
Baptisms 1587 - 1812

Transcribed by Rachel Kent

DHC Ref: PE/SWY/RE 1/1, 1/2 & 1/3


18 Feb; John so Robert BROWNE



4 Apr; Morgan so Thomas BISHOPPE

4 Jul; Rodolph so John FREEMAN

30 Jun; Grace do Edward PAINTER

21 Aug; Robert so Launcelot NAPPER

22 Dec; Ann do James PITMAN



20 Mar; Joan do George HONDIE

9 Jul; Stephen so John LANE

16 Jul; Joan do Thomas BISHOPPE

16 Oct; Sara do Robert BROWNE



23 Mar; Agnes do Nicholas HANDSERRE

7 Aug; Robert so Robert NORTHOVER

20 Oct; Elenor do Nicolas HALE

21 Oct; Mary do Edward ...........?



2 Mar; Edward do Edward..............?

12 Jul; Martin so John FREEMAN

30 Jul; Barnard so Robert BLACKWOOD

1 Oct; Joane do Robert BROWNE



10 Jan; Anne do Walter MANFIELDE

30 Jan; Joan do Launcelot NAPPER

8 Apr; Edith do John MULLENS

4 Aug; Barnard so Robert BLACKWOOD

18 Oct; Luke so Robert BROWNE

8 Dec; Elenor do George HONDIE



23 Mar; William so Nicolas HALE

2 Jun; Dorothy do George HANDLEIGH



1 Mar; Elizabeth illegitimate do Elizabeth PARSONS

12 Apr; George so Robert BROWNE

14 Apr; Magdalen do Robert NORTHOVER

4 Oct; James so William GOVER



12 Feb; John so William GOVER

20 Apr; Alice do George HANDLEIGH

14 May; Nicolas so John ELLIS

14 May; Agnes do John ELLIS

21 Jun; John so James HOLMEADE

27 Jun; Agnes do Robert BLACKWOOD

3 Aug; Walter so Walter ANGELL



23 Jan; Richard so William BERDE

2 Sep; Dorothy do Christopher NUSSETER

24 Sep; John so John MULLENS

5 Dec; Elizabeth do George HANDLEIGH

27 Dec; Nathaniel so Robert BROWNE



28 May; William so John RAWLINGS

18 Jun; Elizabeth do Thomas SLOOC

5 Aug; Joan do Morgan HOLMAN



5 Feb; Dorothy do William GOVER

2 Aug; Robert so John MULLENS

6 Sep; Joan do Henry CRIBBE

17 Sep; Brigit illegitimate do Agnes PARSONS

28 Sep; John so Richard CROOME

14 Oct; Ann do John CURLAND

24 Oct; Elinor do William SAMER



28 Feb; Thomas illegitimate so Elizabeth PARSONS

31 Aug; William so William CLARKE

12 Oct; Robert so Morgan HOLMAN

26 Oct; Hugh so John RAWLINGS



18 Jan; John so John GOVERR

30 Jan; George so Robert NORTHOVER

30 Mar; Richard so Richard HAKE

12 Apr; Joan do Henry CRIBB



4 Jan; Alice do John CURLANDE

14 Mar; William so Richard JAKOB

19 Apr; Richard so John MULLINS

15 Jun; Walter so John JAMES

17 Jun; Arminella do Richard CROOME

21 Oct; Mary do Thomas WAOASS

24 Nov; Agnes do John CROFTE



27 Jan; John so Morgan HOLMAN

20 Mar; Ann do John RAWLINGS

10 Aug; Cardina illegitimate do Margaret PITMAN alias Hixxe

23 Sep; Alice do George MULLINS

30 Sep; Isiota do John HAYWELL alias Haykes



29 Jan; Joan do Richard CROOME

?  ?; John so of John...............?

1Sep; Richard so Robert NORTHOVER

? Sep; Alice do John ................?

