These Marriage Registers were first transcribed by the Revd Richard Grosvenor Bartelot MA (1868-1947) (RGB) who was the vicar of St Georges Church Fordington (1906 - 1936) and a great historian and genealogist. They were published with the permission of the Revd Samuel Edward Valpy Filluel M.A (1855-1931) the Rector of All Saints Church (1892-1918) when Richard Bartelot described the register as :-
1654 [Note:- The original document is badly water damaged down the right hand side and where text is missing I have indicted by a series of dashes ------. In some cases because of the repetitive nature of some text it is possible to anticipate the missing text which I have added in square brackets in italic]
Water [Walter] GILLIT and Cathern [Catharine] GENGKING? [JENKINS?] published three ----[Lords days] and were married the 7 of November (PR)
Richard FOY of St Peters parish and Judeth BISHOP of -----[this parish?] being published three Lords days were married the 14 -----(PR)
Thomas GIE & Frances PEACE both of this parish being published three ---- [Lords days] were married 16 of January (PR) [Note:- the wife of Thomas GUI was buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on 28th June 1705] 1655 Robert LEMMON [LEMON] of Pulham & Mary BISHOP ----[were] published three Lords days were married the ---- (PR) (RGB has 24 May) [Note:- a son Robert was bap All Saints 2nd June 1656 and one of them signed the oath of Loyalty to King Charles II on 31st August 1681 - Their son Robert married Tamsen HOLGRANE at St Peters Church on 9th Feb 1681/2] William FFLOUD & Jane PURDIE were published ----[three Lords days] and were married the 21 of June (PR) James CHINCHIN of Lanthon & Elizabeth VINE were published three Lords days and were married ---- (PR) ( RGB has 24 June)
George HELLARD and Mary SPRAGG both of th---- [this parish were ] published three Lords days and were married the 24 ---- (PR) (RGB has 24th July)
Salathiell HUNT of Avon in Hampshire & Jane MELLER of ---- [this parish] were published three Lords days and were married the 8 of ---- (PR) (RGB has 8th Oct) [Note:- Salathiel is a recognised biblical name meaning asked or lent of God] William BOYES of this parish and Anne DOWLE of Forington [Fordington] were ----[published] three Lords days and were married the 15 of October (PR)
John AYLLWORD [Allwood] and Margaret HEIT (or HOIT) both of this parish were ----[published] three Lords days and were married the 18 of December (PR) {Note:- child John bap AS 11th Oct 1656 ] William BARTLET and Margreat SANWAY [SAMWAY] both of this parish ---- [were] published three Lords days and were married the 20 of December (PR) [Note:- Margaret SAMWAYES (1620-1700) was baptised at Holy Trinity Church on 8th May 1620 the 1st child from the marriage of Robert SAMWAYES to Alice PERIN at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 26th May 1619. Their 2nd, and only other child, John Samwayes was also baptised at Holy Trinity on 15th June 1623. Her father Robert SAMWAYES then died and was buried at HT on 24th Apr 1633 followed by her younger brother John on.30th July 1635. The death of her mother Alice SAMWAYES nee PERIN on 11th Oct 1637, left Margaret on her own at the age of 18. By the time she marries here at All Saints in 1655 she is 35 somewhat older than the average of 25 and more difficult for a first birth in the 17th Century. They appear to have settled in Mappowder however after marriage as the register simply headed "Birthes" (Image 6 of 92 on states " 26 Apr 1657 Margerie BARTLET daughter of William BARTLET and Margaret his wife was borne". All entries in this register simply refer to them as being born. "William BARTLETT was buryed" then appears in the burial register (Image 18 of 92) under the date 28th September 1659. Strangely only 2 days after William's burial under the date 30th Sep 1659 in the Births Register appears the entry :- " Margerie BARTLET daughter of Margaret BARTLET Relict of William BARTLET Deceased was born". (Image 7 of 92). Her daughter Margerie has not died {according to the burial register) so I assume this is just an attempt by Margaret to ensure her daughters baptism is properly