens

Signed Geo. Miles; Eli Cox; Oliver Ridout


Eli Cox and Geo. Miles Overseers

John Cox Asst. Overseer

Mr William Cook Waywarden

Eli Cox Guardian

Signed Charles Herbert Mayo, Chairman; Geo. Miles; Eli Cox; Oliver Ridout, Wm. Cook


Oliver Ridout and Geo. Miles Churchwardens

Signed Charles Herbert Mayo, Chairman; Eli Cox; Oliver Ridout


At a Vestry held in the Parish of Holnest on the first day of November 1873 the following resolution was proposed by Mr Eli Cox, Overseer, and Mr George Miles, Churchwarden,

We the undersigned do hereby consent to the Guardian of the Poor of the Union of Sherborne selling the premises described as follows; viz "Three tenements under one roof, and land consisting of a small piece of Garden Ground"

Signed Charles Herbert Mayo, Chairman; Eli Cox; George Miles; William Cook

At a meeting of the owners of Property in the Parish legally entitled to vote, and of the Rate-payers therein, held at the Parish Church od Holnest in the said Parsih on Thursday the twentieth day of November 1873, pursuant to notice of such meeting duly given:

Charles Herbert Mayo, Chairman

It was resolved, by a majority of such owners, present in person, or by proxy, and of such Rate-payers, at such meeting:-

That this meeting consent to the Guardians of the Poor of Sherborne Union selling the Premises described in the margin thereof, under the provision of 'The Union and Parish Property Act ?1635' in such manner, and subject to such rules, orders and regulations touching such Sale, the Conveyance of such Property, and the application of the Produce arising therefrom, for the Permanent advantage of the Parish, as the Local Government Board shall be in that behalf direct.

Signed Charles Herbert Mayo, Minister; Oliver Ridout, Churchwarden; Eli Cox and

William Cook, Overseers


Oliver Ridout and Eli Cox Overseers

Wm. Cook Waywarden

Eli Cox Guardian


Eli Cox and Wm. Cook Churchwardens


Wm. Cook and Oliver Ridout Overseers

Wm. Cook Waywarden

Eli Cox Guardian


Eli Cox and Wm. Cook Churchwarden


At a Vestry held May 1, 1875, at the Usual Place in the Parish of Holnest, we the undersigned Ratepayers agree to allow the Overseer, Mr Oliver Ridout, the sum of £3.0.0, rates not recoverable from land late in the occupation of Giles Elsworth

Signed Charles Herbert Mayo, Chairman; Eli Cox


Eli Cox and Wm. Cook Overseers

Wm. Cook Waywarden

Rev. C.H. Mayo Guardian


Eli Cox and Wm. Cook Churchwardens

Rate 2d in £1


At a meeting held this 24th day of November 1876 to consider the proposed Basics or Standard for County Rates. Resolved that as the proposed annual value of the Parish of Holnest is, in the opinion of this meeting, excessive, by reason of the amount of common and waste land in the parish – an objection be made by the Overseers of the Parish at Blandford on December 15th next to that effect.

Signed Charles Herbert Mayo, Chairman; William Cook; Oliver Ridout; M. Codey


Oliver Ridout and Eli Cox Overseers

Wm. Cook Waywardens

Eli Cox Churchwarden

Signed C.H. Mayo, Chairman; William Cook; Eli Cox; Oliver Ridout


Michael Codey and Charles Gould Overseers

Archibald Kingman Waywarden

Signed C.H. Mayo, Chairman; M. Codey; Eli Cox; Oliver Ridout; Archibald Kingman


Eli Cox and John Robert Cox Churchwardens

Signed C.H. Mayo; O. Ridout; Eli Cox


Charles Gould and Oliver Ridout Overseers

Michael Codey Waywarden

Eli Cox and John Robert Cox Churchwardens

Signed Charles Herbert Mayo; Michael Codey; Oliver Ridout; Charles Gould;

Archibald Kingman


Agreed rate 'three-half-pence in the £'


Oliver Ridout and Charles Gould Overseers

Michael Codey Waywarden

Signed Charles Herbert Mayo; Charles Gould; A. Kingman; Oliver Ridout


'to audit the Church Wardens accounts for the year ending Easter 1880'

J.S.W.S. Erle-Drax and Oilver Ridout Churchwardens

Signed M. Codey; O. Ridout; A. Kingman; Charles Gould


Charles Gould Guardian

William Phillips Overseer

Charles Gould Sidesman

Michael Codey Waywarden

Note – Rev. C.H. Mayo did not attend

Signed M. Codey, Chairman; Charles Gould; Oliver Ridout; A. Kingman


John Dunning Guardian and Overseer

William Phillips Overseer

A. Kingman Assessor

M. Codey Waywarden

Note – Rev. C.H. Mayo did not attend

Signed M. Codey, Chairman; Wm. Phillips; A. Kingman


Mr Frederick Charles Gould and ?Baruch Thorne Overseers

Michael Codey Waywarden

William Phillips and Archibald Kingman Churchwardens

Rate 1d in the £

Signed Charles Herbert Mayo, Chairman; A. Kingman; Wm. Phillips


Jonathan Hounsell and William Phillips Overseers

Michael Codey Waywarden

Signed Charles Herbert Mayo, Chairman; M. Codey; A. Kingman; J. Hounsell;