4 Oct; Richard so Henry CRIBBE

2 Nov; Mary do John CURLAND

5 Nov; Virtue do John MULLINS

11 Nov; Launcelot so James CLARKE

18 Nov; Barbara do William CLARKE



21 Mar; Robert illegitimate so Agnes PARSONS

? Apr; Mary do Richard CRIBB

4 Apr; Katherine do Roger and Dorothy HALL



10 Mar; Richard so Morgan and Joan JACOBS alias Beagins

23 Mar; Lucy do John and Elizabeth WILLES

29 Mar; John so John and Joan CURLAND

21 Apr; Joan do Richard and Mary ...............? possibly Croome

16 May; Ann do James and Joan CLARKE

10 Aug; .........anus? so Morgan HOLMAN

31 Aug; John so John and Katherine RAWLINGS

16 Nov; William so Morgan and Cardigane SAMWAYES



7 Jan; Mary do Josiah and Katherine HANDLEIGH

14 Jan; William so Richard and Mary CROOME

8 Sep; John so Thomas and Alice BREWER

8 Nov; Mathilda do Roger and Dorothy HALL

4 Dec; Mary do Henry and Alice ...................?

7 Dec; Edward so Henry and Alice CRIBB

? Dec; James so John HALL



30 Mar; Alice do Morgan and Joane JACOBS alias Begins

15 Aug; William so James and Joane CLARKE

28 Aug; Cecily illegitimate do Agnes Parsons

25 Dec; Esther do Richard and Mary CRIBB

27 Dec; Ann do Morgan and Alice HOLMAN



19 Mar; Alice do  Josiah and Katherine HANDLEIGH

9 Apr; Nicholas so John and Mary HALL

26 Nov; John so James and Joane CLARKE



? Mar; Richard so William and Agnes SNELL

2 Jun; Robert illegitimate so Alice MOLEINS

1 Sep; John so Launcelot and Joane CLARKE

7 Sep             Katherine do Morgan and Cardigane SAMWAYES

19 Dec; Henry so Arthur and Margery CRIBB



17 Feb; Stephen and Arthur sons of Henry and Alice CRIBB

10 Apr; Katherine do Josiah HANDLEIGH

30 Jun; Thomas so Morgan and Alice HOLMAN

21 Jul; Elizabeth do Thomas amd Margery PITMAN

9 Oct; Robert so John and Catherine RAWLINGS

23 Oct; John so Richard CROOME



12 Feb; Agnes do James and Jane CLARKE

18 Mar; Robert so Richard and Mary CRIBB

2 Apr; Catherine do William and Mary FFREEMAN

17 Apr; William so John and Joane CURLAND

18 Apr; John so Henry and Alice CRIBB

1 Jul; Agnes do Walter and Marian FFORSKITT – vagrantes

2 Aug; Elizabeth do William and Agnes SNELL

7 Oct; Isott do John and Agnes THORNER alias Jenkins

25 Oct; Mary do Launcelot and Joane CLARKE

15 Nov; Elizabeth do Andrew and Joane BOWNE

15 Nov; Mary do Roger and Dorothy FFALL



28 Mar; ................? so Thomas and Alice BREWER



14 Feb; John so William and M FFREEMAN

20 Feb; James so John and Mary HALL

6 Apr; Dorothy do James and Joan CLARKE

30 Nov; John so William SNELL



19 Jan; John so Roger FFAWLE

19 Mar; James so Launcelot CLARKE

6 Apr; Mary do Samson MILLER

25 Jul; Thomas so Richard CROOME

20 Aug; Joane do Morgan SAMWAYES

17 Sep; Mary do Morgan BEAGER



21 Jun; Richard so Richard BURROW of Lanspart, Somerset

1 Nov; Joane do James CLARKE

3 Nov; Alice do William RIBBIE

12 Nov; Ellen do Galfrid HEERE



6 Apr; James so Thomas PITMAN

25 May; William so William FFREEMAN

27 May; Andrew so John THORNE

5 Sep; James so John CURLAND

21 Sep; Elizabeth do William RIBBIE

19 Oct; William so William BE.......? could be Beager

28 Nov; Agnes do Launcelot CLARKE



11 Jan; Abigail do William SMITH

11 Oct; Morgan so Morgan SAMWAIES

16 Nov; Thomas so Roger FFALL



23 May; Leonard so Richard CROOME

27 May; Ann do Galfrid HEERE

13 Jun; Alice do James CLARKE



24 Jan; William so William SNELL

?  ?; Grace do Roger FFALL

4 Jun; Ann do Robert NORTHOVER

14 Aug; William so Launcelot CLARKE

?  ?; Alice do John HUTTON?



18 May; Walter so Roger and Dorothy CRIBB

17 Aug; John so John THORNER

26 Oct; Elizabeth do Morgan SAMWAYES

18 Nov; Robert so Galfrid HEERE

2 Dec; Joane do William RIBBIE



15 Jan; Susannah do James CLARKE

3 Feb; James so William FFREEMAN

31 Mar; Agnes do Thomas PITMAN

7 Apr; John so Richard POOKE

18 Apr; Robert so Robert NORTHOVER



1 Jan; Mathew do Launcelot CLARKE

12 Feb; Elizabeth do Walter ELLIS

19 Feb; James so Richard CROOME



9 May; Roger so Roger FFAROLE

6 Jun; John so Robert CRIB

18 Jul; Ann do William SNELL

2 Sep; Joane do Morgan JACOB

21 Nov; ............? so Richard MAISTERS

21 Nov; ............? do Robert NORTHOVER



30 Mar; Morgan so Robert HOLMAN

10 Aug; Tamsine do Morgan SAMWAIES

14 Oct; Robert so Launcelot CLARKE

30 Oct; Alice do William RIBBIE



15 Jan; Elizabeth do Hipolit HARDY

20 Nov; James so William RALLINGE

22 Nov; James so James EBBER

10 Dec; John so Thomas PYKE

10 Dec; Andrew so Robert SYMONDS



1 Apr; Walter so Robert NORTHOVER

22 May; Joane do Robert HOLMAN

4 Aug; ..........? so Robert and Sara SPICER

25 Dec; ..........?  Julius and Julia Willmi FFREEMAN



27 Mar; .........? of John MULLENS

30 Mar; .........? of Robert MASTERS

15 Apr; Arthur? so Robert CRIB

5 Nov; Robert so Robert HOLMAN

30 Nov; Joane do Launcelot CLARKE

25 Dec; .........? do John HUTTON



25 Feb; Robert so William SNELL

20 May; Robert so Robert SUMER

1 Jun; Dorothy do John HALL

4 Aug; Robert so Robert CRIB

6 Aug; Thomas so Hippolit HARDY

21 Sep; Andrew so Robert NORTHOVER

29 Oct; Robert so Robert FFRIER

11 Nov; Katherine do James EBBER

22 Dec; Christian illegitimate do Ann HALL



30 Jan; Elizabeth do James STEVENS

24 Feb; Catherine do William RALLENS

16 Sep; William so Robert HOLMAN

3 Oct; Ann do John HUTTON

7 Oct; Richard so James MULLENS



20 May; Richard so Launcelot CLARKE

6 Dec; Edith do Robert and Sarah FFRIER



15 Jul; Alice do Robert SUMER

9 Sep; Tamsine do Robert NORTHOVER

16 Sep; Andrew so James EBBER

14 Oct; Margaret do Hypolite HARDIE

16 Nov; Elizabeth do John MULLENS



17 Mar; Henry so John HALL

11 Aug; Mary do Richard MASTERS

4 Oct; Ann do Edward CRIB

2 Nov; Mary do William RALLENS



9 Mar; Robert so Thomas BATER

13 Nov; Thomas so Robert and Sarah FFRIER



9 Jan; John so Morgan SAMWAYES

25 Jan; Thomas so Robert and Agnes SYMONDS

5 Jul; John so Nicholas and Ann NOCITER

24 Jul; John so Robert and Agnes NORTHOVER

20 Sep; Mary do Joseph and Joane BARTLETT

27 Dec; Judith do Robert and Jane SOMER



3 Apr; James so John MULLENS

3 Sep; Florence do Hypolit HARDIE

18 ?; Edward so Edward and Tamosine CRIB

Eodem die        Hester do Hester CRIB



12 May; John so Robert SYMONDS

4 Jun; George so Robert NORTHOVER

20 Aug; Robert so Nicholas Nocyter

26 Nov; Rebecka illegitimate do Mary GA........?



21 Oct; William so Morgan SAMWAYES



8 Sep; Mary do Henry CRIB



5 Apr; Brigit do Thomas and Mary RALLENS

19 Apr; Sarah do Robert and Sarah FFRYER

1 May; Richard so Edward and Thomasine CRIB

5 Jul; Joane do Michael and Ann NOCYTER

13 Sep; Mary do John MATHEW

5 Nov; John illegitimate so Eliabeth PITMAN

22 ?; John so William RALLENS

; (Rallens was crossed out and an illegible word written above it)