acknowledged by the church. Another possibility is that the original registration was in fact a private baptism done at the bedside (first and only baby at the age of 37?) and the second her formal baptism before the congregation in the church which was often recorded by other Rectors as being 'received into the church'. Margaret herself lives to the age of 80 and dies at Mappowder, simply recorded under the heading "Buried Anno Dom 1700 : May 16 Margaret BARTLET Widow. " I have not looked for her daughter. In terms of William BARTLETT's ancestry, he does not appear to fit in with any of the existing families in Dorchester and I think that is because he simply married in his brides parish in accordance with tradition. Parish Registers for Mappowder like All Saints and St Peters In Dorchester, only survive from 1653 because of the Civil War but I think there are strong indications that Bartlett families were prominent in Mappowder from before that. The Baptism register is a good guide as 3 of the first 5 Baptisms have the surname BARTLETT. A closer examination shows that there are only 7 baptisms and they are all in the period 1652/3 to 1657. The last of those is our William and Margaret's daughter. They relate to 3 young families that probably all got married soon after returning from the Civil War which was over in 1651 and it seems likely that they were all related in some way. The first was a Thomas and Elizabeth Bartlett who have 2 children, Thomas in Mar 1652/3 and Elizabeth in Nov 1653. Having named both children after themselves is an indication that they were their first children and probably therefore married in 1651 before the start of Mappowder registers. Thomas the father was then buried at Mappowder in July 1678 and left a Will. His first bequest is to leave 20 shillings to the poor of Mappowder and another 20 shillings to the poor in the parish of Fordington . Clearly Thomas had close family ties to Fordington and may have even been a grandson of Robert BARTLETT Junior (bur1624) who had a son Thomas baptised at Fordington in Aug 1592. We will never know for sure because of missing records. Returning to Thomas and his Will, he then leaves their house which he has named 'Thurnett' to his wife Elizabeth for life and after her death to his daughter Elizabeth now the wife of Richard CHANNING Gentleman. Two things are immediately apparent. First he was relatively well off by standards of the day at least comparable to Robert BARTLETT (bur.1579) and his immediate descendants in Fordington. Secondly Richard CHANNING and Elizabeth his daughter are well known to me because of the death of the 2nd of their 7 children namely Thomas CHANNING (1679-1705) who was murdered by his wife Mary CHANNING nee BROOKS for which she was tried, found guilty and burnt at the stake at Maumbury Rings in Fordington on March 21st 1705/6. George FISHIT of [Holy] Trinity parish and Susanah TAILER [Taylor] of this ----[parish] were published three Lords days and were married 26 of ----(PR) (RGB has 26th Dec) 1656 John BUNN of this parish & Joane BESSE of Warmwell were ----[published three Lords days and were married the 25 of March (PR) Richard SQIBB [Squibb] & Margreat [Margaret] TAILER [Taylor] both of this parish publised three Lords days and were married the 7 of (PR)(RGB has July)
William ARNOLL [Arnold] of this parish & Ann TAILER [Taylor] of ---- were published three Lords days and were married ---(RGB has 19 July)
Charels [Charles] ASTEN [Austin or Austine] & Cathren [Kathren] CHEPPLE both of ----[this] parish were published three Lords days and were married ----(PR)
Jacob [Surname illegible but RGB has COALE] of this parish and ----[her name is illegible but RGB has - Eideth DICKER of Monkton] [Note:- child John bap AS 5th Nov 1657 ] ----[Christian name is illegible but RGB has Samuell] ALLEN & Joane MARTEN were married the ----[day is illegible but RGB has 11th] December 56 (PR)
William BASCOMBE of forington [Fordington] & Tamsen BUTLER of this parish were married the 25 of December (PR)