Wm. Phillips


Wm. Phillips and Archibald Kingman Churchwardens

Rate 1d in the £

Signed Chas. H. Mayo, Chairman


Jonathan Hounsell and Walter Adams Overseers

(as Mr Hounsell did not serve last year)

Archibald Kingman Waywarden

Signed C.H. Mayo, Chairman; A. Kingsman; J. Hounsell; Wm. Phillips; F.C. Gould


Wm. Phillips and Archibald Kingman Churchwardens

'The Churchwardens are authorized to direct the clerk to clean the Church once a week, and wash it once a quarter.'

Signed C.H. Mayo, Chairman


Walter Adams and William Phillips Overseers

Mr Kingman Waywarden

Signed Charles Herbert Mayo; Sydney Thorne; Frederick Gould X his mark; Walter A. Adams; William Phillips; A. Kingman


William Phillips and Archibald Kingman Churchwardens


Wm. Phillips and William Dampney Overseers

Mr Kingman Waywarden

Signed Chas. Herbert Mayo, Chairman


William Phillips and Archibald Kingman Churchwardens

Signed Chas. Herbert Mayo, Chairman


Messrs. S. Thorne, W. Phillips, A. Kingman, B. Holloway were appointed a Committee to draw up a new assessment of the Parish of Holnest, and were authorized to expend the sum of £1, for expenses appertaining to the same.

Signed C.H. Mayo, Chairman


Mr William Dampney and Thomas Trowbridge Overseers

A. Kingman Waywarden

Signed Sydney Thorne, Chairman


Mr Phillips and Archibald Kingman Churchwardens

Rate 1d in the £

Signed C.H. Mayo, Chairman


Thomas Trowbridge Overseer

Robert Mowlem Asst. Overseer

Benjamin Holloway Waywarden

Signed Sydney Thorne, Chairman


Wm. Phillips and Walter Adams Churchwardens

'.. and were authorized to collect by subscription sufficient to defray the expenses for the last and the current year, the debt for the year ending Easter 1889 being £4.9.9, less 4d in hand'

Signed C.H. Mayo, Chairman; ?J.S.W.S. Erle-Drax; Sydney Thorne


Benjamin Holloway Overseer

James Gould Asst. Overseer

Wm. Phillips Waywarden

Signed Sydney Thorne, Chairman


Wm. Phillips and Walter Albert Adams Churchwardens

Signed C.H. Mayo, Chairman


James Gould and Herbert William Ridout Overseers

Walter A. Adams Waywarden

Signed C.H. Mayo


William Phillips and Walter Albert Adams Churchwardens

' The Churchwardens are requested to engage Thomas Sartin as ?-sexton for the ensuing year.'

Signed C.H. Mayo, Chairman


(Herbert crossed through) William Herbert Ridout and William Bartlett Overseers

Walter A. Adams Waywarden

Signed Sydney Thorne, Chairman


William Phillips and Walter Albert Adams Churchwardens

Signed C.H. Mayo, Chairman


William Bartlett and Walter Adams Overseers

Walter A. Adams Waywarden

Signed Sydney Thorne, Chairman


William Phillips and James Gould Churchwarden

'Proposed by Mr Walter Adams and Seconded by Mr William Phillips, and carried unanimously, that this Vestry records its emphatic protest against the Welsh Suspensory Bill.'

Signed C.H. Mayo, Chairman


Walter A. Adams and William Phillips Overseers

Walter A. Adams Waywarden

Signed W.S. Erle-Dax, Chairman


William Phillips and James Gould Churchwardens

' Proposed by the Churchwardens at the same Vestry that Thomas Sartin be Sexton for the ensuing year at £1.10.0 and to clean the Churchyard for the sum of 15/- : and for a further sum of 15/- to be paid to him for cleaning the interior of the Church.

Agreed that the Churchwardens be empowered to pay the sum of 10/6 towards the repairs of the Church porch.'

Signed W.S. Erle-Drax, Chairman


William ?May Phillips and James Gould Churchwardens

Signed C.H. Mayo


Also 1896-1900


'A vote of thanks was carried unanimously to Mr James Gould for his energy in collecting subscriptions.'

Signed C.H. Mayo, Chairman


Mr William May Phillips and George Harris Churchwardens

Signed C.H. Mayo


Also 11.4.1902


Joseph May Phillips and George Harris Churchwardens


Also 1904-1906


'…The Churchwardens accounts were passed but no new Churchwardens were appointed.'

Signed C.H. Mayo


?Mrs Julia Ann Gould Churchwarden

proposed by George Harris, seconded by Joseph May Phillips

Signed C.H. Mayo


Mrs Julia Ann Gould Churchwarden proposed by George Harris

Signed C.H. Mayo, Chairman


Mrs Julia Ann Gould and Mr George Harris Churchwardens

Also 1910-1912. Mr GeorgeHarris given as of Rye Water Farm in 1911 and 1912.

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