29 Aug; Joane do John MULLENS

19 Sep; Elizabeth do Richard NORTHOVER



3 Apr; Andrew so John DICK

?  ?; Joseph so Joseph BARTLET

7 Aug; Elizabeth do John MATHEW

21 Sep; Richard so Michaels NOCYTER

1 Nov; Agnes do Edward DISKET

4 Nov; Elizabeth do Edward and Avice QUAN

20 Nov; Elizabeth and Joane daughters of James CURLAND



29 Jan; Ema do Robert and Sarah FFRYER

28 May; Elizabeth do Mathew BONGER



1 Jan; Joane do James MULLENS

27 Apr; Alice do James and Edith CURLAND

23 Jun; Richard illegitimate so Thamosine CRIB

28 Jun; Henry so Mathew BONGER

3 Nov; James so James DISKOT

17 Nov; John so Thomas CURLAND



13 Apr; Judith do John CROOME

28 Sep; Morgan so William SAMWAYES

? Oct; .....? so Edward CRIB

9 Nov; Jane do Richard NORTHOVER



18 Jan; Katherine do Robert and Sarah FFRYER

5 Apr; James so Bryant PRESLEY

26 Apr; Eleonor do John DISKOT

21 Jul; Rachel do Morgan HOLMAN

22 Nov; Matilda do James and Edyth CURLAND

29 Nov; Agnes do James MULLENS



?  ?; John so James and Margaret STEVENS

6 Nov; James so James and Margaret STEVENS



10 Mar; Edith do William and Rebecca MASTERS

23 Mar; Mary do Andrew and Dorothy SYMONDS

1 Nov; James so James and Agnes RALLENS

1 Nov; Ellenor do James and Catherine EBBER

21 Nov; Ann do Edward and Thamosine EGERTON

27 Dec; John so Robert and Alice MASTERS



1 Jan; John so Angel and Mary HUSSEY

9 Mar; Mary do Thomas and Edith FFREEMAN

21 Mar; Mary do John and Abbey BYSHOP

27 June; Dorothy do Julius and Dorothy SQUIB

29 May; Alice do Robert and Joan NOCITER

21 Jul; George so Robert and Dinah NORTHOVER

31 Jul; Sarah do Hugh and Sarah RALLENS



15 Jan; John so James and Agnes RALLENS

14 Feb; Joane do Richard and Mary GENG

28 Mar; Catherine do Nicholas (or Morgan) and Catherine SAMWAYES?

18 Apr; Mary do George and Mary WALDRON

27 Apr; William so William and Rebecca MASTERS



7 Jan; William so James and Agnes RALLENS

eodem dic        Thamar do Edward EDGERDON

22 Feb; Dorothy do Andrew and Dorothy SYMONDE

25 Feb; Elizabeth do Robert and Alice MASTERS

1 Mar; Mary do Julius and Dorothy SQUIB

25 Mar; Angel so Angel and Mary HUSSEY

22 Apr; Agnes do John and Abbigail BISHOP

12 Sep; Richard so Richard and Mary GENGE

10 Sep; Joseph so Thomas and Edith FREEMAN

21 Oct; Samuel so John and Sarah JACOB?



12 May; Ann do Robert and Alice MASTERS

16 Jun; Margaret do Edward and Thomasine EGERTON

30 Jun; Malthea do Hugh and Sara RAWLENCE

27 Jul; Thomas so William and Rebbecca MASTERS

11 Sep; Benjamin so Simon and Mary RIDGWAY

17 Oct; Richard illegitimate so Agnes DISKOT

27 Oct; Andrew so James and Agnes EBBER



23 Mar; John so Morgan Arthur and Catherine SAMWAYES

17 May; Robert so Robert and Alice MASTERS



10 Feb; ......? do Richard  .........?

15 Mar; Sarah do Thomas and Edith FFREEMAN

21 Mar; Margery do Edward and Thomasine EDGERDON

23 ?; Andrew so George and ......? WALDRON

14 Oct; Hannah do Robert and Alice MASTERS

23 Oct; James so William and Rebecca MASTERS

31 Oct; Grace do James and Helen EBBER



31 May; John so William John and Mary MATHEW

2 Oct; Mary do Stephen and Margery PENFOLD

11 Dec; Joseph so Richard and Mary GENGE




18 Jun; Symond so Edward and Tamosin EGGERDON alias Scott

3 Sep; Morgave so John and Sarah JACOB



4 Jul; John so John and Joane CROME

10 Aug; Tamsan do Morgane and Cataran SAMWAYES



20 Jan; Dorothy do Stephen and Margarit BENFILL

7 Sep; Anne do John and Sarah BEGEN

1 Nov; John so John and Jane CURLIN

27 Dec; John so Richard and Mary GENGE



26 Apr; Hannah do William and Rebecca MASTERS



21 Mar; Charity do William and Elizabeth CLARKE

23 Mar; Elizabeth do John and Sarah BEGEN



6 Jan; Anne do Thomas and Ann FOOKE

13 Feb; .......? so John and Jeane CROOME

17 Apr; Henry so Thomas and Edith FFREEMAN

19 Oct; Frances do John and Joan CURLIN



7 Jan; Ruth do Stephen and Margaret BENVILL

28 Jan; Mary do William and Rebecca MASTERS

8 Feb; Thomas so Thomas and Ann FOOKES

18 Mar; John so John and Sarah BEGEN

2 Apr; Joseph so Alexander and Rachel HAZARD

23 Dec; Edward so William and Elizabeth CLARKE

27 Dec; Eleanor do Arthur and Judith CRIBB



14 Feb; John so John and Susanna FFRYER

20 May; Mary do Thomas and Jeane FREEMAN

24 May; John so Robert and Joane RANDOLL

18 Sep; Diana do John and Sarah BEGEN

26 Dec; Elizabeth do Morgan and Catherine SAMWAYS



15 Apr; Daniel so Thomas and Anne Fookes

22 Apr; James so William and Rebecca MASTERS

9 Jul; Jeane do Thomas and Jeane FREEMAN

16 Oct; Edith do John and Joane CURLIN

7 Dec; Elizabeth do Edward and Mathew AGGERNE

26 Dec; John so Samuel and Anne WALDRON



16 Mar; John so John and Mary WALDRON

28 Mar; Joseph so John and Jeane CROOME

24 Oct; Mary do John and Susanna FFRYER

28 Dec; Richard so Richard and Elizabeth NORTHOVER



7 Jan; Elizabeth do Stephen and Margaret BENVILL

24 Apr; Ismael illegitimate so Elizabeth SUSHERS

30 May; Joane do Robert and Joane RANDOLL

19 Jul; Josias so Morgan and Catherine SAMWAYS

4 Nov; Elizabeth do Thomas and Jeane FFREEMAN

5 Dec; Mary do Samuel and Anne WALDRON



9 Feb; Mary do John and Mary WALDRON

17 Apr; James so John and Joane CURLON

16 May; Thomas so Thomas and Elizabeth ROLLES

21 May; Eleonor do Edward and Mathew AGGERNE

9 Sep; John so Angel and Mary FREEMAN

16 Nov; James so John and Susanna FFRYER

1 Dec; Richard and Thomasine son and dau of Richard and Eleonor CRIBB



10 Mar; Henry ROBERTS base born so .........? ROBERTS and Alice NOSSITER



12 Jan; Thomas SYMONDS posthumous so Thomas

? ?; Richard so Richard and Joan GENGE

? ?; Mary do John and Elizabeth GO......?