1657 Edward CHEAPMAN [Chapman] of this parish & Ann ADAMES [Adams] of Munton were married the 4 of April (PR) [Note:- Munton probably refers to Monkton which means 'of the monks' but there are 3 parishes of that name. By far the closest and most likely is Winterborne Monkton but parish registers do not survive from that period] Henery HARBEN and Margery BULLICK [BULLOCK] both of this parish were married the 25 June (PR)
Wm [William] BARTLET of this parish Sisly HARBEN of Charminster were married the 22 of September (PR) [Marriage repeated at Charminster:- The 22 September was maryed William BARTLETT of all Saynts in Dorchester to Sisly HARBIN
Nicholas BUNN of Puddlehinton & Amee MEADER of this parish were married the 24 of September (PR) [Note:- This marriage was first carried out at Piddlehinton on the 17th September 1657 but repeated here in the brides parish the following week. A child Thomas son of Nicholas Bunn was bap at AS 8th March 1662/3 having been born 18th Mar 1661/2] A Hiatus until :- [marriages for 1658-1662 inc missing] 1663 John WILLIAMS of Melcombe Regis & Jane HALL married the 20 April (PR) Thomas WHATLY & Ledia HOBBS married the 20 of April (PR) [Note:- IGI incorrectly has Leida HOBBS - Children (1) Thomas bap AS 17 Apr 1664 (2) Robert bap As 7th Apr 1666 (3) Ann bap AS 27th Feb 1668/9 - His wife Lydia was buried at AS on 30th Sep 1689] Mr Thomas WALKIT of London & Mrs Mary MILLER of this parish were married the 5 of May (PR) [NOTE:- IGI incorrectly has 10th May - listed by John Hutchins in his 'The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset's ' Mr. Thomas WALKIT and Mrs Mary MELLER of All Saints married 1663' so would have been a significant marriage] Henery PALL [PAUL] of Broadwinsir & (blank) the 10 May (sic) (PR) Wm [William] GALTON [GAULTON] & Angell LONDON married the 15th of June (PR)
1664 Thomas HOBBS and Susanah WHATLY married the 9 of May (PR) Israel SHEPPARD and Ann PEACH were married the 19 of May (PR)
Robert HAMPER (Dampier) & Joane PHEPARD [PHIPPARD] were married 1 February (PR) 1665 Thomas DRAKE & Martha WADE were married 7 August (PR) [Note:- child Frances bap AS 26th June 1666] 1666 Zakeriah (Zachariah) BROWES & Sisiliah SMITH were married April the 28 (PR) [Note: Sisillah is an old form of Cecilia e.g. used in 13th Century - she died and was buried at All Saints on 13th Oct 1669] George MABER & Joane CHEAPMAN were married May the 1 (PR) John KEECH & Hannah TAYLOR were married September the 28 (PR) Nathaniel MILLER & Ann ASTEN were married November the 1 (PR)
1667 John ELERRY & Susanah STEVENS married November the 7 (PR) 1668 John GAYLARD and Ffrances WATTS were married 31 March (PR) William COLLMAN & Joone [Joan] HOBBS were married 11th May (PR) William LILLINGTON & Mary PADDOCK were married 23 July (PR) Robert BUNN & Margrett MERRYFFELD were married 26 October (PR)
Edward CLINES & Elenour STRONGE were married 16 February (PR) ![]() ![]() Dorchester Trade Token dated 1669 Around the outside it says "DORCHESTER ARMES OF" on the front and "A DORCHESTER FARTHING" on the back 1669 Elizabeth DAWBENEY widow & Andrew BUCKLER (In Common Pleas 23 Car 2 (Memb 526) it is stated that John DAUBENEY and Elizabeth d of Andrew BUCKLER were married at Dorchester 20 Mar 1669).[Note:- this is not in the actual parish register and was presu=mably added by RGB from the source quoted]
William BILES & Joannah HELLARD were married Mar the 6[th] (PR) [Note:- William BILES [BYLES] was a quaker and he and his wife Joannah had 5 children born and recorded by the Quakers Meeting held in Dorchester:- (1) Elizabeth born 3rd April 1670 baptised at All Saints 14th June 1670 (2) William born 12th Nov 1671 and baptised at All Saints 12th Jan 1671 (3) George born 4th July 1673 (4) Joanna born 1st Jan 1675 and (5) John born 31st Jan 1678.] 1670
John COLLENS & Bridgit THORNELL were married August the 4th (PR) [NOTE:- IGI has COLLINS] Richard RIALL & Alce [alice] SPRACKLIN were married September 1 [st] (PR) [NOTE:- IGI has SPRAKLIN] Water [Walter] TOOGOOD & Ann HARBEN were married March the 8th (PR)
