
1932 List of Parishioners

Transcribed from a list hanging in the Church and donated to the Dorset OPC Project by Kim Parker

Framed pen & Ink illustration of St Mary Magdalene, Thornford presented to Caleb Ryall Esq. as a token of affectionate regard and grateful appreciation of his thirty-one years' service as Church Warden

Andews W.M.         Sampson G.
Andrews A.E.Compton E. Frampton E.E.Harris E.A. Mattingley V.Sampson A.
Andrews E.Compton F. Frampton A.Haynes W. Mattingley N.Shields A.J.
Ackland T.Connell W. Gabe R.Haynes K.Mears W. Shirley A.
Ackland E.Connell L. Gabe A.Helliar J.Meech A. Shirley C.
Baker T.Cox L. Gabe T.Helliar E.Meech S. Smale L
Baker D.Cox R. Garrett A.Helliar K. Mitchell S.Smale F.
Bennett R.Davenport C. Garrett C.Helliar T. Mitchell R.Smale V.
Bennett V.Davenport M. Gould F.K.Helliar J. Mitchell E.A.Smale H.
Brister C.Dancey N. Gould M.K.Helliar G. Moore W.Thomas E.
Brister E.Delement W. Gould D.Hellyar M. Moore A.M.Toop M.E.
Brister F.Delement E. Gould M.M.Hellyar M.W. Morgan J.Trevett E.J.
Brister E.Drake J. Gould A.E.Hellyar I.M. Mountjoy S.E.Trevett A.L.
Brister G.Ellwood O. Gray J.Hellyar S.J. McLauchlan E.S.Vincent T.
Buckler A.Ellwood F. Gray F.Hellyar C.A. Pearce L.Vowell B.
Buckler W.A.Evis R. Gray E.Howe W.Perham F. Vowell L.
Buckland A.Evis W. Gray G.Howe B.Perham E.L. Wakefield S.
Buckland L.E. Evis M.Gray E.Hunt M. Perham E.J.Wall M.
Bugler S.Evis B. Gray J.King C.Perham E.M. Wareham E.
Bugler E.Evis A. Gray A.King R.Peskett M. Wareham M.
Burfitt W.Evis H. Gregory P.King M.R. Pomeroy E.Wareham M.A.
Burrough J.Foot H. Gregory M.King M.Pomeroy R. Wheeler E.
Burrough L.Foot F. Gurd J.Lane A.Puplett E.A. Wonfer L.
Burrett A.Foot E. Gurd E.Lane S.Rixon A. Weld-Smith E.W.
Burrett M.I.Foot A. Hann F.Lane E.Rogers E. Weld-Smith M.M.
Clayton I.Frampton K. Hann F.E.Marsh M.Rogers C. Wingfield-Digby F.W.
Clayton K.Frampton A. Harris A.Marshall F. Rowles E.Wingfield-Digby C.

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