? ?; Mary do Henry and Elizabeth READ

25 Nov; Mary do Arthur CRIB



27 Feb; Elizabeth do Richard and Mary TOMKINS



7 Jan; Margaret do William and Elizabeth COMBE

7 Jan; Thomasine do Edward and Jane SQ...?

8 Feb; Richard so Edward CLARKE

2 Feb; Lydia do John and Lydia FFRYER

2 Apr; Jane do Richard and Edith CROOME

2 Dec; James so George and Mary GOLLOP



16 Jan; Henry so Richard and Diana CRIB

12 Sep; John so Richard and Jane GENGE

21 Sep; Martha do Arthur CRIB



2 Feb; Joseph so John CROOM

26 Apr; Betty do William and Elizabeth COMBE

16 May; Elizabeth do Richard and Diana CRIB

5 Jul; Josiah so John COMB

12 Aug; Margaret do John TIDBY alias Garrett



6 Aug; John so Edward and Elizabeth CLARKE

18 Sep; John so John and Elizabeth CLARKE

? ?; Elizabeth do Richard and Diana CRIB

27 Nov; Richard so George and Mary GOLLOP

? ?; ...........? of Arthur CRIB



26 Jun; Mary do John and Elizabeth COLE



31 Jan; Elizabeth do John and Elizabeth GOLLOP?



30 Mar; Susanna do Richard and Jane GENGE

21 Sep; Macimilian so Maximilian GARDINER?

27 Sep; Thomas so Arthur CRIB

7 Nov; ...........? do James CURLAND

10 Oct; .............? of John GARDINER



17 Jan; ...........? so Edward CLARKE

7 Sep; Elle? do Richard and Diana CRIB

30 Oct; William SHEPPARD, posthumous son of Elizabeth

17 Dec; Rebecca do James CURLAND



20 Mar; Josias so John GOOK

3 Apr; John so Henry and Jane? WALBRIDGE

10 May; Mary do John and Elizabeth SYME

29 May; John so Thomas and Mary HARDY

1 Jul; Mary do Christopher WALBRIDGE



8 Mar; James so John FFRYER

1 Apr; Elizabeth do Arthur CRIB

5 Sep; ...........a? do John MUCH of Bexington

10 Sep; Thomasina do Richard CRIB

15 Nov; .........? so John FREEMAN

19 Nov; Thomas so James CURLAND



13 Mar; ...........? do Joseph FREEMAN

14 Apr; George so Christopher WALBRIDGE

15 May; S..........? do John SYMS

25 Sep; James so Henry SAMWAYS

19 Nov; Sara do John GOOK

8 Dec; Mary do James MASTERS

18 Dec; Maria do Thomas HARDY



10 Feb; John so George WALDRON

10 Feb; Jane do Henry WALBRIDGE

8 Mar; Mary do Thomas and Mary HARDY

11 Nov; Mary do John FFREEMAN

17 Nov; Angel so Joseph FFREEMAN



24 Feb; Susanna do John FFRYER

22 Mar; Henry so Henry SAMWAYS

12 May; Mary do Richard CRIB

14 Oct; Abigal do James MASTERS

29 Dec; William so Nicholas HINDE of Lytton Cheney



3 Jan; Thomas so Thomas HARDEY

31 Jan; Elizabeth do Christopher WALBRIDGE

3 Apr; Hester do John SYMS

12 May; Susanna do John GOOK

28 Aug; Joseph so Joseph FFREEMAN



8 Apr; Sarah do John BISHOP

25 May; Martha do John FFREEMAN



25 Feb; John so Henry SAMWAYS

16 Mar; James so Joseph FFREEMAN

3 Apr; Edith do James MASTERS

16 Apr; Sara do John FFRYER

25 Apr; Jane do Richard CRIB

6 Aug; Mary do Gregory MILLER

23 Oct; Mary do James NORTHOVER

3 Nov; James so Thomas HARDYE  born 3:00am 2 Nov

28 Nov; John so John SYMS



29 Jan; Israel do Christopher WALBRIDGE

22 Apr; Caleb so George WALDRON

29 Jul; James so Joseph FFREEMAN

30 Sep; Gregory so Gregory MILLER

8 Nov; Elenor do Henry SAMWAYS



12 Jan; Dorothy do Thomas HARDY born on Saturday Feb 13 between 6 & 7am

8 Apr; John so John NORTHOVER

2 Aug; Mary do Henry BISHOP

22 Aug; Martha do John CROAD

13 Nov; Ruth do William HAUSFORDE

29 Dec; Ralph so Gregory MILLER



3 Mar; Robert so George WALDRON

19 Jun; Mary illegitimate do Elizabeth CURLAND

17 Jul; Policarp? (maybe Richard) so Joseph FFREEMAN

26 Nov; Rebecca do James MASTERS



18 Jan; James so Thomas HARDY

29 Mar; Richard so William HANSFORDE

30 Jul; Richard so James NORTHOVER

14 Aug; Ralph so Gregory MILLER

13 Nov; Margaret do George WALDRON



5 Jan; Henry so Samuel and Anne CRIB born 2 Jan between 6 & 7am

9 Jan; Elizabeth do John and Elizabeth NORTHOVER

17 Mar; Richard so Richard VINCENT

28 Apr; Ruth do William HANSFORDE



3 Jul; Martha do George and Martha WALBRIDGE

22 Jun; Frances do William and Ruth HANSFORDE

6 Jul; Robert so Thomas and Mary HARDY



5 Feb; Betsy do James and Jane NORTHOVER

8 Mar; Joseph so George and Elizabeth WALDRON

14 Dec; Sarah do Richard and Anne VINCENT

23 Dec; William so James and Elenor SANWAYS



24 Jan; John, Henry and Isabell sons and dau of George and Martha WALDRON

2 Mar; James so James and Jane NORTHOVER

19 Jul; Ellenor do Samuel CRIBB

18 Aug; Elizabeth do Gregory MILLER

24 Sep; John so John and Susanna CROOMES

3 Nov; John so Henry and Mary NORTHOVER



19 Apr; Elizabeth do John and Catherine TRIVISS

17 May; Joseph so James and Elenor SAMWAYS

31 Aug; Mary do Thomas and Mary HARDY

13 Sep; Abram so George and Elizabeth WALDRON

26 Oct; Mary do John and Elizabeth NORTHOVER