John GAILARD & Joane FUSSELL were married March the 23 (PR) 1671 Thomas CURTIS of this parish & Marie THOREW of St. Peters [in Dorchester] married April 25th (PR) Salathell NORRES [query NORRIS] & Elizabeth ASTEN were married June the 28th (PR) [Note:- Salathiel is a recognised biblical name meaning asked or lent of God - Children:- (1) John Norras [Norris] bap All Saints Church Dorchester 22nd Sep 1674 (2) Nathaniel Norras [Norris] bap All Saints Church Dorchester 22nd Sep 1674 (3) Salathiel Noras[Norris] buried FStG 4th Aug 1678 (4) Elizabeth Norres [Norris] bapt FStG 25th Apr 1680 Buried FStG 27th June 1680. ] Joseph RIALL & Jane GENNY were married August the 3rd (PR) William LAMBERT & Elinor HELLGROVE were married - November 13th ( image 28 of 580)
(2) Ann Lambert buried at All Saints Church Dorchester 12th Sep 1675 and recorded as the daughter of William and Elinor Lambert ] 1672 Thomas BILES & Marie MICHELL were married June 13th (PR)
Henary WHIFFEN & Bridgitt BRINE were married November 7th (PR) 1673 Roger GRAY of St Peters & Grace BUTLER of this parish were married 20 May (date illegible in PR) Richard WILSON of Melcombe Regis & Cecil DIRDOE of this parish were marryed 24 Jul (date illegible in PR) George SHEPHEARD of the parish of Holy Trinity in Dorchester & Avice JEFFERIE of this parish were marryed 7th August (PR) [George is the son of Lawrence and Elizabeth SHEPPARD and was baptised at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 20th July 1651 so was 22 years old at marriage] Philip HUCHENS & Joane BANKS both of this parish were maried 29 September (PR) John SHERINGTON & Esther SANDERS both of this parish were maried 2 October (PR) [Note:- IGI incorrectly has surname as Cherington] George CLYNE & Anne MARTEN both of this parish were maried 9 October (PR) Alexander SHERINGTON & Catheren BUTLEN were maried 14 February (PR) 1674 Richard BUTLER of this parish & Marie WALLES of the parish of Holy Trinity were maried 4 June (PR) John FLOUD & Susanah MINSON both of Banton were maried 15 August (PR) (i.e. Bothenhampton) Richard TOOGOOD of Stroten & Sarah BAYLAN of this parish 27 October (PR) [Note his parish may be Stratton as a Richard TOOGOOD was buried in the parish on 27 Nov 1564 so some evidence that the family was in that parish] Thomas DICKER of Broadway & Christian READ of Melcombe Regis were maried 24 December (PR) Robert HELLARD & Lucie JOY both of this parish were maried 28 January 1674/5 (PR) 1675 John STILL of the parish of St Peters & Alice SEALE of this parish were maried 1 January (PR) Edward VINSON of the parish of Holy Trinity & Martha STURMIE of this parish were maried 8 July (PR) Samuel EAMES of Fordington Rebeckah MANTLE of this parish were maried 4 November (PR) 1676 Henry WALBRIDG of Abbotsbury & Israell MEADEN of Puncknoll were maried 29 June (PR) John STRONG & Alice TALLY (i.e.TOLLEY) both of Lothers and Bothinghampton 9 September (PR) Israel SHEAPERD [Shepherd] of this parish & Dorithe HURDEN of the parish of Holy Trinity were maried 26 December (PR) [Note:- This is Isreal SHEPPARD's third marriage - see his marriage to Ann Peach on 19th May 1664 - Link to more Information - Unfortunately Dorithy died as well being buried at AS on 6th Feb 1680/1] 1677 Jeremiah FORTUNE & Joane COKER both of the parish of St Peters were maried 8 Apriell (PR) John WAY Rector of Chelburie in Dorset & Margerie LARKOMBE of Powerstock in ye same Countie were marryed 6 June (PR) [Note: John WAY was appointed rector of West Chelborough 20 Feb 1672 - Incorrectly recorded on the IGI under surame of RECTOR] William RIALL of Lillington in Dorset & Ellinor ROSE of Abbotsburie in the same Countie marryed 25 July (PR) Giles CHISMAN & Ffrances ROWE both of Yeovil in ye County of Somerset were marryed 4 October (PR) Anthonie GEORGE of Melcombe Regis and Catherine FFLUELLEN of the parish of All Saints in Dorchester were marryed 21 October (PR) Bernard WENTWORTH of the Borrow of Blandford & Jane WILLS of the Holy Trinity in Dorchester were marryed 28 October (PR) Robert SYMONS of Tinkleton & Barbara COWWARD of Tolpuddle 19 March 1677/8 (PR) 1678 Joseph HELLGROVE & Jane SALLAWAY were maried 22 September (PR) Thomas HEWLET & Marie TUCKSBURY was married 2 January 1678/9 (PR) William RACKLY (query RASHLEY) of Upway & Joane CRABB were maried 8 January 1678/9 (PR) William POLDEN & Sarah WINSER* both of Holy Trinity parish were maried 28 January 1678/9 (PR)[Note:- *This surname is also often spelt differently most common are:-Winsar, Winser, Winsor, Winzar, Winzer, Winzor, Windsar, Windzar, Windser, Windsor etc] Ephrain TUKXBURY & Sarah HARDING were maried 29 January 1678/9 (PR) 1679 John BARTLET & Margreat HOSKINGS were maried 22 April (PR)
