Wimborne St Giles

History of All Hallows Church

The church at All Hallows is mentioned in the Domesday Book, it existed until 1742 and was the principal church for the area. Until this time there was only a small chapel at Wimborne St Giles village. In the 17 th century Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1 st Earl of Shaftesbury, built a new country house close to Wimborne St Giles and the writing was on the wall for All Hallows. In 1672 Sir Anthony wrote to the Keeper of the Great Seal, offering to give King Charles II a living of his choice in exchange for being allowed to close down the living of All Hallows and concentrate worship at Wimborne St Giles. This request was granted and eventually the disused church was demolished in 1742. The All Hallows churchyard continued to be used for burials up to the end of the 19 th century, because there was no room for a burial ground at Wimborne St Giles church. In the early 20 th century a new cemetery was opened on the opposite side of road to the All Hallows grave yard.


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