12 Nov; Elizabeth do Elias and Elizabeth TRIVISS

17 Dec; Richard so Joseph and Susanna CROOME



30 Mar; Henry so Richard and Jane VINCENT

23 May; Samuel so Samuel and Hanna CRIBB

27 Nov; Richard so Joseph and Susana CROOME



29 Jan; Jane do Elias and Elizabeth TRIVISS

2 May; Lucia do George and Martha WALLBRIDGE

16 May; Samuel so Henry and Jane SAMWAYS

23 Aug; Anna do Thomas and Mary HARDY

27 Sep; Mary do William and Ruth HANSFORD

14 Dec; Jane do John and Grace TOMPSON



4 Apr; John so James and Elnor SAMWAYS

2 Nov; Jone do James and Jone NORTHOVER

16 Nov; Elias so Elias and Mary WILLIAMS



5 Feb; Mary do Henry and Eviss BISHOP

19 Feb; Mary do George and Elizabeth WALLDREN




11 Jul; Mary do Gregory and Mary MELLER

5 Nov; Lucie do George and Martha WALLBRIDGE

5 Nov; John so George and Martha WALLBRIDGE

5 Nov; Henry so George and Martha WALLBRIDGE



16 Mar; John so James and Elnor SAMWAYS

23 Mar; Jane do Richard and Jone VINSON

6 Jun; Mary do John and Grace TOMPSONE

31 Jul; Anna do Edward and Anna CLARKE

13 Nov; Mary do George and Elizabeth WALLDREN

27 Nov; Charity do Joseph and Susana CROOME



26 Feb; Anna do Elias and Elizabeth TRIVISS

27 Oct; Robert so John and Elizabeth NOTHER (maybe Northover)

15 Nov; John so Richard and Mary CLARKE



1 Feb; Elizabeth do Joseph and Susanna CROOM

24 Apr; Richard so John and Elizabeth CLARKE

20 May; Elizabeth do John and Grace TOMPSON

7 Oct; Alice do Gregory and Mary MILLER

5 Dec; Elizabeth do Edward and Ann CLARKE



4 May; Mary do Elias and Mary WILLIAMS

11 May; Diana do William and Ruth HANSFORD

7 Sep; Betty do John and Elizabeth CLARKE

16 Nov; Mary do Thomas and Mary TREVET



11 Jan; Joseph so Joseph and Susanna CROOMBE

12 Jul; Thomazin do Gregory and Mary MILLER

25 Oct; Catherine do James and Eleanor SAMWAYS

22 Nov; Joan do Hugh and Mary BOATSWAIN



14 Feb; Mary do Elias and Elizabeth WILLIAMS

7 Mar; Mary do Edward and Anne CLARKE

14 Jul; Grace do John and Grace TOMKINS

14 Jul; Elizabeth do George and Elizabeth WALDRON



13 Feb; Hannah do John and Elizabeth HARDY

29 May; Lydia do Elias and Elizabeth TRAVERS

30 Oct; Richard so Richard and Mary CLARKE



8 Jan; John so John and Elizabeth CLARKE

15 Jan; Mary do James and Mary NOTHER

26 Feb; Joan do William and Ruth HANSFORD

4 Mar; Sarah do John and Catherine TRAVERS

12 Aug; Matthew and Joseph sons of Joseph and Susanna CROOME

24 Oct; Ann do Elias and Elizabeth WILLIAMS



16 Jan; Richard so John and Elizabeth LUMMON

? Apr; John so John and Grace TOMKINS

? Sep; James so James and Mary NORTHOVER

? Dec; Edward so Richard and Mary CLARKE



22 Mar; Elias so Elias and Elizabeth WILLIAMS



22 Nov; Mary do Joseph and Jane HAWKINS



6 Mar; Joan do John and Grace TOMKINS

18 Sep; Thomazin do John and Elizabeth LUMMON

?  ?; Mary do James and Grace SAMWAYS

2 Oct; Richard so James and Mary SAMWAYS



1 Jan; Mary do Henry and Mary SAMWAYS



1 April; John so Joseph and Jane HAWKINS

21 Oct; Eleanor do Henry and Mary SAMWAYS

16 Dec; Betty so James and Grace SAMWAYS



13 Jan; Sarah do John and Grace TOMKINS

30 Jan; Joseph so Richard and Mary CLARK

17 Mar; Sarah do Joseph and Sarah KELLAWAY

19 May; Betty do John and Elizabeth LUMMON



30 Jan; Elizabeth so John and Mary SYMES

29 Mar; William so John and Mary THORNER

10 Dec; Jane do Henry and Mary SAMWAYS



28 Jan; Catherine do James and Grace SAMWAYS

25 Mar; Robert so James and Mary NOTHER



15 Sep; Richard so Richard and Dorothy VINCENT

29 Sep; William so Nicholas and Edith SNOOK

13 Oct; Mary do John Gale and Mary TREVET



19 Jan; Henry so John and Elizabeth LUMMON

16 Feb; Elizabeth do James and Mary NOTHER

13 Jul; John so Henry and Mary SAMWAYS

21 Sep; Joan do James and Grace SAMWAYS

14 Dec; Joseph so Nicholas and Edith SNOOK



13 Jan; Judith do John and Mary SYMES

29 Feb; Richard so Thomas and Dorothy WAKEFORD

11 Jul; Mary do Nathaniel and Sarah THORN

1 Aug; Jenny do Richard and Dorothy VINCENT

5 Sep; Sarah do John and Mary THORNER

10 Oct; Jean do Israel KEECH

10 Oct; Deborah do John and Elizabeth LUMMON

12 Dec; Jenny do John and Sarah ANGEL



9 Oct; Harry so Richard and Anne BISHOP

23 Oct; Betty do Gregory and Mary MILLER

11 Dec; James so Nicholas and Elizabeth SNOOK

25 Dec; Elizabeth do John and Elizabeth LUMMON



25 Mar; Henry so Henry and Mary SAMWAYS

1 Oct; Betty do Thomas and Dorothy WAKEFORD

1 Oct; Anne do Richard and Dorothy VINCENT



31 Jan; John so John and Sarah ANGEL

19 Apr; John so Richard and Mary DAMON

15 Jul; Elizabeth do Charles and Martha WHITE of Hawe

30 Sep; Mary do John and Elizabeth LUMMON