(1) Marie Bartlett (1680-aft 1718) bap All Saints 20 July 1680; Mary married a Miller by trade called Joseph BALE [BEALE] (bur.1736) at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 8th Sep 1702. They settled to live in Upwey where they had 8 children between 1702-1718. Marie may be the Mary BEALL buried at Broadwey on 14th Mar 1730?. Joseph BEAL was buried at Upwey on 13th Apr 1736. (2) John Bartlett (1682-1682) son of John Bartlett was baptised at All Saints Church on 23 Apr 1682 and buried there on 20 Sep 1682 (3) John Bartlett (1685-1753) a maltster bap at All Saints on 29 Mar 1685. He married Lucy BENNETT at Wyke Regis in Dorset on 17th Nov 1709. Follow link for more information about his family. He left a Will dated 10th Aug 1752. (4) George Bartlett (1687-1731) bap All Saints Church in Dorchester on 11th Sep 1687; and apprenticed by his father on 24th Sep 1702 to a cordwainer (John SEAGER of Dorchester) to learn the trade. Appreticships in Dorchester were usually for 7 or 10 years and I suspect the former which was more common. He would have been qualified therefore late in 1709 and able to set up his own business. His first marriage was to Alice HUTCHINS (1690-1711) , the daughter of John and Elizabeth HUTCHINS, who had been baptised at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 1st May 1690. Alice had an older sister Eleanor who does not appear to have been baptised but was buried at Holy Trinity Church on 3rd Jan 1687/8. Alice's mother described as Elizabeth the wife of John HUTCHINGS was buried a year after her baptism on 24th May 1691 - so there were no more children. I have not been able to locate George and Alice's marriage but Alice was a beneficiary under the Will written on 13th May 1709 of a kinswoman Eleanor HUTCHTINS a widow of Dorchester which makes clear that she married George BARTLETT. Unforttunately Eleanor lived to 1716 so Alice never benefited from the bequest. George & Alice had a son Matthew BARTLETT baptised at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on the 7th Oct 1711. The birth does not seem to have gone well however as 18 days later Alice herself , described as 'ye wife of George BARTLETT, was buried at HT on 25th Oct 1711. Matthew their son only lived for 6 months joining Alice when he was buried at HT on 8th Apr 1712. George remarried on 26th Oct 1717 to Ebett FURMAGE (bur.1767) at St Peters Church in Dorchester. (Follow link for more information about his family). I have not located his burial but he died intestate in 1731 and a Letter of Administration for the estate of George Bartlet a shoemaker of Dorchester was granted to Ebett BARTLETT his widow and relict on 9th Oct 1731. Robert ANGLE & Margreat HELLARD were maried 25 April (PR) John HELLARD & Grace SENGER were maried 5 May (PR) [Note:- children:- (1) Robert bap 4th July 1680 and buried 22 Mar 1680/81 (2) 26 Jan 1681/2 - His wife Grace then died and was buried at All Saints on 19th June 1682] William GAULTON & Joane KEECH were maried 18 August (PR) [Note:- IGI incorrectly has Ganlton] Thomas MURRIE of Upway Marie WILCE of this parish were maried 24 November (PR) Joseph BISHOP & Marie ANTLE? (or ANTH for ANTHONY ?) both of this parish were maried 30 December (PR) John WINSER* [WINSOR] & Marie [Mary] GREENE both of this parish were maried [date illegible image 30 of 580 but probably January 1679/80 given baptism of 1st child] (PR) [Note:- *This surname is also often spelt differently most common are:-WINSAR, WINSER, WINSOR, WINZAR, WINZER, WINZOR, WINDSAR, WINDZAR, WINDSER, WINDSOR etc]
(1) John WINSOR Junior (1680-1779) bap All Saints Church Dorchester 26 Oct 1680 and married as John WINZAR to Joan BRAND at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 3rd July 1711 [Follow link provided for more information aboutv this family] (2) William WINSOR (1681/2-1738) bap All Saints 26 Jan 1681/2 Bequests to his children 1760: I have not been able to trace his wife but they had 10 children baptised at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester between 1706-1724. None of the baptisms include his wife's name but her name of "Sarah" comes from the burial records at All Saints church when her eldest daughter, named Sarah after her, died aged 16 months and was buried at All Saints Church. and her name is repeated at the burial of their son Joseph in 1717/18. The baptisms are so regular that it seems highly likely that William and Sarah married in 1705. Link to more information about his 9 children. William WINZER was buried at All Saints Church on 15th July 1738. (3) Samuel WINSER (1682/3-1761) bap All Saints 4 Feb 1682/3. Became an Ironmonger by trade. 1st Marriage was to Elizabeth HELLERD at Winterborne Came in Dorset (2.3 miles from Dorchester on 5th Feb 1705/6 Elizabeth was buried at All Saints Church on 21st Apr 1743. ----2nd Marriage to a Mary BEAL dau of Thomas Beal of Evershot. She was buried All Saints 5th Sep 1759 + LA ; 3rd Marriage to Ann WILMOT by licence 29th July 1760. Link to more information about his 3 marriages and his Will (4) Mary WINSER (1683-bef 1686) bap 22 Dec 1683 All Saints, not located a suitable death but presumably died prior to 2nd Dec 1686 when another child is renamed Mary who also dies in infancy (5) Philip WINSER (1684- aft 1760) bap All Saints 30 Nov 1684 ; From his brother Samuel's Will clearly living in 1760 as left £30 and also living are his children named as John £3; Richard £3; Willisam £3; Philip £3; Grace £5. The only likely marriage I have located is to Mary BARTLETT at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 17th July 1726. This is late to marry as Philip would have been 42 (ave 27) but follow link for more background. (6) Mary WINSER (1686-1688/9) bap All Saints 22 Dec 1686 - buried at All Saints Church recorded as Mary ye daughter of John and Mary WINSAR 10 Jan 1688/9 (Note:- another child bap Mary in 1695) (7) Steven [Stephen] WINSER (1689- ) bap All Saints 5 Apr 1689 ; No further trace, not in brothers will of 1760 (8) Thomas WINSER (1690/1-1756) bap All Saints 17 Jan 1690/1 He married at Steeple to Sarah WILLIS on 16 Feb 1717/18; follow link for more information. His wifedied in 1733 and Thomas WINDSER was also buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 5th March 1756 and left a Will dated 20th April 1754 which was proved at Sarum on 17th March 1756. (9) Christian WINSER (1692/3-aft 1760) bap All Saints 9 Feb 1692/3 ; She is left £10 in her brother Samuel's Will dated 1st Nov 1760 referred to as Christian WORDLE, and names her married daughter Christian Short - left £3, and son John Wordle -Left £3 and grandughter Elizabeth Wordle - Left £3. (10) Mary WINSER (1695-aft 1760) bap All Saints 15 Sep 1695 ; Appears to have been left £10 in her brother Samuel's Will dated 1760 referred to as my sister Mary MEECH; and to her married daughter Cathren Gape (11) Joseph WINSER (1698-1772) bap All Saints 11 Apr 1698, He married at West Stafford Dorset on 26th June 1720 to Rebecca BONNETT (1698-1779) when they were described as both being from Dorchester.Follow link for more information about his family (12) Mathew WINSER (1701-1701/2) bap All Saints 8 June 1701 - buried All Saints 1st Feb 1701/2 (13) David WINSER (1702-aft 1738) bap All Saints 20 Dec 1702, described as David WINSOR and being from All Saints Parish he married on 17th Nov 1723 to Anne BAILY in her parish of St Peters Dorchester. Unfortunately Ann died being buried at St Peters on 18th June 1724. David again described as being from All Saints Parish remarried at St Peters Church in Dorchester to Elizabeth ARNOLD on 27th Apr 1725. 1680 Machais BARNES & Alce SCUTT were maried 10 April (PR) [Note:- Link to Micheas BARNES (1598-1681) for more information] Henery RUSSELL of Coskumb & Ffrances CLARKE of the parish of All Saints Dorchester were maried 27 June (PR) Robert DEAVENISH & Amy DICKER were maried 3 July (PR)
Jonathan LEDOZE & Marie SEWARD were maried 26 Aug (PR) [Note:- child Marie was bap AS on 3rd Nov 1681]