28 Oct; William so James and Grace SAMWAYS

31 Oct; Andrew so John and Mary THORNER



10 Feb; Jane do Nick and Elizabeth SNOOK

13 Jul; Betty do John and Sarah ANGEL

19 Oct; Samuel so Richard and Anne BISHOP



25 Jan; Henry so Thomas and Dorothy WAKEFORD

15 Feb; Timothy so John and Betty COLLINGS

16 Apr; Mary do John and Mary SAJNIES

3 May; Jenny do Henry and Mary SAMWAYE

7 Jun; Mary do John and Joan CLARK

14 Jun; John so John and Anne DYMONT



31 Jan; Anne so John and Elyth LUMMON

25 Apr; Mary do Nicholas and Sarah SNOOK

17 Nov; Sarah do Henry and Sarah WALLBRIDGE



2 Jan; William so Rick and Ann BISHOP

24 Jun; Mary do James and Mary TOMKINS

21 Aug; Joan do Henry and Mary SAMWAYS

25 Sep; Rebecca do Robert and Mary TOMKINS

16 Oct; John so John and Mary SYMES

27 Nov; Mary do Joseph and Israel NOTYER



23 Feb; Mary do Henry and Sarah WALLBRIDGE

1 Apr; Fanny do John and Elizabeth LUMMON

13 May; John so Nicholas and Elizabeth SNOOK

17 Jun; Elizabeth do John and Catherine HARDY



5 Jan; Betty do John and Joan CLARK

20 Jan; Thomas so Richard and Dorothy VINCENT

14 Apr; Richard so John and Thomasine PERHAM

2 Jun; Elizabeth do Richard and Susana TOMKINS

21 Jul; John so Robert and Mary TOMKINS

29 Sep; Elizabeth do James and Mary TOMKINS

31 Oct; Henry so John and Elizabeth WILLIAMS

22 Dec; Mary do Francis and Grace TREVET

22 Dec; Richard so John and Mary SYMES

29 Dec; Joseph so Joseph and Israel NOTYER



5 Jan; John so Abraham and Mary TIBBS

2 Mar; Elizabeth do John and Elizabeth GALE

20 Apr; Margaret do Edward and Phyllis CLARK

6 Jul; Edith do Henry and Mary SAMWAYS

7 Sep; John so John and Thomasin PERHAM

23 Nov; Robert so Richard and Dorothy VINCENT

30 Nov; Anne do Richard and Edith CLARK of Puncknoll



11 Jan; Mary do John and Elyth WILLIAMS

25 Jan; Mary do James and Joan STEVENS

5 Apr; Sally do John and Joan STEVENS

10 May; Robert so Robert and Mary TOMKINS

7 Jun; Elizabeth do Mary HARDY



24 Jan; James so John and Mary SYMES

21 Aug; Mary do John and Mary PEACH

18 Sep; Matthew so Abraham and Mary TIBBS

23 Oct; Richard so Richard and Edith  CLARK

25 Dec; Jane so John and Joan CLARKE



26 Feb; James so Richard and Susanna TOMKINS

7 Apr; Jane do James and Joan STEVENS

23 May; Elizabeth do James and Sarah NORTHOVER

25 Dec; John so Richard and Elyth MOWLOM



7 Jan; Elyabeth do Joseph and Elyth EVERETT

18 Feb; James so William and Thomasin HANSFORD

7 Nov; Richard  so John and Jone CLARK

9 Dec; Sarah do James and Sarah NORTHOVER



2 Jun; John so Henry and Elyth JOY

30 Jun; James so James and Joan STEVENS

7 Jul; Elizabeth do Richard and Edith CLARKE

25 Dec; Susannah do Richard and Susannah TOMKINS



1 Mar; Robert so James and Sarah NORTHOVER

15 Mar; Joseph so Richard and Elizabeth MOWLAM

29 Mar; John so John and Mary PEACH

27 Jun; Richard so James and Joan STEVENS

18 Oct; Robert so James and Sarah NORTHOVER

18 Oct; John so John and Joan CLARK

12 Dec; George so Thomas and Margaret RICHARDS



10 Apr; John so Robert and Ann WALDRON

8 Sep; Joseph so Richard and Elizabeth NORTHOVER

9 Dec; Henry so James and Joan STEVENS



15 Jun; James so Richard and Susanna TOMPKINS

27 Aug; George so Richard and Elyth MOWLAM

17 Dec; Richard so John and Joan CLARK



13 Jul; James so Richard and Susana TOMPKINS

6 Dec; Eadeth do William and Elyth LOCKET



23 Mar; Christopher so James and Joan STEVENS

27 Apr; Jenny do Richard and Elyth MOWLAM

8 Jun; Sarah do John and Sarah ANGEL

6 Jul; Henry so John and Mary KEECH

14 Sep; Richard so Rick and Elyth NORTHOVER

16 Nov; Mary do John and Jane  SPRAKE

23 Nov; James so Robert and Ann WALDRON



1 Feb; Betty do William and Elizabeth LOCKET

19 Apr; William so Jane and Sarah NORTHOVER

23 Aug; Richard so Richard and Susana TOMPKINS

20 Sep; John so John and Mary KEECH



7 Feb; Joseph so Joseph and Margaret CLARKE

10 Feb; Robert so Richard and Elyth MOWLAM

25 Apr; Ann base born do Mary CLARKE

26 Oct; Richard so John and Ann TOMPKINS privately baptised

29 Nov; Sarah do John and Ann TOMPKINS



9 Jan; Thomas so Thomas and Joan CROOK

9 Jan; Richard so John and Mary KEECH

17 Oct; Arthur and Dina son and dr of James and Sara NORTHOVER

25 Nov; Joseph so Elizabeth SOMS



27 May; Abigail do Joseph and Mary CLARKE

17 Jun; John so John and Mary KEECH

1 Jul; Robert so James and Joan STEVENS

1 Jul; John so Joseph and Martha GREEN

15 Jul; Elizabeth do John and Mary WALENS

28 Oct; Hester do John and Hester SOPER



31 Mar; William so Moses and Joan GIFFORD

3 Nov; William so Joseph and Martha GREEN

3 Nov; Elizabeth do John and Mary KEECH