John HAGGARD & Deborah RASKER were maried 30 March (PR) Arthur HOGGES & Rachell THORNE of Upway were maried 26 April (PR) Israel STOY of Abbie Milton [Milton Abbas?] & Joane SCOTT of Blandford were maried 30 May (PR) James RADALL and Marie WALDRON both of Swier were maried 25 July (PR) Joseph COLMER & Susannah HAWWARD (Sic) [HAYWARD?] both of Abbisbury were maried 10 Nov (PR) Mathew HUTCHENS of the parish of St Peters & Elnor BARLY of this parish were maried 19 Nov (PR) John SYMMES & Frances GILHAM were maried 7 January (PR) John POUNCER (Sic) & Mary GAPE were maried 16 January (PR) Robert TOMES & Dorithy GENGE were maried 6 February (PR) George HELLARD & Elizabeth SEVIARD were maried 14 February (PR)
Nicholas SLADE & Jane HAGGARD were maried 21 February (PR) 1682 John GAWLER & Frances EDWARDS were maried 4 April (PR) William HANSFORD & Marie HALLET were maried 8 April (PR) John COMDEN & Mellesant DULAND [DEWLAND] were maried 25 May (PR) Thomas KAINES & Anne SUMMERS were maried 3 June (PR) [Note:- The last will and testament of Thomas KEYNES (1653-1731) Gentleman of Anstey in the parish of Hilton in Dorset can be viewed via this link] Henry READ & Agnice ANTHONY were maryed 25 June (PR) [Note:- IGI has 26th June] Nicholas HOPS of Littleinch & Joane GAWLER of Hollwell in Sumersett were maried 1 September (PR) Robert BRIDGE of Puddle Trynthead [Piddletrenthide] & Marey COLEMANT widdow were maried 16 Nov (PR) Sturten DAWE of Best Stoke & Frances MYNTRUNE [Mintern] were maried 12 Dec (PR) 1683 Jon. [John] HONEY of Winfruit [query Winfrith Newburgh?] & Lidiah MILLER were married 10 April (PR) William LOWMAN of Piddle Henten [Piddlehinton] & Lidiah TADDEY were married 14 April (PR) John EDMUNDS of Pooll [Poole] & Elizabeth TURMAN were married 30 May (PR) John WEDGE of Falmouth & Rose SANDERS of Upway were married 5 July (PR) William EDWARDS & Margrett TUXBERY were married 11 October (PR) John SHEPHARD & Elizabeth ELLIS were married 14 October (PR) William DOWLE of Fordington & Honour CLENCH were married 8 Nov (PR) 1684 Thomas STANDLEY of Wormell [query Warmwell?] & Martha ASTEN was maried 2 June (PR) William HEWLETT & Mary HUTTEN was maried 6 November (PR) Thomas ARNOLL & Ann DOWLE was maried 30 December (PR)
1685 Thomas BUNN & Mary SLEAD [SLADE] was maried 17 September (PR) [Note:- Thomas BUNN who was Parish Clerk of All Saints from circa 1692 until his death was buried at All Saints on 13th Sep 1705 leaving a Will dated 2nd June 1705 - See Wills Index. Mary was also buried at All Saints on 25th April 1712 and also left a Will dated 18th Nov 1711 proved on 27th May 1712. This will confirms her maiden name as SLADE as she left a bequest to her brother Nicholas SLADE] 1686 William BASCOMBE & Ann DALEY was maried 27 June (PR)
(1) Ann Bascombe bap All Saints Church Dorchester 6th Apr 1687 (2) Tamsen Bascombe bap All Sts 25th Dec 1688 (3) Bathsheba Bascombe bap All Sts 10th Apr 1691 (4) Sarah Bascombe (1693-1693) bap All Sts 9th July 1693 and buried there 23rd Sep 1693 1687 Phillip HUTCHENS & Elinor EDWARDS was maried 27 October (PR) Steven COWARD & Hanah GREENE was maried 17 November (PR) Thomas HEWLATT & Elenour BANKS was maried 26 December (PR) Nicholas GILLINGHAM & Mary GRIFFEN was maried 28 December (PR) Robert POLDEN & (blank space) was maried 6 February (PR) Joseph HARVEST & Alce TACKELL both of Waymouth was maried 22 March (PR) 1688 Marshall JOAGGUTT & Elizabeth KEATT was maried 11 June (PR) John COLE & Rachell RAINES was married 16 September (PR) 1689 William HARRIS & Elizabeth LENINGTON was maried 25 December (PR) Thomas CHESELL & Edeth LOCK 16 January 1690 Moses SNOOK & Mary PITT was maried 20 April (PR) Thomas BUNN & Mary DOWLE was maried 30 October (PR) Richard BLANDAMOUR [BLANDAMER] & Susannah BAGWELL 24 December (PR) John MANIARD & Susanah GALLEY 9 February (PR) 1691 Andrew DAMYEN of Frampton & Eunice COMDEN of Compton Valance was maried 23 Aug (PR) Richard ARNOLL & Elenor HELLARD was maried 17 Dec (PR) [Note:- Richard ARNOLL was baptised at All Saints church Dorchester 13th March 1664/5 the 3rd child from the marriage of William ARNOLL to Ann TAYLOR who married 19th July 1656 - See his parents marriage for list of his