3 Nov; David so William and Rose CALLY

10 Nov; Ann do John and Ann TOMPKINS

24 Nov; Ann do James and Mary SLADE



2 Mar; Bettey do William and Betty COZENS

21 Dec; Mary do John and Mary KEECH



16 May; Sarah do Robert and Edeth M............?

8 Aug; Mary do James and Mary PURCHASE



5 Jan; Benjamin so Joseph and Margaret CLARKE

16 Jan; Robert base born so Betty SYMES

13 Feb; Robert so Christopher and Mary BOATSWAIN

27 Mar; Thomas so William and Betty COZENS

8 Apr; John so William and Hannah COOMES

11 Sep; Isabella do Henry and Elner BISHOP

28 Sep; Mary base born do Mary TOMPKINS



12 Feb; Robert so Richard and Elyth PURCHASE

18 Jun; Betty do William and Jane DARBY

2 Jul; Susannah do John and Ruth PURCHASE

2 Jul; Hannah do John and Ruth PURCHASE

26 Nov; Mary do Christopher and Mary BOATSWAIN



4 Jun; Mary do William and Betty COZENS



6 Jan; John so Henry and Sarah SYMES

26 May; Ann do Joseph and Margaret HUMBER

1 Jun; Robert so James and Mary PURCHASE

25 Dec; Mary do Joseph and Agnes DAVIS

25 Dec; Robert so Robert and Deborah WALDEN

28 Dec; Henry so Henry and Ellner BISHOP



22 Mar; James so Henry and Sarah SYMES

18 Aug; Robert so William and Betty COZENS

24 Aug; Rhoda do Joseph and Patience NOTOYER

25 Oct; Eliza base born do Ann THORN



14 Feb; Jane do John and Elyth SYMES

13 Jun; Johanna base born so Mary TOMPKINS

23 Jul; Sarah do John and Mary KEECH



9 Feb; Edward so Robert and Deborah WALDEN

13 Mar; John base born so Sarah GIFFORD

20 Mar; John base born so Ann THORN

17 Apr; Richard so James and Mary PURCHASE

25 Mar; Mary do Joseph and Patience NOTYER

11 Sep; Elenor do Henry and Eleanor BISHOP

11 Dec; Richard so Henry and Sarah SYMES

28 Dec; Giles so James and Sarah COOMES



3 Jun; James so John and Elizabeth SYMES

24 Jun; James base born so Mary TOMPKINS

22 Sep; William so Nicholas and Martha HINE

28 Oct; Susannah do William and Betty COZENS


The following baptisms recorded the child's date of birth date



17 Mar; Jane do James and Sarah COOMES; 27 Feb

23 Jun; Mary do Henry and Sarah SYMES; 22 May

28 Jul; Mary base born do Lydia THORN; 11 Feb

24 Aug; Robert so William and Anne PURCHASE; 22 Aug

3 Oct; Jane do Henry and Eleanor BISHOP; 8 Jul

9 Oct; Joseph so Joseph and Patience MOTYER; 5 Feb

20 Oct; Mary do Isaac and Sarh DEVNISH; 4 May

25 Dec; James so Robert and Mary NORTHOVER; 9 Jul 1788

25 Dec; Catherine do Robert and Mary NORTHOVER; 25 Nov 1792



11 May; Hester do John and Betty SYMES; 25 Apr 1793

15 Jun; James Stevens so John and Mary SAMWAYS; 26 Feb

15 Jun; Eleanor do Robert and Deborah WALDRON; 16 Jan

20 Jul; John so Nicholas and Martha HINDE; 7 Jul

7 Sep; Richard base born so Mary CLARKE; 17 Jul

9 Oct; John so James and Sarah COOMES; 17 Sep

22 Nov; Anne base born do Elizabeth TOMPKINS; 19 Oct

16 Nov; Samuel so William and Betty COZINS; 1 Oct



11 Jan; Martha so James and Mary PURCHASE; 12 Jul 1794

20 May; William so Henry and Sarah SYMES; 6 May

31 May; Robert so Robert and Ann NORTHOVER; 25 Dec 1774



14 Feb; John so Robert and Elizabeth WALDRON; 20 Jan

8 Mar; Jane do John and Mary SAMWAYS; 26 Feb

20 Mar; Ann Werkley do Nicholas and Martha HINE; 7 Jul

25 Sep; Richard so Henry and Elanor BISHOP; 24 Jul

25 Sep; Thomas Francis so Joseph and Patience MOTYER; 20 Mar

12 Nov; Esther do Henry and Sarah SYMES; 9 Oct 

13 Nov; William so James and Sarah COOMBES; 16 Oct

27 Nov; James so James and Mary PURCHASE; 24 Oct



19 Mar; James so Robert and Ann NORTHOVER; 11 Feb

27 Apr; Aaron base born so Sarah GIFFORD; 7 Dec 1796

27 Apr; Elizabeth base born twin dauś of Sarah GIFFORD; 7 Dec 1796

27 Apr; Methusalem so Joseph and Patience MOTYER; 18 Apr

30 Apr; William so William and Betty CURZONS; 3 Apr

23 May; David so Nicholas and Martha HINE; 10 Mar

12 Nov; John so Daniel and Susanna HOBBS; 16 Oct



3 Jun; Job so Nicholas and Martha HINE; 10 Mar

24 Jun; Mary do John and Ann PURCHASE; 10 May

15 Jul; Henry Stevens so John and Mary SAMWAYS; 25 May

25 Jul; Mary do James and Sarah COOMBS; 5 Jul

7 Oct; Priscilla do Henry and Ellner BISHOP; 18 Aug



17 Feb; Ann do Joseph and Patience MOLYER; 25 Dec 1798

19 May; Henry so Thomas and Elizabeth TREVETT; 10 Mar

4 Aug; Joseph so Robert and Ann NORTHOVER; 11 Jun



27 Apr; Joseph so Henry and Sarah SYMS; 6 Apr

19 May; Thomas so Nicholas and Martha HINE; 23 Apr

25 May; John so Richard and Elizabeth CLARKE; 29 Mar

15 Jun; Betty do James and Sarah COOMBES; 26 May

15 Jun; Richard Stevens so John and Mary SAMWAYS; 16 May

23 Dec; William so John and Ann PURCHASE; 11 Dec

25 Dec; Mary do Robert and Deborah WALDRON; 5 Dec