siblings. Elenor may had died from complications in childbirth as she was buried at All Saints on 23rd Sep 1692] 1692 Thomas HACKER of Elmester [query Ilminster] and Mary ELLARY was maried 17 Nov (PR) Isaac LACY of Charminster & Tamisen RANDEL was maried 18 February (PR) 1693 Robert BILCKE of Stepleton [Winternorne Steepleton?] and Alice BARNES of Forrington Fordington were married 3 May (PR) [Note:- Link toAlice BARNES widow of Micheas BARNES (1598-1681) for more information] Cornelius WAY of the parish of Holy Trinity & Edeth HELLARD of this parish was maried 18 May (PR) William STRONG of Lyme Regis and Mary BRADISH of Dorchester was maried 23 Aug (PR) Joseph BISHOP & Susannah DAVY of Brideport was maried 11 Sep (Note:- her surname is illegible on PR & comes from RGB transcription) Samuel FFASEY [query Facey] & Judeth GEY both of this parish was maried Oct 3 [Note:- His surname has been written in lots of different ways eg FASY; FASEY; FASSEYE; FACY; FACEY; FEASEY; and FAICY; her surname is given as GYE in RG Bartelots transcription - His surname is indistinct in the parish register and her christian name is illegible on the image on Ancestry. Children from the marriage include:- (1) Samuel bap ASt 20th Aug 1694 and buried there 30th Aug 1695; (2) Elizabeth bap ASt 12th Feb 1696/7 (3) Samuel bap ASt 5th Nov 1700 (4) William died intestate and buried St Peters 13th Aug 1733, Letter of Adminsitration granted to his widowed mother Judeth 15th Aug 1733. Samuel FASEY Senior was buried at ASt's on 9th April 1730] 1694 [no entry at all in the parish register for this year] 1695 John FFROST and Joan GOOLD [GOULD] of Sidlinge [query Sydling St Nicholas ?] was maried 11 January (PR) 1696 Benjamin TURNER & Mary PALL [PAUL] was married 14 April (PR) [Note:- Mary PAUL was the 3rd child of Richard PAUL and the 1st child of his 2nd wife Elizabeth unknown and baptised at All Saints church on 4th April 1669] James STANDISHE & Darrathe [Dorothy] RAINOLSE both of this parish were married 7th August (PR) Thomas FROST & Jane BARTLAT [BARTLETT] were married 26 Dec (PR)
(1) Thomas bap ASt 7th Oct 1697 (2) George bap ASt 1699 (3) Christian bap ASt 20th April 1701 ] 1697 [no entry at all in the parish register for this year] In the month of October Robert GRIFFEN and Mary SKOT [query SCOTT or SCUT] both of this parish Oct (PR)
(1) Elizabeth Griffen (bap 1699-?) baptised at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 19th October 1699. She married to the 27 year old Andrew METYARD at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 12 Jun 1715 when aged just 16. (2) Mary Griffen (1700-1700) baptised at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 14th October 1700 & buried there 8th December 1700 (3) Hana [Hannah] Griffen (bap 1701-1709) bap ASt 9th March 1701/2 and buried there 03 Mar 1709/10 (4) Mary Griffen (1703-1707) baptised at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 8th February 1703/4 and buried there 7th Aug 1707 (5) Robert Griffen (1707- ?) bap All Saints Church on 21 March 1707/8. After his father's death in 1728 he appears to have wandered far and wide, probably going from one short term job to another before becoming unemployed and returned as a vagrant to Dorchester as his place of settlement by birth. At least two removal orders were made as vagrancy passes have survived which relate to him. The first was from Warrington in the County of Lancaster is dated 23rd Aug 1740. He appears to be on his own and he passed from House of Correction to House of Correction until he reached Sherborne on the 9th September 1740 and came onto Dorchester the following day. The second pass was issued at Linsey in Lincolnshire and dated the 15th May 1744. By then he states that he is married to a Sarah with an unnamed child and they arrived back at Sherborne on 1st June 1744 and were sent the same day onto All Saints Parish in Dorchester on horseback. Mary his wife then died being buried at ASt's on 01 Feb 1713/14 followed by Robert GRIFFEN Senior on 18 Feb 1728/9 ] 1699 John BROOKES of London in Fflat [query Fleet] Street and Mary CHANNELL of the parish of St Peters in Dorchester were married 6 March (PR) |