10 May; William so Robert and Lydia COOMBES; 7 Apr

5 Oct; Henry so William and Barbara WARREN; 5 Oct 1800

8 Oct; James so Nicholas and Martha HINE; 14 Jul

8 Oct; George so Joseph and Patience MOLYER; 14 Mar

6 Dec; Ruth so William and Ann PURCHASE; 9 Nov

27 Dec; Mary (about 12 yrs) do William and Jane DERBY;



21 Feb; Betty do Robert and Ann NORTHOVER; 20 Jan

14 Mar; Ann do James and Sally COOMBES; 14 Feb

13 Aug; William Purchase so William and Anne BRYANT; 20 Jul

22 Aug; Elizabeth do Richard and Sarah SAMEWAYS; 27 Jul

25 Dec; Judith do Henry and Sarah SYMES; 24 Nov



10 Jan; Richard so Richard and Elizabeth CLARK; 10 Jan

5 Feb; Hester do John and Hannah SYMES; 10 Jan

6 Feb; Jane do Robert and Lydia COMBES; 17 Dec 1802

6 Mar; Jane do James and Mary PURCHASE; 27 Jan

6 Mar; Henry so William and Sarah DAVIS; 29 Sep

3 Apr; John so George and Elizabeth THORN; 3 Mar

10 Apr; Mary do John and Mary SAMWAYS; 7 Feb

1 Aug; Maryann do John and Charlotte CLARK; 16 Jul

22 Aug; Charles so Richard and Ann GALE; 27 Jul

5 Oct; Mary do Nicholas and Martha HINE; 29 Sep

13 Nov; Elizabeth Betty do Mary NORTHOVER; 12 Oct

14 Nov; Benjamin so Joseph and Ann CLARKE; 18 Oct



22 Jan; Hannah do James and Sarah COOMBS; 30 Dec 1803

10 Feb; Anne do William and Anne PURCHASE; 25 Jan

12 Feb; James so Richard and Elizabeth CLARK; 21 Jan

1 Apr; Mary do John and Mary WALDEN; 9 Mar

6 Apr; Richard so Joseph and Patience MOTYER; 13 Feb

6 Apr; Sarah do Robert and Anne NORTHOVER; 20 Feb

8 Apr; Henry so Henry and Sarah SYMS; 23 Mar

10 Apr; John so Amy FERRY;; 8 Jul 1803

6 May; Thomas so Nicholas and Martha HINE; 7 Apr

3 Jun; William so John and Mary ATKENS; 2 Feb

2 Sep; Joseph so William and Deborah RYSALL; 8 Aug

23 Sep; Sarah do George and Elizabeth THORN; 17 Aug

2 Dec; Joseph so John and Charlotte CLARK; 25 Oct

16 Dec; Fanny Gibbs do Arthur and Atery NORTHOVER; 19 Nov



16 Jan; John so Benjamin and Anne BISHOP; 4 May

3 Mar; Marian do Richard and Sarah SAMEWAYS; 20 Jan

5 May; Hannah do Robert and Lydia COOMBES; 14 Apr

19 May; Ann do John and Mary WALDRON; 23 Apr

6 Oct; Elizabeth do Nicholas and Martha HINE; 7 Apr

27 Oct; Richard so John and Hannah SYMES; 1 Oct

8 Dec; Jane do Richard and Elizabeth CLARK; 15 Nov

22 Dec; Harriett do John and Sarah HAWKER; 20 Nov



25 May; Elizabeth do George and Elizabeth THORN; 30 Apr

1 Jun; Margaret do John and Charlotte CLERKE; 20 Mar

1 Jun; Susannah do William and Ann PURCHASE; 31 Jan

27 Jul; Ann do James and Mary PURCHASE; 29 Jun

7 Sep; Ann do James and Ann TOMKINS; 12 Aug

7 Sep; Elizabeth do John and Mary WALDRON; 18 Aug

21 Sep; Charity do Arthur and Attreg NORTHOVER; 31 Aug

24 Sep; John so Robert and Lydia COOMBS; 21 Aug

30 Nov; Ann do John and Ann BELLRINGER; 6 Nov




18 Jan; John so Robert and Mary NORTHOVER; 25 Sep 1796

19 Apr; Richard so Robert and Ann NORTHOVER; 3 Apr

19 Apr; Sarah do Thomas and Elizabeth TREVET; 22 Mar

25 Jun; Isaac so Nicholas and Martha HINE; 28 May

3 Sep; Maryanne do John and Mary ATKINS; 31 Aug

25 Dec; Mary do James and Anne TOMPKINS; 23 Oct



6 Mar; Joseph so John and Charlotte CLARK; 9 Feb

19 Mar; Sarah do James and Ann TOMPKINS; 16 Feb

20 Mar; William so Benjamin and Ann BISHOP; 25 Feb

11 Sep; Joseph so John and Hannah SYMES; 15 Aug

11 Sep; Susannah do John and Mary WALDRON; 21 Aug

25 Sep; Frederick so Arthur and Audrey NORTHOVER; 23 Aug

25 Sep; Ann do William and Ann PURCHASE; 22 Aug




22 Feb; Elizabeth do John and Sarah HAWKER; 22 Feb

19 Mar; Jemima do Richard and Mary NORTHOVER; 30 Jan

3 Jul; William so Richard and Elizabeth CLARKE; 28 Jun

29 Oct; Moses so Thomas and Elizabeth FRENCH; 22 Sep

10 Dec; Elizabeth do John and Charlotte CLARKE; 10 Nov



7 Jan; John so John and Margaret WALDRON; 4 Dec 1809

8 Jan; Henry do Richard and Mary NORTHOVER; 6 Dec

20 May; William so James and Ann TOMPKINS; 28 Apr

9 Jun; Richard so Robert and Elizabeth NORTHOVER; 4 Apr

2 Dec; Edith do William and Ann PURCHASE; 28 Oct



9 Jun; Mary Ann do Robert and Mary STEVENS; 8 Jul

9 Jun; Henry so Arthur and Atery NORTHOVER; 15 Mar

9 Jun; Jane do Henry and Mary NORTHOVER; 31 Mar

10 Aug; Aley do James and Ann TOMPKINS; 25 Jul

1 Sep; Sarah do John and Sarah HAWKER; 10 Aug

25 Dec; Henry so Jonathan and Elizabeth HOUNSELL; 11 Jun



19 Jan; James so John and Mary WALDON; 26 Dec 1811 

19 Apr; Sarah do Nicholas and Martha HINE; 30 Mar

24 May; Mahala do William and Martha CHANT; 6 Apr

6 Dec; Ann do James and Ann TOMPKINS; 10 Nov

20 Dec; John so John and Charlotte CLARK; 14 Nov

25 Dec; Jane do Robert and Sarah STEVENS; 2 May

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